Tuesday 27 July 2010

Thinking of You

Here's another of the Lili of the Valley images that my friend Lou sent me, the papers are by Martha Stewart, the border punch by EK Success, and the sentiment is a studio G acrylic $ stamp

Promarkers used
Skin - blush, soft peach
clothes, caramel, marsh green, pear green, sandstone
tree - tan, holly green
hair - buttercup
shadow - ice grey 2
blender pen
I had to go to the dentist again today, two more fillings - why is it that when a new dentist goes into a practice, that all of a sudden the dental work that the previous dentist did is never quite good enough, and he has to put his own signature on your teeth.
I just about managed not to fall over when they gave me the bill.......
the dentist is going on holiday
'where are you going?' I asked
'we don't know, looking for a last minute deal'
'you can go to the Caribbean' I said ...............'I've just paid for your flight'


  1. Enfys,
    I love this card. I bought a bunch of things on HSN from MS. I have a picture on my blog.. I have been learning to use the punches.. Take a look......

  2. oh wow enfus hun this is brilliant love that image,and the courls and layout are just perfection,hugs cheryl xxxxx

  3. Another adorable card!
    I can't believe what dentists charge. I had a crown fall off and had to have the dentist put it back on. He was with me no more than 5 minutes and charged me over $50 and that was with a hefty discount because I don't have dental insurance, but I do have health insurance. 5 min = $50 come on now. Next time I will just use super glue or E-6000!

  4. Wow Enfys this is such a beautiful card hun!!! im so sorry you have had to pay out all of that money at the dentists, i still think we should all be born with false teeth!!!! would be a lot less trouble. Hugs Clare xxx

  5. Another adorable card!!!


  6. This little guy is adorable!! :)

  7. enfys, i am romfl at your comment to the dentist!!!! i dont like going to the dentist at all, complete fear!!!!
    your card is just way too cute, i love that dozing little guy and the sentiment is great, love the bubbley shape of it. hugs lou xxxx

  8. How cute is this? Absolutely stunning card with wonderful colours.

  9. lovely, I nearly bought that stamp at Doncaster last week.

  10. Adorable card Enfys. Love the green and his little dream bubble!

  11. OH MY LOLOLOL! Was he embarassed? He should have been! He'd better enjoy himself on your $! I love this little guy, he's too cute.

  12. So beautiful card Enfys,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  13. This card is gorgeous, loving the new look blog too:) xxx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x