Monday, 17 August 2015

Making Slow Progress.....

Nothing to report here on the crafting front - all the supplies are still languishing in the garage, but I'm checking in anyway.....

Sharing a couple of photos, we have some double doors leading off the dining room, into the sitting room and the room we have started calling 'the den',  I hated the wavy 1970's glass, so we have had them changed to clear glass, what a transformation, it opens up the entire house.....still a work in progress, with horrible door handles and unpainted, and furniture all over the place,  but getting there, inch by inch..I'll take a photo when it's done

So we have found a plumber, lovely chap. We needed to check out some supplies he was telling us about 'go to my suppliers showroom' he said 'in Island Road. We have lived here for a few years, never heard to Island Road, so when we were ready to set off I googled it. No Island Road in our town. Light bulb moment, perhaps he meant Ireland Road? Googled again. No results. So I called him. Where did you say that bathroom supply showroom was? 'Island Road' he replied. Can you spell it for me? 

A flying visit to London this weekend to babysit Max and Milo (although they don't like the term babysit these days). A couple of random conversations with six year old Milo

Did you used to have a mummy Ma?
Yes, of course
Where is she now?
She died before you were born
Are you wearing her jacket?
What? (startled) Why?
When people die you get all their stuff, and I thought you may have got that jacket 

and a bit later.....

You're not very good at Lego are you Ma?
Not very, no
That's because you are old, and old people are not good at a lot of things (he said this in a kindly voice, giving me a reassuring pat on the knee)
What sort of things? (I asked, all ready to take umbrage on behalf of 'old' people everywhere)
Well you aren't any good at Lego or climbing trees

He rests his case!

Game, set and match to Milo I think

See you tomorrow x 


  1. Sounds as if you are making your nest all cosy and warm. Clear glass certainly lets in lots of light. I enjoyed the plumber saying island instead of Highland. Been quite poorly this week and still not got my energy levels up and running. Will see the Doc on Tuesday. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. It will all come together Enfys and you'll have everything sorted as you want.
    Toni xx

  3. LOL! Thank you for making me laugh. x

  4. I love that you've changed the french doors to a clear glass ... it don't care for the rippled glass either, except maybe on a bathroom window. Gotta love Milo ... he's such a Sweetie. Children have the most amazing minds ... and how wonderful that he share those insightful thoughts with you.. That one is a character for sure!

  5. Oh Enfys you do make me chuckle.I am well used to this kind of chats with my Grandsons.

  6. I like those doors, I bet the clear glass looks cool! Highland Road made me laugh along with the little ones comments! Tee hee! xxx

  7. Oh, Enfys, I am so pleased to have you back again on your blog. Your stories always bring a smile to my face and Milo's story is just hilarious. Pat x

  8. I just love what little ones say. Our Mason is just 3, and started talking late. So last night I heard "hi n'other Nana, garble garble.. then..."are you?" "I'm at home," "why " "because I'm tired". "Garble garble doin?" "Watching tv, what are you doing?" Then " Garble garble" again. Then "bye n'other nana, oh and I love you too"
    I can't wait till he becomes more easily understood! But I do love trying. Hugs, Jess


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x