Monday 16 March 2015

Polkadoodles giveaway....

One of the readers who won this lovely CD didn't come forward to claim her prize, so I am putting it up for grabs again, just leave a comment under this post, and I will draw a winner on Saturday

I had some happy happy mail, a great parcel from ScrapBerrys, who I met at the Stitches trade show last month, so I can't wait to start creating and showing you what I make.....

I fell in love with this little funky cat at the show, and look at all the little fishes!

As for crafting, not a lot has been going on here - after the jet washing episode, I suddenly got into spring cleaning mode and have been waving my feather duster all over the place. It's getting a bit tedious now though, you can have too much of a good thing, so I will be back at my desk tomorrow, unless I spot any more spider webs anywhere. How come you get these trails of grey webs in corners, and never a sight of the spider? Why go to all that trouble if you aren't going to hang around for a bit? 

I make it sound as if I live like a modern day Miss Haversham in a cobweb encrusted house - I do keep it clean, honest, but I think an army of spiders comes out at night, they have a bit of a sewing spinning bee together, discuss how many flies they caught and that sort of thing, then push off into a dark corner when they hear me up and about - if they are regulars here, they know that I have a very good aim with a slipper or rolled up newspaper........


  1. I always enjoy your crafting creations!!

  2. oh wow please add my name to the draw and thanks.

  3. I hope it wasn't me, under a lot of stress at the moment! I would love to win this collection Enfys.

    Cazzy x

  4. Thank you for the chance Enfy and love the new stamps cannot wait to see what you make with these
    Dianne xx :)

  5. love to win the cd, tx for the chance!

  6. The CD looks awesome.... that would be a new experience for me to use a CD for creating cards! Have never tried one before!

  7. The American branch of your spider families likes to hang out in the corners of my house! I don't understand how they can spin such elaborate abodes overnight! The CD looks great. Your new crafting stash looks like fun, too. Can't wait to see what you create with that cat image.

  8. I'm always on the lookout for new ideas for male cards, and this CD looks as if it's packed with them. Love Polkadoodles too!

  9. I would love to win this cd Enfys, fingers crossed this time. Enjoy your day. Sue x

  10. Looks a great prize - thanks Enfys, I would love to win it

  11. The little cat stamp looks like fun, can't wait to see what you make with it.
    Would love a chance to win please
    Chris x

  12. Thanks for the chance Enfys,love to win it.

  13. The new stash looks interesting - will look forward to seeing what you come up with.
    Thank you for the chance to win this super CD.
    Toni xx

  14. Thanks for sharing your new goodies and the circus items would be fun to work with and the cat and fish items too. I have never tried a CD like that and maybe this will be my lucky time.Thank for the possibility.

  15. I love your cards and posts! Thank you for the chance to win a PolkaDoodles CD. I just bought my first a month ago and I love it. The Scrapberry's stamps are so cute and so affordable you just want every one of them!

  16. Oh Enfys I love your "spin" on the spiders and cobwebs! Looking forward to seeing what you create with your new stamps, I know it'll be awesome! Thank you for offering this give-a-way! Have a great day!

  17. Have enjoyed reading your blog this morning, more so to find out about the UK companies! How exciting! And what a great lot of stash you have there! :) Thanks for the chance to win, goodluck all xxx

  18. Well it is finally in the 70-80's here and I love it. Went to Chicago and froze my tush o.ff It was in the teens there. Glad to be home, I was teen sitting with my grandkids while mom and dad are awaoy on business. I have taken a break from card making but have to grt back in the spirit. As usual my room in still a mess, but I know where everything is, that's what counts, right? Love those new stamps, etc that they sent you. Can't wait until you make something wonderful with them. Dianne Bell -

  19. Can't believe someone hasn't come forward for one of those wonderful CD's. I just treasure the ones I have. Trying to get back into crafting after my loss, it's been hard. Well anyway, we will make it. Looking forward to tomorrow's crafty thing. Just love your blog. Please enter my name into the drawing. Have a wonderful day.

    jdaisy9402 - Jan.

  20. Thank you for a second chance to win this CD. Anxious to see what great projects you make with the new circus theme stamps. They are sooo cute!
    Donna K U

  21. Someone didn't claim it!! Wow, but so glad because it gives us another chance at it. :) It looks like it has a lot of good designs on it. The bundle you received looks really nice! I love the cat with the fishies, so cute.

    1. By the looks of all the new goodies you have to try you are having a ball. thanks for the chance to win a super prize.

  22. Amen to those spiders! Ugh, they always seem to be lurking around. Anyway, congrats on the happy mail! Love to get those little packages. Can't wait to see your next invention!

  23. Sorry the person didn't get their prize but glad I have another chance. Thanks so much! Hugs, Robin

  24. Ok hope I get lucky.... I have not had much of that of late. Dad is doing pretty good after the ER visit on Friday the 13th. I lost a inside of a tooth on Saturday and yesterday awoke with a hurting ear. Other than that we are doing great. Thanks for a chance to win the CD...........Love the new craft items... Cannot wait to see what you create. You will dazzle us I am sure....Good Luck to everyone.

  25. Love your cards and hope to win your fabulous CD. Bev18105

  26. Who would not want this CD I'm just starting and "O" I could use a lot of things to make with this CD. Hope I'm lucky

  27. Thank you for the opportunity to win the Polkadoodles. Looking forward to your creations as always.

  28. I sure would love to have those cute faces among my collection. Thanks for the opportunity. Hugs

  29. I sure would love to have those cute faces among my collection. Thanks for the opportunity. Hugs

  30. Looking forward to your Scrapberry creations. Not sure about spring cleaning - it's still winter up in the north east!! Pat x

  31. What a shame, that looks like one brilliant cd! Love the new stash Enfys, so many possibilities!! Can just picture you chasing spiders about the house. I just got out of the shower, grabbed a towel and behind the towel on the wall was an almighty slug!! I will not repeat what I said or you will ban me from here yuk still shuddering here. How it got it I will never know!!

  32. I agree with the spiders.... where oh where do they go, it makes me a tad nervous!! Would LOVE to have the CD, it's simply adorable!!!! hugs, Teri

  33. I love the new stash, especially the little fish! I have loads of Polkadoodle CDs but not any of the Work and Play series would love to try one out. I can't even type the 's' word - I'm terrified of them.

  34. Such a great haul you have there...I so love getting new stuff. Thanks for another chance at winning this.

  35. Love that cat and the little fishes. You need some cute spider stamps. Love that polkadoodle cd. Thank you for the opportunity.

  36. I love this package! It would be great for summer pages and cards.

  37. Lol, being allergic to most spider venom, I've gotten really good at getting them before they get me! If my name is drawn, pick someone else, as we only have tablets right now. I can't use the two dvd's I already have. I'd rather someone gets it that can use it. Looking forward to your new creations. Hugs, Jess

  38. You know, I was going to write a comment about not liking them but never killing if I can avoid cos they do do a very good job, but Jessica's comment caught my eye! Spider venom?? Allergic to spider venom???? Now, how many times do you have to get bitten to find that out? and where are all these poisonous spiders cos I will be sure not to visit. The stuff of nightmares. Be safe Jessica. Hugz

  39. Oh, darn, see forgot to say I love the circus stamps. Hugz

  40. Please enter my name into the 'hat' for the draw, Enfys xx

  41. Looking forward to seeing what you craft from your new stash of goodies. Please enter my name in your drawing.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x