Tuesday 1 July 2014

Butterflies and Splashes - and a winner

 Here's a bright and breezy card today - I used Tim Holtz splatter stencil and distress inks, the butterflies are a Martha Stewart punch..... 

I just quite randomly splattered different coloured splashes onto the card, then scribbled the same colours onto white cardstock from which I punched the butterflies. The sentiment is Hero Arts 

Time to pick a winner for the Letraset Promarker set. Thanks to all of you who left comments - and to those who tried and tried on the Letraset site. The site has been down for maintenance over the weekend, perhaps the comment problem will have been resolved by now...

The winner is


Congrats, email me with your address and I will get them in the post

We had a fun and fairly exhausting couple of days looking after Max and Milo.
We were amused to hear Max say to his little brother in the car on the way to school 'you are treading on very thin ice young man'
Well, I wonder where he picked that little phrase up!
Then when I went to pick up Milo from an after school club, we got back to the car and I had a parking ticket on the windscreen. Needless to say, I was a bit peeved. I had to explain what a ticket was to Milo, who slipped his little hand into mine and said earnestly 'well, you have to be disponsible Ma....'
Yes Milo, I agree, it wasn't very responsible to think I'd get away with it for five minutes.....

See you tomorrow x


  1. Fun card! Loved your stories of Max and Milo. They are such smart and precocious little boys.

  2. I love those splats Enfys - great card.

    Toni xx

  3. It is really gorgeous. I love the colors.

  4. Out of the mouth of babes.
    Love the splotches and butterflies on your card. Beautiful.

    Dianne Bell - Sewpro02@aol.com

  5. Love this card Enfys! Great job.

  6. Love card. I enjoy seeing one layer cards. The butterflies aren't thick enough to add postage.
    So you aren't disposable.... lol We do have to be careful what we say, they pick up everything. Our Mason wouldn't talk until he was 2. We were a bit concerned. But when he started talking, it was in sentences! Full, and usually correct! "Daddy, did you see that lizard?" So we know he's been listening.

  7. Kids say the sweetest things. Love the bright colours. Great splats

  8. Great card Enfys, what a fun idea. Sorry you got hit with a parking ticket. Pat x

  9. Beautiful is your card Enfys and congrat to your winner

  10. I've been out of town for a while to be with my 90 yo Aunt when she had hip replacement surgery. Just catching up on all the posts I've missed. Didn't comment on them all, but this one I had to. I totally LOVE it! I love the spatters, the colors, everything about it!
    Also love your stories about the kids.

  11. Love your card Enfys. Gorgeous colours. Well done to the winner too.

  12. Such a fun card, Enfys, and I love your stories of Max and Milo.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x