The challenge over on Papertake weekly this week was a sketch, this is my take on it. (I tried to copy it to reproduce here, but as you know by now my computer skills fail me sometimes!) Anyway, click
HERE to go and see, and see a lot of awesome cards as well.
I used some paper by provocraft that has been hanging around for ever, the flower is cut from one of the papers and quite heavily glittered. Ribbon is by american crafts. It's a nice sketch, and one I will follow again.
I am off to London tomorrow to see my darling grandchildren for the last time for three months, and although I know I am very, very fortunate to have such a great lifestyle, I so hate saying goodbye to the little ones. Kiki is 3 1/2 now, old enough to chat on the phone to me, and I send her a parcel from America every month with a 'love you' card - I usually get her a little craft kit or something from Michaels or Joannes, and she is very proud of her creations when I get back home. Max however, is only 9 months, and that little lad is doing something new every day. His latest skill is to get to a sitting up position from lying down, and he practises it at every opportunity - he even goes to sleep sitting up! So we will see a huge change in him when we next see him. But hey, the joy when we see them again is fantastic. The upside is that I am getting emails from all my US friends, really looking forward to us getting back. It's quite good really, we are never in one place long enough for people to get bored with us.