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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Day Three Promarker Blending set givaway...

 My turn to post over on the Letraset blog today, three cards from me, all made with my Promarker 'rainbow' paper. Pop over there to see, leave a comment, then pop back to leave your name below this post to be in with a chance of winning today's giveaway - the red blending set. As before, the winner will be drawn randomly from all the comments under this post, but this time, I would like you to leave a quick comment on Letraset's site as well - as you know, they are so very generous to Going Buggy readers, so it's only fair that we should return the compliment.....

The red blending set has:
Lipstick red, Red, Berry Red, Poppy, Burgundy and a blender pen

I had a lot of fun with this week's post, and was very happy with my 'rainbow' cards. Did I ever tell you that the literal meaning of my name, which is Welsh, is rainbow? I don't suppose I ever gave it much thought when I was a small child living in Wales, where everyone knew how to pronounce it, but by the teen years, we had moved to England,  I started to be embarrassed/irritated/shy about my name, which was always pronounced wrongly (you can call me Envis...................it doesn't rhyme with fizz or  envy!). This feeling persisted for most of my life, how I longed to be called Penny...... But then I had an epiphany. How lovely to have a name that means I can write Christmas cards saying just 'with love, Enfys and Mike'. None of the tortured little explanations that friends have to put..........'with love Sue and John (Brenda's sister, Yorkshire)' - (just in case we think it was from Sue and John (David's second cousin, Surrey). So now that I have reached my 'red hat' years (if you are too young to know what I am talking about, see below.....) for the first time in my life I really quite like my name. The only time I falter is in Starbucks, where they take your order and stand poised over your grande cup with a felt tip pen.....name please?............. pause. sigh. 'Penny' 

So in tribute to all those who have learned to live with the insecurities of their youth, and now don't care a fig, here is Jenny Josephs poem, which I love

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple


  1. one of my favorite poems and red is my favorite colour. Love the card! Thanks for the chance to win a set : )

  2. I love red color :)

  3. 3 fab cards on the Letraset blog - I would so love to some pens - this red set will be perfect for flowers or Christmas themes . thanks.

  4. I loved what you have done with the rainbow card that you created! It has inspired me to have a go. This is my first visit to your page & I want to go through it all!! So much to see & learn. I've decided to sign up to your page. Thanks for sharing your ideas to a beginer in colouring with these pens! :-)

  5. Really like your card.. I'm glad that I found your lovely blog through this giveaway =)

  6. Awesome card! I love the colors and the die!
    I have wondered how to pronounce your name... and I can relate! My name is much more common now and people don't have trouble with it, but when I was growing up, I dreaded having a substitute teacher at school. Invariably, when reading off the roster to take attendance, my name would be called as "Dennis" rather than "Denise". I could bet on it and I absolutely hated it!
    Off to check out the Letraset blog!

  7. It's never too early to practice, ha ha!

  8. What a happy card. I can relate to your story about your uncommon name. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Love that poem, I have it up at home and my kids will so NOT be surprised to see me dressed in purple! Love the pen set, fingers crossed xx

  10. great card!! I love the color blending..

  11. Hoping everyone has a rainbow kind of day. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  12. Oh reds, I only have one red in my pen set! Love your card, great use of colour x

  13. fab poem.....but mostly luv the meaning of your name.... I popped over on letraset blog and was excited to see those 3 tips and give them a go..always like to try different kinds of cards designs....thx for the chance to win a set...

  14. I loved your cards and I truly don't know which I like best.
    The butterfly one was adorable, The balloon one would be GREAT for a kids birthday, and the umbrella with those adorable clouds and boots is well just too cute.

  15. I love that poem and of course all three of your cards on the Letraset blog. I would love any of the sets of pens and appreciate that you are giving us a chance to win some.

  16. I love that your name means rainbow.

  17. Popped over and checked out the rainbow paper and cards. Wonderful!!! Such happy cards, even if there is a little bit of rain involved. TFS!

  18. This is so lovely card! Fabulous colors! Red is my favourite colour :)

  19. Great cards. Love the colours. Love these new promarkers. X

  20. I've always liked the colors red and purple. Now I like tem together! In fact, I even plant red and purple flowers in the planters in front of my house. Guess that tells you how old I am. Loved your cards on the Letraset blog. Your raindrop technique looks fabulous - will give it a try.

  21. I've always liked the colors red and purple. Now I like tem together! In fact, I even plant red and purple flowers in the planters in front of my house. Guess that tells you how old I am. Loved your cards on the Letraset blog. Your raindrop technique looks fabulous - will give it a try.

  22. Love your style of writing, and loved the part about your name :) I can somewhat relate, especially since my name was thought to be old at a time when everyone else had modern names..

  23. Love the rainbow paper, your card is so bright and cheery, warms up my cold and miserable winter day : )
    Thanks for the chance to win the markers, a great range of reds.

