Thursday 12 November 2015

NEC fun....

So last week was the Christmas craft fair at the NEC. My plan was to cruise around on Thursday doing a little bit of shopping, meeting up with friends, a spot of lunch. But the best laid plans.....

On Wednesday I had a plaintive message from my pal Kath, who was travelling down from Scotland to run the Fiskars workshops for four days. Her plane was cancelled and she was making the long trip down by train. I said I would collect her from the station and drive her to the show and help her set up.

So she arrived. The station is five minutes from the show halls. Except that we couldn't quite find where we were supposed to be. So round and round and round we drove, going the wrong way up one way roads, into lorry parks, down the wrong road again...I really shouldn't be allowed out unsupervised. Still, we eventually made it and got set up in record time, by which time Kath was quite worn out by the trials of the day......

While I opted for a more comfortable position....

but then we went over to the retail stand to help them set up as well.... 

Here is the cute snowman tag that Kath designed for the make and take sessions....

and she made some fabulous samples to decorate the workshop walls...

I did find time to wander around a little. I know some of you love those crazy birds, these are by David of Craft Obsessions (David and Brenda are two of the nicest people you could wish to meet, and run my favourite online store). I love this Christmas card..... 

 and I loved these little rag dolls, I forgot to make a note of the stand.....

Why am I always drawn to stuff that I can't make - I keep seeing sewing projects that I want to try. I don't have time to learn so I must stick to paper...

So that was pretty much my trip to the show, although I did pop back on Friday for a bit of retail therapy, and of course the evenings were taken up with my Fiskars buddies....

So after all that excitement, it's back to just me, some paper and a bit of ink, but I think I left my mojo behind at the show...see you tomorrow x


  1. What a great friend -- to rescue a friend in need! The pictures and escapades are wonderful...

  2. Through it all, it sounds like you did have a bit of fun. What a nice friend you are.

  3. You're a star Enfys, Kath must have been so relieved by your last minute help. The show looks great fun, enjoy the rest x

  4. You're a star Enfys, Kath must have been so relieved by your last minute help. The show looks great fun, enjoy the rest x

  5. Poor Kath, but how lovely that you were on hand to help her out.
    Toni xx

  6. You are a wonderful friend to help Kath out like that. That's what friend's are for, right? So glad things worked out in the end!!!

  7. a huge thank you for all your help and didn't we have a and frolics Fiskars style...hugs kath xxx

  8. Wow! bet that was hard work for you both. Lovely pics of those fab birds (no, not you and Kath!!). Pat x


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x