Wednesday 13 June 2018

Basic Shapes for Spellblogger/Spellbinders

One of the new sets that Spellbinders sent me this month is a new variation on their original nesting circles - this time the circles are scored and pierced. Find them HERE in the Spellbinders store.  I was determined not to use them simply as another element on a card, but to make them the star of the show, and this is what I came up with.........

I really like the look of the overlapping circles against the black background, do you?

Today I am breaking away from work for a couple of hours to go to a gardening show at the NEC. I already know that this means I will get totally carried away and come home laden with exotic plants that need specialist care, which means that the poor things don't have a chance.......But last week we had two large conifers that shaded our patio taken down, what a great decision that was, they were close to the house, and the light now floods in, and on a sunny day I no longer have to shift chairs around to find a sunny spot. So I am in full gardening mode, the enthusiasm won't last long, it never does. Have a great day whatever you have planned......


  1. Lol! Sounds like me and gardening too!

  2. Maryellen WebberThursday, June 14, 2018

    I like how you used the colorful circles to create this card! The gardening show sounds fun to me! I have been trying to grow small cacti with only some success.

  3. What a great idea to use the circles as the focal of the card rather than just another element. An Idea I would never have thought of. I hope you enjoy the gardening show, it actually sounds like a lot of fun to me ... at least looking at all the beautiful plants and flowers. As to the reality of gardening, I just do not have a green thumb and never have. But that's just as well, because it is not something I have any desire to do anyway. My husband takes all control over the yard and landscaping, as well as all of it's maintenance ... I control the inside of our home. As it turns out, I am very happy with this arrangement, and it suits us both well.

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I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x