Wednesday 1 October 2014

First 'technique' video

Well after rather a large amount of blood, sweat and tears, I'm back in the video zone, and I sound rather miserable about it - forgive me, I was so busy trying to concentrate on a million different things at once, I forgot to sound happy! You asked for techniques, so that's what I'm doing, nothing new, nothing too fancy, but some of them may be new to you, or make you want to revisit an old friend

I found out how to speed things up, thinking you would all be bored, now I seem like some crazy crafty wonder-woman who whizzes through life at a hundred miles an hour! I do have a few more videos in the pipeline, but only if you are enjoying them, because the whole process is rather long and drawn out at this end - I'll probably get the hang of it soon!

So what's been going on in my world while I've been in broadband exile? Well, I sent the till at the charity shop into meltdown a couple of times, I think the child assistant manager is a bit irritated by me now, but is too frightened of me to say so. Then there was that awkward moment.....the one where you know you are just going to be hanging around at home all day, so throw on yesterdays jeans. Fine, until you have to unexpectedly pop to the bank, and on the way there have a moment of total panic because a large tumour seems to have grown on your knee overnight. Further investigation shows that it's yesterdays underwear making it's way down your jeans - thank heavens for skinny jeans, otherwise it may have been even more awkward...

See you tomorrow, when it's time for another Letraset post. Ahhh, it's so good to be back!  


  1. Here we go back where I guess I am suppose to be number 1. Thanks again for the win I cannot wait to play with the CD. I love the Kiss stamping video. I wish I could make a card in the length of time that the video went. Love it and great job...

  2. Great video Enfys!!!!
    You did a great job.
    I like how you stamped off on another textured stamp.
    I must try that.

  3. Wow Enfys, this is a fab technique, thanks for your great video

  4. Pretty card and how lovely to put a voice to the face on your blog.

  5. Fantastic kissing technique, Enjoyed the video!

  6. I think you did a great job with the video, you didn't sound the least bit nervous. Lovely card and I love the technique. thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Yay! Don't have time right now to watch the video, but at least I managed to read your post until the end and started my day off with a good laugh. Sounds like something that could happen to me too!

  8. Brilliant En. I really enjoyed watching that and as soon as my craft room is functional again, I'll be having a fiddle :) Thanks for putting it together for us xxx

  9. Well done Enfys, great job with the video. The resulting card is so pretty.
    You certainly made me chuckle with the tale of the jeans.

    Toni xx

  10. Thank you for the fabulous technique video! The finished card is gorgeous. I am still smiling at the jeans story! xxx

  11. Bravo Enfys with a fab video !! And boy did I smile with yesterdays knickers !!

    hugs Diane xx

  12. Haven't watched the video yet Enfys - I'm still laughing about the errant enderwear! I've got two weeks worth of posts to catch up on so that will keep me occupied for a while. Pat x

  13. You did a great job on your video!!!
    All your efforts paid off. I wondered how you made that word Thanks look like chipboard. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  14. Loved your video! I would never have thought to stamp my stamp onto another stamp for a pattern. I love that idea, and Thank You for sharing it. BethAnn M.

  15. Thank you for taking all the time, the blood, sweat and tears to put together this great video. You did an awesome job! I had forgotten about the "Kiss" technique, so thank you! I don't think I've ever seen anyone do it on video, so I appreciate that!

    Thanks also for starting my day off with a smile and I'm so glad it wasn't a tumor! Have a great day!

  16. Beautiful card Enfys but when l try the video it isn't showing anything will call back later x

  17. Thanks for the video, it is great. I love the card and the kiss stamping.
    Barb from Michigan

  18. Great video. Might I say, too, I love reading your life tidbits. You have a wonderful sense of humor.

  19. Lolol, some day I'll tell you my story of lost keys and underwear. It falls into the 'most embarrassing moments' category. Love the card. Great video! I don't know what you were worried about. Thanks for reviving the technique, and for the chuckle. Hugs Jess

  20. Fabulous!!! Bravo!! this is a new technique for me and it gave me tons of ideas I could do that with!!! thanks..I knew this was going to be so worth waiting for...your voice sounded great!!!
    Now I'm going to enjoy hearing your stories...and get a bigger chuckle out of

  21. So enjoyed your video! Haven't used the kiss technique in ages. Thx for the refresher.
    Dang I better start checking my britches legs, lol!

  22. Great video! I have been doing this so long, that you forget about the neat little techniques that we can do. Thanks for a wonderful reminder!

  23. Love your video and can't wait to try your technique. Thanks for all the effort to make this for us.

  24. I haven't even watched the video yet & I just have to are so funny & crazy wacky!! And I can so relate to finding yesterdays underwear in your jeans!! Don't sweat it...I'm telling you..millions of women have experienced this! Check back with you after I've watched the video1

  25. OKAY ENFYS!! So I watched your video..and you totally rocked it!! You presented a technique like lots of videos do..but you did not drag on for about 15 mninutes like most videos do. I'm impressed. You still got it going on and I love how you tell your viewers what works & doesn't work for you!

  26. Lovely video and beautiful card!


  27. Well done on your first video (and your video on the Letraset blog). The speed was just right and your movements were still easy to follow. Thanks for reminding me about a fun technique that I've been meaning to try for a long time.

  28. Great video! Love that technique. I laughed so hard at your story! I can't tell you how many times I've been stricken with a "tumor" myself.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x