Saturday, 21 February 2015

More NEC Show photos......

 First up today is Katy Sue Designs, now you know this company as I am on their design team, but for those of you who don't know, as well as lovely craft CD collections they make high quality moulds which can be used for cake decorating, or if used with lightweight clay, for cardmaking

these gorgeous roses are made from one deep mould - how lovely....

and their latest collection are these gorgeous moulds by Kathryn Sturrock, who was at the show demonstrating. They are just fabulous, either on cakes or decorative elements, as you will see in the following photos....and the good news is that they have a USA website as well, just click on the American flag 

The next thing to catch my eye was these fabulous mixed media products, made with VivaDecor waxes and paints. called Inca Gold and Maya Gold. I was so fascinated by the way bits of chipboard could be turned into these fabulous metallic works of arts, that I am going to buy some of these, then I will be able to share with you how to do it......

I'll be back tomorrow to share some of the workshops we did......see you then x


  1. I love those little people molds. The little girl with the white dress and long hair reminds me of my second Granddaughter. She is as cute as that little mold.

  2. These molds are gorgeous!!! oh I'm days behind on my emails..I'm back tracking so I can catch up...I forgot how active a 4 and 6 yr old are ..been taking care of my two grandsons while daddy is on the mend...

  3. these are so beautiful ... I can only imagine what wonderful creations you could make using the two (molds and waxes/paints) together. Can't wait to see!

  4. Wow! The detail in the molds from Katy Sue Designs are amazing! The projects created are just stunning. I love the projects from VivaDecor, the paints and waxes look truly amazing. I can't wait to see what you create! Thank you for taking the time to share with us!

  5. Love the moulds of the children - the cup cakes look fabulous with the toppers. The VivaDecor projects look stunning - thanks for the pics. Pat x

  6. Gorgeous bit of showcasing today Enfys. I was so tempted to get those little moulds but just would not have the confidence to paint them up!

  7. Fabulous waxes and paints by Maya Road. Want to get hold of some now...

  8. Sorry, thought it said Maya Road. Did not read that properly. Obviously mean Viva Décor.

  9. Those figures look such fun but my favourite samples are the mixed media pieces - they are fabulous.
    Toni xx

  10. I love all the samples! Great post today Enfys - thanks for sharing.

  11. Oooh, can't wait to see what you do with the VivaDecor waxes and paints - that's my kinda art :)


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x