Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Loo Rolls and Light Bulbs - oh my!

I guess you really don't want or need to see more photos of packing cases, but that is really all I have to share with you - unless you would like to see this photo of a perfectly bare and clean crafty cupboard, as never seen before

Yes, that's it, every last craft item has been packed, who knows when I will see it all again, and when I do, I will probably be pulling stuff out and saying 'why on earth did I pack this, I've never used it, and probably never will' - I can sense a bit of craft supply selling coming in the near future. I did unearth a few treasures that I thought were lost forever - stamps that had got stuck to the undersides of drawers or fallen into cracks in the floor!

So we wait................and wait............and wait...........while the solicitors barrage each other with a flurry of last minute questions, some of which sound quite ridiculous to us, but I suppose they are doing their job, you would think we were buying and selling ancient mansions instead of perfectly ordinary houses. In the meantime, three light bulbs failed last night, and I have packed all the new bulbs, so I was wandering around in a murky dusk, tripping over boxes as I tried to get to the loo. All the loo rolls have been packed as well, that could be awkward.....but there is a bright side, the oven is gleaming, and I have no intention of cooking anything and risking a spill, so I am having a break from the kitchen. Thank heavens for Marks and Spencer

The name that popped out of the hat for the surplus cardstock is:

Anne Jaques

Email me with your address Anne, and I will get your parcel in the mail


  1. Hope it's not too long before you get to your new home.
    Hope you don't need those toilet rolls in a hurry!! 😳 xx

  2. Hope your move goes smoothly and thank you very much for my name being picked out of the hat. I don't have your email address but I have sent you a private message. Have a good day! Xxx

  3. You might want to re-think the light-bulb and loo-roll situation as it is handy to have some of those in a bag ready for the new house - easy to get to and not likely to get lost in amongst all the other packed boxes LOL
    Hope you don't have to wait too much longer and everything goes smoothly.
    Toni xx

  4. Oh dear I did wonder what your post title meant. Empty cupboard too, hope you are soon up and runnign again in your new home x

  5. Hope it's not too long before you get the go ahead and can get moved.
    Well done to the lucky recipient of the card.

  6. Wishing you and your husband the best on your upcoming move!

  7. Oh my ... that photo is a little sad when you think of all the inspiring creations that were brought to life in that very space. But then, all good things eventually end. So it's onward and upward to an even better craft space which will yeild even greater creations in the future. To the new buyers, I am sure this photo looks wonderful, as it is now ready for whatever they plan to make of the space.

    I do hope the solicitors complete their work soon so that you and Mike can move into your new home and start enjoying life again. Best wishes to you on your move ... may it be quick and uneventful. (((Higz)))

    1. Whoops ... that was meant to be (((Hugz))). (It appears my typing fingers are not working properly today.)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a wondrous thing, moving house. So many 'issue's' to deal with. I don't envy you. I hope you are soon able to get thru it all. I miss your posts, and your crafty creations! Enjoy your cooking free time.
    And no heavy lifting, either of y'all. Be well, hugs, Jess

  10. I hope you'll be able to move house soon and start unpacking again...

  11. Our last move lasted over a year. We had so much stuff in storage and DH was working overseas. He was gone 5 weeks and then home 5 weeks. By the time we got everything out of storage, I'd forgotten about even owning some of the items! I told him my next move would be to the funeral home or the nursing home; I don't want to go through it again!

  12. Hopefully by now everything has moved along Enfys and you are unpacking those new light bulbs lol. The craft cupboard looks like its missing you already!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x