Sunday 27 November 2016

It's been a while...

 I must say sorry - time has slipped away with me again and left me with no time to blog, I need to make an end of year resolution to do better.

Here are a couple of things I have been busy with - I collected some jam and pickle jars, coated them with mod podge, and rolled them in Epsom Salts (available from any chemist/drugstore). They dry to a very satisfying chunky snowy glitter, and make great Christmas table decorations.......I used the LED tea lights inside....

Now my really exciting news, and one of the reasons why I haven't been crafting much. We have been anxiously waiting the arrival of our daughter Alex's first child. The due date came and went. I had a call from seven year old Milo:
Auntie Alex's baby is coming out today....
Well, maybe not today Milo
She came here for lunch yesterday, I thought the baby might come out while we were having lunch, but it didn't come.....will you be the baby's Ma?
Will my Pops be the baby's Pops?
Long pause.........I expect I will just be the baby's Milo

So eventually after ten days of waiting, baby Molly arrived on Saturday morning, healthy and utterly gorgeous. Mummy, Daddy and baby are doing well!  We are going down to see her tomorrow, so expect a few doting photos to pop up here...


  1. Congratulations, Enfys! Hope your daughter and granddaughter continue to do well. Looking forward to the photos.

  2. Congratulations, and I for one miss your posts.

  3. Oh such happy news. Congratulations. I love your lights too xx

  4. Oooooh how lovely many congratulations 10days seems like a life time both my two where 10days over and my 3rd came on the due date so pleased for Milo too! ......your lights are so adorable l love them sending lots of love x

  5. I have missed your posts so much!!! I was worried about you!!! Congratulations to your family on Molly's arrival!!! I can't wait to see your photos, please post soon!!! I love the snowy candle jars, I never thought to use Epsom salts. I was going to buy some texture snow paint, but this is less expensive. Thanks Enfys!!!! You were truly missed!!!

  6. Congratulations Enfys, fabulous news. I love these jars and what a great tip to use epsom salts. Cathy x

  7. Congratulations Enfys! These jar luminaries look awesome.

  8. Congratulations Enfys!! Grandchildren are truly a blessing.

  9. Congratulations - I'm sure she's worth the wait :)

  10. Congratulations! How lovely for you all! Love these jars. Saw them when you put them on Facebook. Have the modge Podge, Jars and Epsom Salts - I just need to play! Thank you for the idea! xxx

  11. Congratulations on the birth of Molly! Look forward to seeing the photos. The jars are fab too! Shabneez xxx

  12. Congratulations Enfys on your new Granddaughter! That's awesome! Oh, I love your jars, they look really nice!

  13. Congratulations and best wishes to all the family!

  14. Congratulations Enfys. Enjoy every moment with your new Grand-Daughter. Hugs Rita xxxx

  15. Congratulations Enfys. Another bundle of joy to love :-) Enjoy your visit! Hugs, Lena

  16. Sorry, I was so excited to hear about your grandbaby that I forgot to mention that I love your pickle jars. What a great idea to use Epsom salts. I'll have to give it a try.

  17. Congratulations to all, so glad all is well xxx xxx God bless your princess xxx xxx

  18. Congratulations Enfys ... how wonderful that Alex's baby has arrived. What a blessing! I love Milo's comments, he is such a sweetie. I hope he knows that "just being the baby's Milo is no small thing. After all, he will be the baby's "Very Special Cousin Milo" ... and little Molly is going to adore him.

    BTW, your decorated jars are fabulous. I would not have thought to use Epsom salt rather than glitter, but it sure gives them a wonderful sparkle, doesn't it. These jars will be a lovely accent to any holiday table or room decor. Thanx for sharing them.
    Carol xx

  19. Congratulations to all I cant wait for the pics


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x