Tuesday 17 November 2015

Le Shoe...........

Have you tried the new craze for colouring books for adults? I was sent this book by Katy Sue Designs and had a lot of fun colouring.....

They have the most gorgeous shoe designs (they also do a similar book with a nautical theme)

I chose to use this fabulous shoe, and because I used very subtle colours, it looks even better in real life....

but popped into an Ikea frame, it is just perfect for my bedroom........

The plus points are that the designs are printed on very good quality paper, which can easily be removed from the book. I did find that using alcohol markers led to some bleeding around the image, but as I was cutting the image out this didn't matter. I will probably do the next one in Prismacolor pencils, another medium I enjoy using

You can find the books on Amazon HERE

It was certainly a stress buster, and I have already earmarked my next project....but until then, I am busy working on some Christmas cards. More about that tomorrow....see you then x


  1. Beautiful, love the coloring and design! I've seen a few books, and even bought my oldest daughter one!

  2. There have been some lovely Christmas themed books in the shops too Enfys.
    The shoe looks beautiful.
    Toni xx

  3. These adult coloring books are genius! It's so relaxing to just be able to color. I've picked up a few for Christmas gifts already. TFS

  4. Your shoe is gorgeous!!!! luv your color choice, I've been downloading the freebies but have not color them yet...You have inspired me to give it a try!!!!!

  5. Gorgeous! Looking forward to the next one. I just can't seem tog get he knack. Too heavy a hand. But I keep trying. Hugs Jess


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x