Tuesday 22 August 2017

Box Card for a male - for Spellbinders. And a winner......

Here's another Spellblogger post, this time I am using the Scalloped Pop Up Box die from Spellbinders to make a male card. You can find the die on the Spellbinders site HERE

I paired it with the Toolbox Die D-Lites set, and was quite happy that it worked - I cut the toolbox out of red spotty paper, and filled it with tools.  I thought that without the ''fillers' of leaves etc to fill the gaps I would have problems, but it worked. Got to love when an idea works out......I found some brads that look like screws for the top, and cut all the little tools out in silver card (they are really detailed, so look quite authentic). They are reflective, so this was difficult to photograph

I obviously couldn''t use the scallop dies that come with the set, so I used a straight pierced die from the Graceful Floral Lace border die, to add detail to  bright red strips of card. The sentiment was cut from the Sentiments Three set in the same red cardstock. TIP: using double sided card makes making these boxes even cuter, the card I used here is a really old one from a Martha Stewart pack

The winner of the stamp set is:


Congrats Chris, email me with your address and your stamps will be on their way. Thanks to everyone who put their names in the hat. I used random winner app to pick the winner, to make it fair. You are such a smashing bunch I wish I had a set for each of you.......


  1. Your card is awesome, Enfys, and congrats to Chris. She'll enjoy those stamps.

  2. Such a great idea to turn the box card into a toolbox, Enfys.
    Congrats to Chris. Enjoy your new goodies!!

  3. The toolbox box card works really well Enfys! Well done to Chris and thanks for offering the stamp set - I'll just have to buy them now......Shabneez x

  4. Lovely toolbox. Congrats to the winner.

  5. Ooh what a lovely surprise to be the winner! Thank you soooooo much - I am so excited! Will email you in a sec! Fabulous tool box! Those tools look so real! Lovely colours for the box too! xxx

  6. Oh wow lovin these dies Enfys !!

  7. I love this card , It has man written all over it.
    I have been wanting these dies for a while now because I have a few handyman in my family. Thanks for sharing. I have this paper also ......🙂

  8. Great card, a toolbox is such a good idea. Congrats to craftchris. xx

  9. Now this is a totally fabulous guy card. Love the tool idea, it's perfect ... and how fitting for the handymen in our lives. Also congrats to Craftychris ... I know she will will enjoy her new stamp set!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x