Friday, 17 December 2021
Baubles for Daring Cardmakers
Friday, 10 December 2021
Trim the Tree for Daring Cardmakers
Friday, 3 December 2021
Elemental Inspiration for Daring Cardmakers
My Christmas cards are done, now for the bit I hate - writing and addressing them. Every year I feel as though just signing them simply isn’t enough when sending to a cousin or friend that I haven’t seen for years, so I sit there chewing the end of my pen desperately thinking of something relevant/witty/interesting to say, and let’s face it, the past few months have not been a barrel of laughs for any of us. There is not much you can say about the joys of masks/social distancing/isolation......maybe this year I really will just sign our names with a flourish and be done.....at least they will know we are still around 😁
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Chatsworth at Christmas
No card today but I thought you would enjoy seeing some photos of a recent visit to Chatsworth - especially those of you who live overseas and like to see how the aristocracy live.....shades of Downton Abbey!
Each year the house (the home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire) is decorated for Christmas, with dozens of Christmas trees, heaven knows how long it takes, it is a labour of love for me to get the baubles for one tree out of the loft....
This next room was decorated to celebrate the Nutcracker ballet, the dancer you see was inside a box that opened like a music box, with music from the ballet playing......

I hope you enjoyed your visit to one of England's most beautiful stately homes
Friday, 26 November 2021
Stockings for Daring Cardmakers
Friday, 19 November 2021
Silver, Aqua and a Dash......
The silvery snowflake background paper is from the Arctic Winter paper pad from Craft Label (isn't it gorgeous?). Snowflakes and NOEL word are dies by Spellbinders, and the silver circle is a MFT die
Pop over to Daring Cardmakers to see the inspiration over there, and we would love you to join in if you are getting into your Christmas cardmaking mode....
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Twelve Days of Christmas Card
I followed a very good tutorial on this particular fold by Paul Ford on YouTube. Here is the link He is well worth following if you like unusual folds for cards, or make mini albums. I love the way he is so organised, there is no faffing around on his videos
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Friday, 12 November 2021
Jolly Holly
Monday, 8 November 2021
It's been a while..........
Don't we live in a divided world these days? There seems to be no grey areas, just angry people who wear masks, and angry people mad at those who do. Angry people who believe in the vaccine programme, and angry people who don't. Angry people who believe so strongly about climate change they superglue themselves to roads, and angry motorists who believe they are nuts. It's quite difficult to tread the middle ground I find - but humour helps. It quite made my day when I saw someone wearing an Extinction Rebellion T shirt tucking into a plastic wrapped sandwich with coffee in a unrecyclable cup. Or see someone faithfully, wearing a mask as a sort of chin strap with nose and mouth uncovered. It was funny as things started to get back to some sort of normality how, when you bump into friends unexpectedly, there was a sort of hesitation...oops, no, can't hug you and those elbow bumps are ridiculous, let's just stand awkwardly a good distance away from each other and hope that's allowed
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Another Album!
A lot of work, but I was very pleased with it, and Lidia loved it!
I blame the pandemic, I was facing yet another groundhog day, idly browsing the web I found a Scan N Cut machine on eBay and bought it. Old friends may remember that I bought one of these in America when they were first released and found it very frustrating, so I gave up and sold it. All I want it for is cutting out stamped images and pattern papers. It arrived and was unpacked (with a lot of buyers remorse going on - it's an expensive pair of scissors!). But, hooray, it's a lot more responsive than that early model, and cuts beautifully. I now have enough stamped images cut to make about a hundred cards, better get colouring, but I can't stop cutting stuff out ...............
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Butterfly Kisses Star Album for Trimcraft
I really like that these albums can be left open to display the photos, when You are tired of one page, just turn it round for new photos......
Whilst the papers were out, I made a quick card with some of the leftover pieces. The rose was fussy cut from one of the papers, the die is by Spellbinders. The sentiment is from a sentiment sheet in the paper pad
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Plant a Flower - for Daring Cardmakers
So the new TV arrived. Perfect, super picture. But wait, it was too big for the console the old one stood on. Sigh.....back to the phone, back to more canned music and people telling me how important my call was to them. If I am that important, answer my call for heavens sake.....
The new larger console arrived in a coffin sized box, so a few not so happy hours were spent assembling it, the legacy of that is a very sore back. Not much time for cardmaking this week as a result of this, now I have projects to make, and no time to watch the new TV 😀
Friday, 26 February 2021
Practicing with pencils.......
Then there is the sheer frustration of remembering just as you are about to checkout that you need furniture polish.....in real life you would just dash to the cleaning aisle and throw one in your basket. Now I have to navigate through about six different menus to find the stuff. The other thing that I miss is bumping into people you know and having a chat for ten minutes next to the cat food. Somehow an automated message chattily asking me if I have forgotten tea and coffee this week does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. So I am pretty sure that this online food thing is not going to become a regular part of my life - even though Brian in the mask in the raspberry van seemed like a very nice chap
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Love was in the air!
It is 10 p.m as I write this, and I have just had an Ocado delivery - the only slot available this week. There is something rather bizarre about having a weeks groceries dumped on your doorstep by a masked man at 9.30 p.m.
Ocado amuse me by giving me plenty of warning that the van arriving will be the raspberry/strawberry/cherry van (they 'wrap' their vans with images of fruit or vegetables). Presumably they give me plenty of notice so that I can peer out into the darkness and check that the van outside my door is indeed the long awaited raspberry van, instead of slumping back onto the sofa muttering 'no, it's the cherry van, not mine'.
I mean, how many fruit covered vans are likely to pull up at your door in one day? Still, it's nice of them to warn me to expect raspberries. Enough waffling......now I have to go and unload the stuff before bed
Sunday, 14 February 2021
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day to all you romantics out there! Here's a card made with the Some Birdie Loves You stamp set by Clearly Besotted. I love those little toucans. The aperture was cut with a MFT die - I stamped some leaves on the 'waste' of the frame and slotted it onto the back
Following on from my musings about lockdown, have you noticed that our expectations when watching TV have totally altered - I am by no means a lockdown fanatic, but find myself tutting when people are interviewed without any social distancing. Nowhere is my newly conditioned mind more alert than when watching a soap - I admit to watching Coronation Street, the only soap I follow. Those poor script writers and actors! They try so hard to be current, but as the rules change frequently according to the spread of the virus, they now have children going to school, people going clothes shopping, on holiday........all things that were probably perfectly possible when they recorded the episode some weeks ago, but are now illegal. Actors who are living in the same house in the soap, now stand awkwardly at opposite ends of a room, even when one of them is in tears and clearly needs a hug. It must take special acting skills to appear sympathetic at those times. Then there are the people who bump into neighbours on the street, you have a group of three holding a casual conversation standing in a sort of triangle miles away from each other. My advice to the script writers would be to avoid any budding romances for a few months - it's hard to convey pent up passion when the actors can't get within six feet of each other.
In fact, screen writers really need to think ahead a little - one character in Corrie gave birth to quads last year, did nobody think of the problems this would cause in the future? Since their birth, only two babies have been filmed at a time, most of the time the actors playing the parents are seen dashing upstairs with armfuls of nappies to their invisible offspring. These kids must be about nine months old now, in real life you would have four little humans crawling around or tucking in to bowls of sieved veggies, but these babies are miracles, they have spent nine months confined to their cribs, and sleep all day. I can only imagine the conversations that must take place behind the scenes on the soap. 'Who had the crazy idea of FOUR babies? You're fired!'
Now I am off to watch more TV and put on my pandemic critics hat.....see you tomorrow