Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Kitchens and superbugs.....

I don't think I have ever had such a prolonged leave of absence from my blog - thanks so much to all of you who have emailed me to see if everything is okay.
I was struck by a superbug - the mother and father of all colds, it went away, came back, went away again......in the meantime, the house was freezing, with workmen here, doors and windows wide open, I couldn't even creep away to my bed to shiver in comfort - the plumber was fitting the new shower. Then every few minutes someone has a question - how do you want this? where shall we put this? What shall we do about this?.........

Oh, it has been miserable!

However, I am now much better, and the house is oh-so-slowly taking shape. I promise to take photos soon. I must have made about 300 mugs of tea and coffee for various guys working around the house, listened to non-stop music of various genres all day every day - my heart sinks when the heavy metal guy walks in! But all the people we have had helping us renovate the place have been really great, we struck lucky...I have listened to tales of woe about errant girlfriends, dished out sympathy about ailing parents, offered doughnuts and aspirin, and generally gone into mother-hen overdrive.  

So here's a couple of quick cards made with Fiskars stamps - they are the sort that fit on the continuous stamping wheel, but (shhh, you don't have to have that, you can fit them on a block). This first one is a stamp called Choo Choo...I used little buttons for the wheels

and I used this floral stamp to make panels for a gatefold card....

with a little pocket on the inside for a gift card....

and I made a little tab to hold the front closed

It's nice to be back!


  1. Great cards! Both was awesome and praise worthy... Wonderful to have you back! So sorry about the superbug, hope all does NOT return! As for the "Mothering", you have a marvelouus way with people!!!

  2. Oh I am so glad that you are on the mend Enfys!!! I hope it stays away this time.
    Lots of work now but you will be so thankful when it is all said and done.
    The card is adorable. I love that little choo choo train.

  3. So pleased to hear things are getting better..all round. Love your cards. Take care.Ursula xx

  4. Sorry to hear you've been unwell Enfys, but very pleased to see you back again. Glad all is going well with the house and hopefully a little nearer completion. Take care ; Sue x

  5. Great to see you back with these lovely cards. Glad you are better and the house is taking shape x

  6. Sorry to hear you've had the mother (and father!) of all colds, but also glad to hear that you're much bettter and that things are progressing on the home front! It will all be worth it when you can sit down with a cuppa in your lovely new kitchen!
    LOVE that little train card - the buttons as wheels are just adorable and I love the pretty rainbow sentiment! Hugs, Lisa x

  7. Oh En, you poor sausage, I hope you are soon feeling ticketty-boo, and the invasion force has made your house perfect for you.

    Love the choo-choo card, and the gift card holding one is a great idea - especially with the Cword thing looming.....

    When we were having the new roof done, I resorted to wearing the ear defenders my OH has for doing noisy DiY - 2 whole weeks of hammer hammer bang bang crash from dawn to dusk nearly had me demented

  8. Oh l feel for you l'm so sorry to hear you have been poorly not a good time anytime to be ill but even worse l find when workmen decend on your propery glad you managed these cards they are awesome!! keep well too! take care x

  9. Lovely cards Enfys.
    Hope you are starting to feel much better.
    Toni xx

  10. Yay! You're back! So glad you're feeling better and your home is falling into shape! I've missed your posts and cards! I"ve been there, a couple of times, with remodelers in the house, day after day...it's no fun, but at least I wasn't sick!

  11. Welcome back En! I have missed seeing you. I did wonder how the house was coming on. Love the little train card. I've loved trains since I was little. My cousin had loads of them on a a great platform in their basement. He had some physical issues, so he'd send me under to pop up on the other side,with instructions to fix one thing or another. I loved the times we spent together.
    Hugs, Jess

  12. Ahhh... the experts renovating your home found the perfect 'mother-hen'...

  13. So sorry you weren't feeling well and couldn't tuck yourself in pjs and a warm blanket!!
    Darling card and just think they are making your house a beautiful home..

  14. I love the trains.
    I do sympathize as I spent over 4 months fighting one thing after another: colds, flus, chest infections, croup, laryngitis and tonsillitis till May. At least I didn't have a new home filled with noisy workmen to contend with though. Bet you're relieved it's all over.

  15. Glad you're on the mend - I sympathise with you dealing with workmen...been there, done that! Not always fun is it? Your cards are lovely, btw. ;)

  16. Oh, it's so good to have you back Enfys - you have been missed!! I'm sorry you have been so poorly but pleased that you are on the mend. I love the train card, I'll have to get the stamp in time for my little grandson's birthday. Pat x

  17. Glad to have you back and feeling better. Hugs, CyndiU

  18. So glad you are feeling better. Adorable card.

  19. Fabulous cards! So pleased you are on the mend and back to blogging! xxx

  20. Love the button wheels. I have a few of these stamps and use them on my block as well. Hugz

  21. Welcome back Enfys! So sorry that you were sick. I love the cards, especially the floral one.

  22. Great to have you back. Sorry to hear you were ill, and here I was just thinking you were busy with the work going on in the house. Glad you are feeling better now and work is coming along.
    Looks like you've spent some quality time in the craft space, these cards are wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  23. Nice to see you back Enfys. Sorry to hear you have been unwell, hope you are now on the mend. Great cards.

  24. Great cards Enfys, glad your on the mend. X big hugs X


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x