Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Another new addition!

Even though I am totally enthralled with the MISTI, I thought I better move away from it for a day, so I'm showing you yet another new arrival on my craft desk, these fabulous Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolours that were a mothers day gift (a not very subtle hint having been dropped by me well in advance of the day!).........

I love watercolour as a medium, and these  colours are so concentrated and vibrant. I have wanted some decent watercolour paints to do various techniques for a while, and here they are........

Number 10 on the bottom row is white, and 95 next to it is the most gorgeous pearly white, I can see that being used up quickly. The little pans all lift out when you are using them, just gorgeous design.....

I really wanted them to use with various stamping techniques, so what did I do? I started to do some tiny watercolour paintings, freehand. Now I haven't done that since I was doing my Art exam in school, and in those days I had a boyfriend who was an art student so he used to do all my homework for me. I used to get some very quizzical looks from my art teacher when I handed in 'my' homework. But I did get a very good mark in the exam, so I must have picked up a few tips from him along the way!

The winners of the pens and CD have come forward, thank goodness, so that is the end of that saga...

And to make you smile this morning, Max aged 7 and Milo aged 5 are on holiday in Dubai. Their verdict after 36 hours in the country?
Max: The WiFi isn't very good, but the watermelon juice and the bread are the best in the world
Milo: Dubai isn't for me. It's too hot. I like it better in The England

See you tomorrow x


  1. I treated myself to a set for Christmas and LOVE them, though I still have a lot to learn : ).

  2. They look fabulous colours, I am sure you will find lots of uses for them

  3. Is there anything you can't put your hand to Enfys. I have a cheap set of watercolours but lack the talent to go along with them lol. Milo is a man after my own heart, I do not do well in heat :(

  4. Aww, such sweet grandsons :) And those colours look just amazing! So vibrant! I've been drooling over the MISTI, thanks for sharing such an amazing tool! It's definitely going on my important acquisitions list - just wish I would win the lottery so I could afford everything lol! That list is getting long!

  5. Your grandsons are adorable, love the things that come out of children's mouths! Thanks for sharing! I love the look and can't wait to see what you create with your new watercolors!

  6. Glad the winners raised their hands, finally.
    I saw someone, ( Lindsay, the frugal crafter) I think, do a video on these paints. Sounded like she loved them. Good luck with them.
    I'm with Milo, too hot for me. And with all thats going on in that part of the world, I would never have gone anywhere near there. Tell them, be safe, and hurry back! Ok, that's me off my soap box!
    Big hugs, Jess

  7. Watercolors are my favorite medium and I just got some Peerless watercolors that I love. I've seen these before too and they look fabulous, can't wait to see what you do with them.
    As for Dabui, I've never been and probably never will get the chance. We've done a lot of traveling and our kids got to go along and it's always wonderful to hear of kids seeing other cultures and countries of the world.

  8. Ooh, I've been wanting these watercolors for a long time, but can't justify it with my lack of artistic ability. I can't wait to see what you do with them though.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x