Friday 15 August 2014


 I do love new ideas, one of the designers on the Stretch Your Stamps online class did a most wonderful card, she stamped in colour, so no black outlines, then just doodled over the stamped images in a most wonderful free form way. I couldn't wait to try it, of course I didn't have the stamps, or the coloured ink pads I needed, but I had a go, and do you know what? I love the result. It looks like a very arty original sketchy drawing. I hit on the idea of cutting a circle and placing the sentiment (Katy Sue Designs) behind that, some of the stamps peeked out into the circle. Next time I will take more care placing them, but I only hit on this idea after I had  done the stamping

So this online class that I have thrown myself into is almost over. Back to normal, and I am stalking the postman because I am expecting an exciting parcel from Craftwork Cards with their new collections, ready to make samples for their TV shows being shown in a few days time - I'll let you know the times nearer to the date

So I spent the afternoon at the charity shop sorting out bags of clothes, tagging them and steaming. I really enjoyed it! Mind you, what possesses someone to strip the bed, then instead of putting the bedding into the wash thinks 'I've gone off this set, it can go to charity', bundling it into a black sack and delivering it for me to pull out. Ugh! I feel a bit itchy all over today, a rare skin condition would be preferable to the unthinkable.........

A guy bought in a bundle of clothes, no bag or box, just the clothes over his arm. He went through them all with me very proudly, pointing out the quality. Holding up a tie 'pure 100% silk' and 'see this jacket? Paul Smith, cost a fortune this did' and so on. It was unfortunate that I dumped them on the floor of the sorting room just as he returned saying he had forgotten to check the pockets. Very unfortunate. I thought he was going to gather up his silk ties and walk back out with them. Oops. 

So it's been a funny old week. Racing around doing charitable good deeds, rubbing a couple of people up the wrong way, practically causing a cash register to go into meltdown and making cards like a woman possessed. I need a good hot bath and a lie down....

See you tomorrow x


  1. Another great card!! and I can hardly wait for your box to arrive too...Oh My! what a position to be in..the guy's heart probable dropped when he saw that......
    I wanted you you know that I have tried 3 times to send my addy and no deal failed!! still trying though!!!

  2. Love this idea Enfy's...Can't wait to try it..I am also enjoying hearing about your daily tasks! You always have a amusing way to take us on your adventures. I love that! :)

  3. I love this card--and I think having the flowers come out into the circle makes it even better than just a circle would have been! I'm learning so much in this class, I'm
    really enjoying it, and seeing all the cards everyone is making!

  4. Such a pretty card Enfys.

    Sounds like you are experiencing allsorts at the charity shop.

    Toni xx

  5. Your card turned out wonderful, Enfys. I haven't viewed all of the past two days of class as yet, but I can hardly wait now that I've seen your card.
    Seems there's never a dull moment at the charity shop. I love reading about your adventures.

  6. I love the card but I'm sure my attempts at the same effect wouldn't look quite so arty!

  7. What a great idea this is Enfys - never seen it done before. Love the card and will def be giving this a try. Looking forward to seeing your samples on craftwork cards show, I'm sure they'll be beautiful. Pat x

  8. Love the free look of this card. Oh, dear, poor postie! What they have to endure on the path to a crafter's house!

  9. Love the card, love your story! You always make me smile one way or another! Can't wait to hear what your new package will contain!

  10. I think this one is my favorite this week! So fun to hear of your adventures at the thrift shop. I'm sure it will provide a wealth of material and you'll be taking a lot of nice hot baths, too. BethAnn M.

  11. Your card is gorgeous Enfy, such lovely colours and I love all your pretty detailing.
    Wow you do keep busy.
    Hugs Linda

  12. What a great card! And what a busy day. I got some Candis in a few kits a few years ago and loved them.

  13. Lolol Aaron hot bath and a lie down sounds good to me. Love the card. I got the red set of markers yesterday!
    Whooo Hooo! Looking forward to the things you make with the new things to come. Hugs, Jess

  14. This is a great idea for a card or to use on a scrapbook page! TFS! You are a delight and you cheer me up every day with your posts - you enjoy life!


  15. Your card is fabulous!!! I love everything about it.

  16. Maryellen WebberFriday, August 15, 2014

    Thanks for sharing all that you have been learning from your online class.
    This card is very pretty. Once again you had me laughing at your encounter at the charity shop. Can't wait to see what the postman brings you.

  17. Saw your card in the gallery, love it!

  18. I'm waiting on the postie as well. It's fun but frustrating. Unwashed? Really? What are people thinking of. Maybe you got the laundry and the laundrette got the charity donation ROFL LOL

    Love the card. Might have to borrow that idea.......

  19. A great card Enfys and love the effect. Definitely one worth trying. Loving reading about your experiences at the charity shop.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x