Monday 26 July 2010

polkadoodle vintage girl stamp

Nikky, the owner of Polkadoodles has just brought out some new rubber stamps, I was lucky enough to get a few, and I love this little girl image. All the background papers are from the Polkadoodles CD All Around and Everywhere, and I kept the image and papers quite tonal.

Promarker Colours used :
Skin - Ivory and pastel pink
Clothes - Orchid and Amethyst
teddy - Vanilla and Honeycomb
Hair - Buttercup
Shadow - Ice grey 1
Sentiment, Papers and Girl stamp - Polkadoodles
Border punch - Martha Stewart
Is anybody else addicted to Angry Birds? (It's an app for an iphone/pod)
My kids insisted I downloaded it onto my new iPod touch (which sadly doesn't have a single CD on it yet, as I don't know how to do it, I know, sad.........).
So no music, nothing much of anything at all except these darn little birds that are taking over my life. I even take it with me and play it whilst I am having my morning c0ffee, so if you think the coffee-house stories have been a bit thin on the ground, it's because of the dratted birds, I am too busy to look up and observe the world as I usually do.
I only bought the iPod touch because I really wanted to have a screen to swipe - I felt so left behind as everyone swiped their screens, I had swiping envy..............the final straw was when my one year old grandson, tried to change programmes on the Tv by swiping the screen (yes, I thought that was pretty clever too). Everyone in the world is swiping, so here I am, in with the cool crowd, trying to shoot angry birdies from a virtual catapult at virtual green pigs.
Must go, I'm on level 5.............................


  1. What a sweet little image and love the soft colors you used to color her and her little bear. Speaking of bears...we had a rather large one run through our neighborhood today and I got to see it (thank goodness from across the street and just before I ran into the house!) Amazing how quick one runs when scared LOL!!!!

  2. That is the cutest card. I love the little girl.
    I really don't care one way or the other about the ads because I don't usually click on them. I love your site however and would be more than happy to send a contribution to you because you are so generous! Send me your addy please.

  3. Funny story about Ipod "swiping envy"! The card is so pretty, and I especially love the scalloped edge!


  4. Oh Enfys why would you play with birds when you can play with your Gypsy? LOL I know what you mean about swipe envy I was having it too and went to get a fancy new phone to help with the problem but ended up with on with big numbers so I could work the darn thing. No swipes for me. Yet anyway. LOL
    Oh and I love your card.

  5. romfl en!!!!!! hope you are having fun swiping!!! gorgeous card too hun xxxx

  6. Hi Enfys, such a beautiful card, the image is so cute and the colours so beautiful.

  7. Oh this is so gorgeous Enfys.

  8. Love that image Enfys and the coloir scheme and papers are stunning
    hugs jacqui xxxx

  9. I love it all En! The image is adorable, the borders are perfect and those papers !!!!! Nice to know I'm not the only one who got taken in by swipe envy. Now if I could only get it to stop where I want it instead of running on and on. hugs, eileen

  10. Gorjus gorjus gorjus !

    Love Karen x

  11. what beautiful papers En, such a pretty card and I love your colour choices!

    Keryn x

  12. super cute card en and hey you lost me the minute you said the I Phone word...don't have a clue...hugs kath xxx

  13. Really cute card and image - I'm really thinking those Promarkers are just as good as the Copics and I may have to try some! AND, FUNNY story - and I DON'T SWIPE!!!!!

  14. Beautiful card Enfys. Love the soft colors.

  15. Woohoo! I love the coloring! I really do think I'm up for Promarkers now. I love the way they look. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Oh this is a beautiful card, love the new image and it really goes with those papers. Not into birds or swiping so can't comment on that score lol.
    Kim xXx

  17. What a wonderful card Enfys,i love the image and the colours.
    So beautiful papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  18. Adorable!!! She looks so sweet holding on to her Teddy! I don't have a bit of swipe envy. I'm lucky I get this phone I have to do what I want it to much less to have to swipe! My DH would be totally lost. I have to keep telling him how to use his!! LOL Hope you get past level 5 of that bird game. Sounds like you are having fun with it!! :)

  19. You should try Pocket God on the touch. Funny little twisted game... I love your card. I love all your cards!! Keep it up my blogging buddy!!!

  20. Soooo cute - I love that oversized beret - very vintage!

  21. WOW Enfys, she is BEAUTIFUL!!! You did a FABULOUS job w/your card my friend!;)
    Gypsy Hugs,

  22. En - I too have discovered angry birds in the last week - I'm on level 6 already and having bird wars with OH, we are totally addicted! He didnt know he could zoom till I showed him & he's had his ipod 6 mths lol. Love this gorgeous card, she's such a cutie and the colours are lush xx

  23. Great Job... I am not into IPod yet. I have problems with the TV tuner and Cable. To many controls.....

    Keep up the great job. When you get time look at the blog. I did 10 cards last week... When you get time take a look and I love your comments.......


  24. LOL.. I keeping telling dh I am getting me a iphone, do you have the iphone 4??? Wondering if you have problems with it. Love the card, she is such a sweet image. hugs

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I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x