Saturday 15 November 2014

MFT Blueprints 11 Dies...

Remember those MFT dies I showed you? I couldn't wait to use them!

Here's what I came up with. I coloured the sentiment and the area behind the circles with ProMarkers - I was aiming for a happy rainbow effect.....

I was pleased with it, a nice happy sort of card that would be great for a child or teenager.....

Thank you all so much for the good wishes. The cataract surgery went well and I am recovering nicely. I had a surprising number of emails from people who are waiting for this surgery and are scared stiff, a bit like I was on Monday morning, they asked me to reassure them, so this is for them. There is NO need to worry, the whole experience was totally painless I didn't feel a thing. I went in to hospital at 7.00 am and was home by 10.30 am. The bizarre thing was that when they were operating on the eye, all I saw was a kaleidoscope of the most gorgeous colours swirling around in front of me, I found it quite soothing - I felt as if I was on some strange acid trip (although I must add that I haven't a clue what the effects of recreational drugs are just in case you think I know what I am talking about.......)
The after effects are pretty much as I imagined, endless eye drops, and the unwashed-hair-and-no-make-up-look is starting to look a bit scary now, so I am hiding whenever the doorbell rings. I am still not up to crafting but I have a few things to show you over the next few days. Have a great weekend x 


  1. I knew you'd do great. I know most people are scared for any kind of surgery and this I think it particularly scary since it has to do with vision. Everyone I know who has had this done says the same thing, "piece of cake" Now just do as the doc tells you and you'll be a-ok.
    Love the bright and happy card.

  2. I've been told I could get cataracts in around 10 years time, and I am very allergic to eye drops, so hope they have a solution to that!
    I'm glad it went well for you. Nice happy card.

  3. Brilliant bright rainbow colours & love the curves. Glad to hear you're on the mend :)

  4. Glad the surgery went just fine!!
    Two of my Sisters has had this surgery on both eyes.
    I love the rainbow look on this card.
    The dies look fun :)

  5. Glad to hear for your successful eye surgery:)
    I love how this rainbow colors peeking out through the wholes and love the smiley with perfect curves!

  6. So pleased that your surgery went well and wasn't painful. Love your 'happy' card, really bright and cheerful. Pat x

  7. Fabulous card Enfys - lovely and cheery.
    Glad all went well with the op.
    Toni xx

  8. Good to hear the op wasn't the frightful experience you were fearing. Lovely of you to reassure others in the same situation. Take care now and you'll soon be back crafting - firing on all cylinders. My stamp arrived safely, thanks very much.

  9. Hi, Enfys,
    So good to hear that the surgery went well and you are recovering well.
    I love your card :)

  10. I love this bright, cheerful card.
    So glad that your surgery went well, can't wait to have you posting more of your creations when you are fully recovered.

  11. So glad you are doing so well. Best of luck.

  12. I'm so glad your surgery went great, your vision will be amazing!

    I LOVE your card, love the colors, love the look! It makes me smile, thank you for sharing!

  13. So glad to hear that surgery went well and you are on the mend! Loved the rainbow card, too. BethAnn M.

  14. So glad to hear your surgery was painless & somewhat "colorful" Enfys!! I actually have that Blueprints 11 and haven't used it yet...thanks for the inspiration!! You'll be crafting very soon again I'm sure of it!!

  15. Glad all went well. I knew you would. Interesting that you are the first I've heard talk about what you could see. But then you are a unique individual. That's why I like you. That and your creativity and sense of humor.
    Cute card, I had forgotten about those dies. Have Mike get you some dry shampoo from the chemist. It's not as good as the real thing, but better than not. Be well my friend. Hugs Jess

  16. So glad you are recovering well from your op, let`s hope you will be seeing the world in a new technecolour very soon.

  17. Wishing you a speedy recovery Enfys so pleased all went well for you and your card and those dies are stunning x

  18. When my husband had his surgery years ago it was so cute what he said when we came home. He walked into the kitchen and said, on my goodness, the Ritz cracker box is red! He loved being able to see pretty colors again. He eventually had both eyes done and never had any pain.
    I'm so happy to hear you whizzed through it just fine. I knew you would. Big hugs.

  19. I love the card and am so glad to read that the surgery went well. Of course I can't imagine that you would do anything but great. Take it easy and get totally well soon.

  20. I have been so busy lately I missed your post about your surgery. I had it at 42 years of age. That was 18 years ago and have been very pleased since. My main difficultly was an allergy to tape adhesive. Having been severely nearsighted since having measles as a child my vision since has been so wonderful. I was able to wake up during the night that first night, look at the bedside clock and see that it was 3am with no glasses on. I had never been able to do that before.

  21. Lovely card Enfys.
    Glad the surgery went well and hoping for a quick recovery for you.

  22. So good to hear that the surgery went well and you are recovering well. Gorgeous rainbow card. hugs, Helena

  23. I'm so happy it was quick and easy and not painful. I just had cataracts removed too and you are right, it is a piece of cake. HOWEVER, I am stunned to see that my hair has so much gray in it!! It didn't look like that to me before. Also, what I thought were sheet marks on my face in the morning turned out to be wrinkles that stay all day. That is the downside of the surgery.

  24. I also meant to say I love this card. It is so happy, fun and colorful.

  25. Well, now I know what tripping is I won't worry when its my turn for cataract so glad the surgery went smoothly
    luv the bright colors such a cheerful card...


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x