Tuesday 2 December 2014

Snowy Circles....

So I found a little stamp I have had for ages from Art Impressions showing the back of a little child, then a tiny stamp for the face, so the obvious way to use it was to cut an aperture  and have the child peeping through. But I cut the window waaaay too big, I could have kicked myself. I didn't want to waste the card, so I stamped this cute little snowbird on the inside of the card and added some textured snow effects with the falling snow stencil (Simon Says Stamp) and some texture paste.....I wish I could remember who made the bird stamp, but I've had it for years and it's become anonymous...The colouring for these cards was done very quickly while I had bandages over one eye, so it's not my best effort, but hey, it will end up in someone's trash sometime in January. it's the thought that counts......

Then I was able to move on to my original plan and coloured in the cute little boy image, apart from the size of the aperture, the two cards are the same....

and when you open the card, on the inside is this sweet little face looking at the falling snow.....

I have bought all my pens and loads of images to colour down to London with me. Any bets on how much I will get done? My guess would be around the zero mark!


  1. I love the little Elf card.... Have lot's of fun...

  2. Both of these card are very cute but the little boy one is just cute as can be.
    I am betting not to much coloring while spending time with the Grandbabies unless you color while the are sleeping :)

  3. Both cards are great, just adorable! I love these stamp sets that have the front and back like that, so darn cute. Thanks for sharing these with us. Also glad it looks like all has gone well with the eye surgery.

  4. These stamps are so cute! Love both of your cards Enfys - you're a one-eyed wonder! Pat x

  5. Love them both Enfys, so oooo sute !! Really hope your eyes settle down soon !!

    hugs Diane xx

  6. These cards are amazing. I may have to do some shopping for stamps! Love that little boy.

    Pat from AZ

  7. I love both cards and had you not said the first attempt did not turn out as planned, I would never have known. Your work is always amazing and enjoy your attention to detail! Thank you for always sharing such great creativity! Have fun in London.

  8. Well, whatever you do, I know you'll have a wonderful time. Cute little fellow peeking thru the window. Lovely cards. It's sad that we spend so much time on our cards, an very few will kept as a keepsake. 😟. Big hugs Jess

  9. Hi Enfys, your card has turned out brilliantly!!! What a fab top card too. Ruby x

  10. Both cards are wonderful, great job!!

  11. Darling cards. You have the cutest stamps. Glad to hear that you are recovery well from your eye surgeries.

    Your cards shouldn't end up in the trash. If I were fortunate enough to receive a card from you, I would cherish and keep it forever.

    Hugs to you, CyndiU

  12. They're both adorable cards but now I feel a little depressed - that comment about it ending up in the trash in January....when I think of all the hours I've spent making all my xmas cards.....oh well - I had a lot of fun doing so :)

  13. That idea with the junior santa is great. Must try it...

  14. Both cards are darling!! Oh My! you even do amazing coloring with just one eye!!! back to practicing to even come close to that!!
    coloring??? you should have a note pad for all the stories you'll have for us lol


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x