Prima marketing has a big surprise to unveil, they are giving away a huge goodies package as well, one to North America and one to an international winner. I love those flowers, especially some of the fancy ones they have come up with lately, you know, the ones with the scrunchy edges. Yummy

No card today - I am trying to catch up with paperwork and stuff in between feeling sorry for myself nursing this cold. I was cheered up though when some blog friends thought of me and gave me this award. I am supposed to pass it on, so I am passing it on to all of you who come over here so regularly and cheer me up. Thank you
It came from

1. I once left my firstborn son in his pram outside a shop on my first outing after he was born - totally forgot I had a baby, and walked halfway home without him
2. I seem very organised and tidy in my house, but open a cupboard and you are likely to be killed in the avalanche
3. I frequently buy clothes, bring them home and find the identical item hanging in the wardrobe
4. I have never met the Queen (I know, that's a bit random, but I'm getting bored now....)
5. I would love to go to China
6. If I had to choose one food that I had to exist on for the rest of my life, it would be soup, glorious, tasty, homemade soup......
7. I am sometimes a bit slow on the uptake, I have only just realised that I could have put the most outrageous facts on here, and nobody would have known any different. A bit late now, can't be bothered to go back and make myself more interesting, pity, I could have told you about the passionate affair I enjoyed with a member of the royal family...................
Lastly, please pop over to the Core-dinations site, click on scrapbook blog, they have featured one of my cards there, I have no idea how they found it, but I am pretty chuffed that they did
See you tomorrow