Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Revisiting old supplies - and hacking saga

I've had a bit of a tidy up in my craft room and found these old favourites from MFT - the Rain or Shine stamp set and the raindrops/puddle background

 What a saga the blog hack turned out to be. If you remember, I suddenly found the whole background of Going Buggy was in the blue and yellow of the Ukranian flag, with bold black NO WAR banners everywhere. It made the blog unreadable. I struggled for ages to put it right, but in the end I had to call in a IT company for help. I called a local firm, the guy who answered the phone sounded like an older chap, who said he wasn't on the technical side. He struggled to understand the problem, but when I said I needed to get rid of the flag, he said in an outraged voice 'you aren't pro Russian are you? If so we won't come out to help'

I assured him my motives were pure, but it set me wondering, after loads of Google searches I haven't come across anyone else who was targeted in this way. Why me? Does the name Going Buggy translate into something entirely different in another language. Did Anonymous think I was an oligarch? It's baffling, and cost me £132 to put right. So please Mr Hacker, don't stop here again, I can't afford it


  1. Glad you are all sorted now Enfys

  2. I'm surprised he asked you straight out if you were pro-Russian. Seems he could have been a bit more tactful. Sheesh!

  3. It a long while since I've visited your blog, I'd forgotten how lovely your cards are...😊

    The audacity of the man! ...Glad you go it sorted out albeit at a cost ...

  4. We have the same issue on the design team admin blog for a challenge. More than one of us are getting it. Can’t find a way of getting rid off it and nothing mentioned online.

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I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x