Street Party? For those of you not from the UK, it is a tradition of ours at times of national celebration, like today, to hold street parties. Residents apply to the local council for permission to close the road to traffic for the day, long tables are set up down the middle of the road, with party food, lots of cake and jelly for the children, and plenty of games to play
So today sees a virtual street party for you to join in, hosted by The Making Spot, a brand new website from Future Publishing. A fabulous prize is offered for one of you, with the chance to pick up lots of goodies as you hop along as well - scroll down to see my party parcel for you
I decided to make a banner. I printed some union jack flags off the internet, and used all red, white and blue (how fortunate that the USA and UK share the same flag colours, I was able to pick up the red white and blue ribbon to thread the banner)
All the banner shapes and embellishments were cut from the Birthday Bash cartridge, using my Cricut expression. The banners were cut at 8", the scallop layer in blue, and the straight edge in white. I decorated these with silver card candi from Craftwork Cards
This crown seemed very appropriate for today.....
I cut this sundae dish from one of the printed out Union Jacks........
and added some glossy accents to the cherry, and glitter to the 'cream'
and hop over to Kath's blog for more inspiration (there are some fantastic crafters taking part in this hop, so you are in for a treat, if you get inspired, be sure to click to follow them). You will pick up another letter there, and eventually be able to make a word which may win you the main prize
What am I offering as a prize?
A 60 sheet pack of 12 x 12 paper called Social Butterfly
A pack of pretty pastel butterfly brads
Some pink and cream chipboard butterflies
Three chalk inks, in pastel green, pink and lilac to coordinate with the rest of the prize package
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post (be sure to leave enough information for me to contact you should you win)
As usual, I will mail to anywhere in the world (thank you those who support my blog for making this possible)
I will draw a winner in one week's time, Friday 6th May, winner will be posted on Saturday 7th May
Last of all in this marathon post, it was my turn to set the challenge on the Polkadoodles blog this week. I decided on a colour challenge:
Any shade of blue, any shade of aqua, any shade of purple
The twist is that you have to use all three on your card
It is also our 'stashbox stamp' week, when the design team use stamps by other manufacturers, I used this rainy day girl by Sugar Nellie, and paper pieced her clothes, I rather like her polka dot wellies and coat. Papers were all printed from the Sundae of Seasons CD (don't forget you have until sunday to have a chance of winning the newest Polkadoodles CD, scroll down to the post to leave a comment
Definitely not a crafting day today, along with millions (billions?) of others around the world, I will be glued to the TV watching every minute of the celebrations. Finally, I wish William and Kate all the luck in the world, and hope they have a long, happy and joyous marriage. What a gorgeous young couple they seem. Enjoy the day everyone