Sunday 22 January 2012

Kraft with Colour for Craftwork Cards

Here's a card I made for the Craftwork Cards blog, using the lovely paper range called Kraft with Colour - although I didn't use any of the kraft on this one, just an embossed edge card, some of the lovely foiled pink paper, and one of the large die cut flowers with a sentiment button. The swirls are a die by Fiskars, and the tiny flowers are punched 

Samples are done and packed, and I must say that the new card Candi is just gorgeous, I will take a photo to show you tomorrow.

After a lot of thought, here is the first five on my reverse bucket list - a list of things I DON'T want to do before I kick the bucket. All very random

1. I hope I am never a celebrity, I can think of nothing worse, not being able to answer the door in your PJ's with hedgehog hair, in case it's the paparazzi. How horrible to have photos taken of you with no make up on, and published for the world to see. At least if family  do that, you can insist the evidence is destroyed, or you will tell the world that they once wore white jackets with rolled up sleeves/had a crush on Paul Young/Olivia Newton John/practised dirty dancing in their bedroom......

2. I hope I never develop green fingers. After a lifetime of killing plants by wilful neglect, I would find it hard to get out of the habit of nipping to the nearest garden center to replace them, all that messing about in compost just does not appeal, plus you have to go outside in the cold to look after them. Honestly I raised three children with less fuss than a geranium demands......

3. I never want to become one of those old women who drive cars very very slowly, sitting bold upright with their noses an inch from the windscreen. I don't particularly want to be driven by a guy doing the same either.....

4. I never want to go on a cruise ship with an Italian at the wheel....

5. Since I have escaped for a long time without bungee jumping, abseiling down a cliff or other foolhardy stuff, I had better put it on this list, in case it suddenly becomes all the rage for retired people. 'Jump love, I'll just sit here and watch, cheerio, see you later' 

I am still pondering my next five....see you tomorrow with them



  1. Oh, Enfys... this had me laughing so hard I disturbed the fuzzybutts sitting on my feet. They're not happy about it, but I couldn't help myself. I love your sense of humor! And your card is lovely - simple yet elegant. =)

  2. gorgoeus card en and I'm with you on the bucket had me laughing so much I nearly didn't make it to the you know what...hugs kath xxx see you soon.

  3. Morning En!! oh hun, your posta that make me giggle are just what i need at the moment and this card is absolutely fabulous
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  4. What a beautiful card Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. Beautiful card! LOVE LOVE your reverse bucket list! so funny!!!!

  6. Enjoy your posts each morning, great way to start the day with a laugh. Also your cards are lovely and I get some good ideas.

  7. Lovely card!
    You really started my day with a good laugh.
    Who was driving the boat on that cruise you told about a while back?
    I think all cruises are in my reverse bucket. I like the reverse bucket. I never can come up with what I want to do until I am doing it.
    Have a great day Enfys!

  8. Love your card, such pretty paper! Love your reverse bucket list! So you really wouldn't set sail with "Chicken of the Sea"? Have a great day!

  9. I enjoy your post every morning - very insightful. My guess is that #4 is a more recent addition to your list.

  10. Hahahaha! You do make me chuckle.. giggle.. and sometimes laugh out loud! I love your sense of humor.
    I love the card too. The white with the colors is lovely! TFS and thanks for stopping by the blog.

  11. You and your beautiful cards and quick wit. If I ever need a pick-me-up I just visit your blog and all is well. I have to tell you there are many plants that are a LOT easier than geraniums (they are very picky). Ahh the confesions of a plant nut.

  12. What a beautiful card. You're going to have so much fun on your trip and I'm so jealous. That's a perfect bucket list. I'm looking forward to cracking up at the next five.

  13. luv, luv,luv it.......your card and your r-bucket list...and don't forget to take pics of your trip with the girls (you,Mandy and Diane)

  14. What a pretty card. Love the colors!!
    You had me laughing out loud on these!!!

  15. Wow, Enfys, I'd love to win this great prize. I love Candi, and the sentiments are gorgeous. Hugs, dj

  16. I love that card. Super sweet and the emobossing looks so nice. Your bucket list has one of my reverse bucket list items on it. Bungee jumping or just getting near the edge of anything too high. Yikes!

  17. I really impress by craft work.All craft work look so fabulous.Thanx to share with us beautiful and wonderful art and craft work.

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I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x