  24. I really would love to win this sooo much. You inspire me so much.

  25. A rainbow day! I just made a rainbow card, you must have read my mind

  26. 3 fab cards with rainbow effects, just amazing!!!! love the poem. Thanks for the chance to win this set.

  27. New to reading your blog and loving the ideas. Some more pens for my growing collection would be great!

  28. How wonderful that your name means Rainbow ;0) I love that poem too and will start to wear purple soon ;0) x

  29. Great card - I love the way you shaded :-)
    Thank you for telling us about your name - how lovely you are a Rainbow :-D
    I'm off to the Letraset bloggy now :-)
    IKE xxx

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog

  30. Love the poem Enfys, never heard it before. Thanks again for the give away. Sue x

  31. I've always loved this poem and would list one of my ambitions as to wear purple ( another set please?)

    I've done a rainbow effect before, Promarkers are so useful.

  32. Wow more beautiful colours love it :) x

  33. Omg beautiful... Would love a chance to win

  34. Love Promarkers they got me into colouring.

  35. Being a plain Jane, I really envy your lovely name. I've had a look at the Letraset blog and your cards there are brilliant, what fantastic ideas.

  36. Love your blog and Pro Markers :)

  37. Red is my favourite colour Enfys, but sadley pinks and purples suit me now......(but I mangage bright yellow and orange and red becuase I can !!) Love the all your cards !!

    hugs Diane xx

  38. Love the poem.
    Very nice card .
    Thanks for a new chance.
    Gr Elly

  39. A lovely poem, and a Nice color.

  40. I love that poem, there is a red hat group near here, but I haven't made it to a meeting as yet. Love the rainbow effect

  41. Beautiful cards over on the Letraset site Enfys.

    I hated my name whilst growing up because everyone told me it was a 'boys' name or tried to call me Antonia or Antoinette (I'm neither - just Toni) but I too think I've grown into my name...and my regular Starbucks know me so don't have to ask.

    Toni xx

  42. Love the reds one coliur i dont have many shades of x

  43. Good morning, Enfys! Having lived in Wales for the majority of my life, I know quite a few names that people struggle with, but I think Enfys is so pretty, especially when you know what it means!
    I just loved your 3 rainbow cards, your handmade paper complimented the simple design so well!
    I'd love to be in with the chance of winning the red pen set as it's always a colour I've found harder to use! Hugs, Lisa x

  44. I'm already wearing purple, so I'm ahead of myself. LOL! I've always hated my ordinary name and love having fancy names on the Internet. I have only got one red Promarker, so it would be lovely to win this set. Thanks to Letraset for their generosity and to you too Enfys for yours.

  45. I love red! The colour of strawberries! Tfs

  46. Loving the rainbow card! Thanks for the chance to win

  47. Totally loving the raindrop effect you managed. I must get myself some glossy accents! I shall be utilising the rainbow paper in crafts with the niblets when I visit them next month. So many ideas! Lizzie 8)

  48. Love rainbows - hadn't thought of creating backgrounds with my promarkers! Will have to give it a go :) x

  49. As always, I'm truly inspired to create after seeing your amazing cards! Love all 3 you posted on the Letraset Blog and love how different all 3 cards are! Thank you for always giving me a good kick in the rear to try something new!

  50. Red is my little boy favourite colour. Love the poem and wow another fab card. Thank you again for a chance to win a set x hugs x

  51. I love red, too! Actually, my favorite sun-hat is pretty lavender color, and I wear it with everything (even though I don't think I'm old). LOL. Lovely cards and thank you and Letraset for the chance to win. BethAnn M.

  52. Today is a great day for cards! I love them all. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us and teaching us technique too.

  53. Just popped over to see your latest card techniques. So cute!!

  54. Just popped over to see your latest card techniques. So cute!!

  55. Lovely....So bright and cheerful!!!

  56. Maryellen WebberThursday, July 17, 2014

    I love your colorful cards on the Letraset website. I always shorten my name when I am at a restaurant, for some reason Maryellen seems too difficult to say so I am known as Mel.
    I enjoyed the poem too.

  57. Really lovely rainbow cards from a rainbow gal.I have always loved your name. And more now that I know what it means. My mum used to say "Have a rainbow day" instead of goodbye. She would have loved your name too. Hugs, Jess

  58. I'm seeing red!!! In a good way though! Your card is adorable.

  59. Great idea to make the paper you want. I would love to have the promarkers so I could try it myself. Thanks for the chance to win. Don't have my red & purple on today, but I am old enough to love it!

  60. Beautiful card & post too. Enjoyed reading it.

  61. Do love all your cards, but these are really great. Hope to win the reds as red is my husbands favorite color.

  62. Love the card and your name. You are right up there with Elvis and Cher. Everyone recognizes them by their first name. Same with you!

    I have attended several strange "hat" lunches in my day, including one where a woman wore a small lamp shade on her head for lack of having a hat with her while on vacation! What fun!

