Saturday 21 January 2012

Sunny Days.....

The weather here has been so grey and dreary the past few days, I enjoyed making this card, it gave me the warm fuzzies and made me dream of summer. I am enjoying digging out old stamps that I think would look okay coloured with Aquamarkers, this one is a Hero Arts stamp that I have had for years and probably never used. In all honesty, I hardly had to do any colouring at all, just dabbed a bit of yellow and green here and there.  The yellow mat was punched with a Martha Stewart round the page punch, and the sentiment is by Craftwork Cards. I stamped the flowers twice, and popped the blooms up to make it a bit more interesting

Apart from messing around with pens, I am working really hard to get some samples done for Craftwork Cards to take to CHA. I had a couple of comments from people thinking I was going myself, not me, not this time, just my cards! Instead, I am going to the big trade fair in Frankfurt with Mandy, the owner of Scrappy-go-Lucky, and Diane, who lots of you will know as Capadia.
We are very excited because our hotel has a spa, which sounds a bit posh, it comes with a fitness center, (but we are totally disinterested in that, walking around the craft fair will be quite enough exercise for the day thank you) but we all rather fancy the sound of the heated pool, sauna and Thai massage. What is a Thai massage anyway? How is it different to other massages? If it involves people walking up and down my spine, or hot stones, I may sit that one out........ I will only be there for four days, leaving next Friday,  but have already lugged a huge suitcase down from the attic. Well, you never know do you?

See you tomorrow, when, hopefully, samples will be parcelled up and ready for super fast delivery. 


  1. Very pretty - love how you tied in the punch edges and the pic.

    Nana Jo

  2. Wow, Enfys, it looks so wonderful and elegant.

  3. I love your card! And, love the droplets! I've missed something somewhere on this one. None the less, love your card!

    Have loads of fun on your trip, and I'm with you, walking around any trade fair is quite enough exercise, thank you very much!


  4. Love this card :) Andrew is going to the airport to watch planes this morning so I have printed out some digi's to colour - i'm going to put a nice film on and spend some quality time with my promarkers :)

  5. Hi Enfys,
    Lovely card and so nice and fresh and bright. Love it.

  6. Great card Enfys - very elegant!

    A Thai massage (as they do in their own country) can be quite vigorous - but if they try to bend your leg over your shoulder just ask them to make it a gently massage! :)

    Have fun!


  7. Beautiful card Enfys.Love the soft colours.Great stamp and colouring.Love Debbie x

  8. Hi Enfys. Love the card and the sunny colors. Hope you have a great time at CHA. Show us some CHA goodies when you come back.

  9. A beautiful card Enfys, love the colours!

  10. Very nice card. I love flowers

  11. Love the card. What is that bit under the flowers? gave me ideas on how to use a bamboo calendar given to me by a Chinese restaurant! lol
    Enjoy your trip, and let us know about the massage. I'm curious too.

  12. just so pretty ... yes spring is just around the corner!!
    vanessa xx

  13. OK, your Thai Massage had me curious, so I Googled it ... here is what I found ...

    The massage recipient changes into loose, comfortable clothes and lies on a mat or firm mattress on the floor. It can be done solo or in a group of a dozen or so patients in the same large room. The receiver is put into many yoga-like positions during the course of the massage.

    The massage practitioner leans on the recipient's body using hands and usually straight forearms locked at the elbow to apply firm rhythmic pressure. The massage generally follows the Sen lines on the body—somewhat analogous to meridians or Channel (Chinese medicine) and Indian nadis. Legs and feet of the giver can be used to fixate the body or limbs of the recipient. In other positions, hands fixate the body, while the feet do the massaging action. A full Thai massage session typically lasts two hours or more, and includes rhythmic pressing and stretching of the entire body; this may include pulling fingers, toes, ears, cracking the knuckles, walking on the recipient's back, and arching the recipient's into bhujangasana or (cobra position). There is a standard procedure and rhythm to this massage.

    No oils are used in a Thai Massage.

    Hope this helps ... ENJOY! =)


  14. Beautiful card! Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time on your trip. Have Fun!

  15. Oh my Enfys you certainly are a world traveller, I do hope you enjoy your trip to Germany.
    Love your card is refreshing and beautiful. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  16. Great card, it does bring some sunshine into the day doesn't it?!?

    As for that massage, I wouldn't like the walking on the back, but the hot stones are wonderful!

  17. Love the card. I think I would like to make it for Mother's day. Her favorite color is yellow.
    Thank you
    Linda in Stanwood

  18. Gorgeous fresh looking card,love the colours.
    Trish (-:

  19. That's my kind of stamp, plain and simple. I love it and the little pearl drops all over the card. Nice job. Okay, you and Diane stay out of trouble! The extra big suitcase is for filling up with purchases!

  20. Beautiful Enfys and perfect to remind us that Spring and Summer are not that far away.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  21. hiyah en!
    oh this is gorgeous. It is so cheery and happy.
    huge hugs Lou xxxx

  22. Very pretty card, Enfys. I know you'll need that large suitcase for the return trip ;- ) TFS!

  23. What a cute card, Enfys! I do love those color combos - makes me long for spring weather.

  24. Beautiful card, love how you popped up the blooms. I bet that big suitcase is to bring back all your goodies in!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x