  63. Would just love the red set Love your cards.

  64. Yes! I think the red colour is the hardest to get right.


  65. Your card is such fun with the vibrant colours. Love your post and the fun story about your name. While people may not be able to pronounce your name at first, at least they don't think you are a boy as they do when they first hear my name, which is really short for Cecylja but I haven't been called that since I was 16, which is a long time ago. Thanks for another opportunity to win some markers.

  66. Want a wonderful thing to have your name mean rainbow. It is a wonderful name. I am so bad at pronouncing names and I would be afraid I would say it wrong, but when I hear you say it sounds so musical.
    I love the poem and am so glad you posted it. We have had my 94 year old mother in law with us for 18 months. I wish she felt a little more like the poem. Monday we are moving her to assistant living. It is a lovely place and she really wants to go. It is all hard but you poem gave me some light. Thank you

  67. Rainbow... what a perfect translation for your name. I always think of the Wizard of Oz at the mention of a reainbow... and now your cards! Love the butterfly one in particular. And... red is a favorite color!

  68. Your balloon card is so cute and the poem is perfect. Red and pink are my very favorite colors. I would love to be picked a winner. Love all your ideas.

  69. I LOVE your rainbow cards! Great ideas!

  70. I just love everything. I have the set of Promarker's and would love to have the new one's.

  71. Love your rainbow cards and the fact your name means rainbow you should have that on your coffee angxx

  72. This is such fun, a great way to remind people about blog reading and the chance o win colouring pens!! Thank you xx

  73. I commented on the Letraset site, then on here, but that was a couple of hours ago and I don''t see it. So am trying again. I would love to win this red set, as I don't have many shades of red for blending.
    Laura Holt
    [Google will say I'm "unknown"]

  74. Love your new creations and the chance to win ProMarkers.

    Hugs, CyndiU

  75. I've been over the Letraset site - you've made some beautiful samples, as always! And I love your name - I live in Wales (though was born in Lancashire) so maybe that's why I knew how to pronounce it already ;)

  76. great card and a perfect translation for your name. Thanks for the chance to win.
    hugs, Helena

  77. Love your name, love the poem, and love Promarkers. Thanks for the chance to win some x

  78. Love your card and your musings about your name. It's good to be different you know. Pat x

  79. Enfys .. I don't know how I missed this one. Love all the cards and all the colors. Good luck to everyone.........

  80. these are gorgeous!

    Liz S.

  81. AWESOME POEM...have not seen it before but rings so true with those of us in life that are past the crazy young teen years!! When I first came across your site ..I thought...what an unusual name!! Then I thought..how lovely to have such a distinct name. Now tonight as I read this post...I totally get it!! Your name fits you so well...these are the three Dictionary.com definitions of your name ..."any brightly multicolored arrangement or display"..."a wide variety or range" and then "a visionary goal"!! WOW!! How can you beat that!!

    Hugs to you Enfys!!

  82. Sorry Enfys...got a little carried away...wanted to say...love your balloon card!!

  83. Love the rainbow of balloons, have always loved the poem, and have always loved the uniqueness of your name. Now that i know it means rainbow, i love it even more. Katie Winzer Wilson winzercastle@sbcglobal.net

  84. Love the card and the poem! I had never heard it before! Thanks for the chance to win the markers!

    1. My name is Jill Striegel. Sorry b it the only way I can enter is anonymously, as for some reason it will not accept my URL. It is asking for other info and I don't know what it wants!

  85. Great card and poem. Love the colour red! Thank you for the chance of winning.
    Janice x

  86. Love your name and the poem is brilliant.I too hated my name when I was young,but now I have a Princess named after me so I am well chuffed I was named Beatrice
    Hugs Bea x

  87. Many thanks for the chance to wins some pens, love your blog as well :-)xx Denise

  88. Have popped by the Letraset blog and left a comment. Super cards and love the rainbow effect. Lovely poem too. Thanks for the chance to win the pen set.

  89. Such a fun card and a wonderful poem. Better pop over to the Letraset blog right away...

  90. Oh Enfys, you do make me laugh. So glad you aren't Penny. Love the rainbow and the poem. I don't think I've ever seen the whole thing but I did recognise the first line so maybe...... Great post at Letraset. Hugs

  91. I just stumbled across your sight. I love your name and the poem since I have recently thought of doing the same, like mismatched coloured clothes.

  92. Thanks for the chance to win the red markers. I don't know how you do all you do.

  93. What a beautiful card! You are such a pro!!! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win! I really have to start using markers more, as the results you show us are just absolutely stunning!!!!

  94. Beautiful card & a beautiful name!
    I love having an unusual name and hate it when I have to share with another Gráinne :)

  95. Thank you for a chance to win - love the cards you have shared over on the Letraset blog especially the butterfly one.

  96. Love this card! The balloons are so cute!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x