Tuesday 14 January 2014

Votive candle wraps....

I've been having fun with these candle wraps that I found in Hobbycraft....

Of course, I knew as soon as I saw them that they would not go near a candle in my house, I wanted them for cards. Pretty, intricate, lacy borders, all ready cut out for me, how could I resist?.....

I kept to the 'love theme' for these two cards, but they could just as easily be used for regular birthday cards as you will see tomorrow.....

Anyone want some of these? I have 15 in a pack for someone, and I will throw in this month's copy of Papercraft Inspirations magazine and the freebies that came with it (be sure to check out pages 54 & 55!) If you fancy these, just leave a comment under this post, I will draw a winner on Sunday and let you know on Monday

Three out of four cards done for my next magazine commission. I'm a happy bunny, hopefully the last one will be finished today, then just the dreaded step-by-step instructions to do and they should be in the mail by Wednesday. Result! See you tomorrow x


  1. These are beautiful!! I would love to have these and the chance to work with them! Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Wow Enfys, looks like you've been having fun with those wraps - great cards. Thank you for the chance to win some of the wraps to play with.

    Toni xx

  3. Beautiful cards and a great find. Love this... I would not dare go near a candle either with this. Great job. Cannot wait to get my issue. The USA is about 3-4 weeks behind getting the magazine.

  4. Your cards are so lovely, what a great find!
    Thanks for the chance to win some

  5. Those are so pretty - I could also see them on a scrapbook page.

    Nana Jo

  6. What a great idea these are. Thanks for a chance to win. You are so generous Enfys. Hugs, Ursula

  7. very nice job! Sorry these the candle wraps are never for sale here... I love your creation!

  8. Gorgeous cards Enfys, love the bow as the stopper for the easel card, but my fave is the red and white.
    Thanks for the chance to win some of these lovely wraps : )

  9. Wow they look gorgeous on cards very inventive angxxx

  10. Does anyone want some?? ME ME ME...lol putting them on a card is a better idea then a candle and get full of wax...
    fabulous cards!!! luv the first one
    thanks for a chance..

  11. Oooh - how delicious and what a find. Your creations with them are beautiful. I would certainly LUV some of these :-D

    IKE xxxxxxxxx

  12. Ooh, I'd love some :) I don't have PI either :)

  13. Fantastic idea for using the candle wraps Enfys, if I'm not lucky enough to win then I must get hold of these. Thanks, Sue x

  14. A very Happy New Year to you Enfys. Your card is absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn't let these wraps be burnt by candles either, but but them to use in crafts. Scrolled down to view your past makes & found several beautiful ones. Love your blog.

  15. I would never have thought of using them like that - what a great idea - thanks for the inspiration and a chance to win x

  16. What a beautiful cards Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  17. I love how you have used the candle wraps,very inventive :)
    Gorgeous cards.
    I too would love the chance to use them .

  18. What a fantastic find, and those are two gorgeous examples of how to use them! Fabulous!

    (I won't enter the draw, as I won something recently, but couldn't resist leaving some love!) x

  19. Great idea. I might just have to pop down to Hobbycraft to see if I can find some. Thanks for the chance to win. Wendy x

  20. Wow, what beautiful cards. You always give me such joy to read your entries each time, and now a chance to win some of these lovely wraps and a magazine, thank you for the chance to win.
    Vicky R x

  21. Thank you for a great blog that I look forward to reading, and thank you for chance to win.

  22. I just knew you were going to do something awesome with the candle wraps! Your cards are beautiful as always and your attention to detail is truly AMAZING! Thank you for sharing!

  23. Stunning cards Enfys, love following your blog, diolch -thanks Rhian

  24. These are lovely with so many uses. You could colour them, stencil through, decorate jars etc. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hazel x

  25. Those wraps are beautiful. But I like them much better the way you used them. The cards are gorgeous. Thanks for giving us a chance to win some.

  26. So pretty! Great for Valentines, Mother's Day, weddings. I would love a chance to play with them. Thank you for offering such a nice prize. BethAnn M.

  27. Fabulous find!!!And great inspiration too!
    I did the same with a Halloween -(spider)cobweb for cupcakes!
    Love your blogposts, soooo very funn with beautiful cards!


  28. You make such beautiful cards. I enjoy reading your posts first thing in the morning. Thanks so much for a chance to win.

  29. Two beautiful cards - a fab idea to use them on cards instead, I think they would lovely on a wedding layout too x Thanks for the chance to win some x

  30. The candle wraps are so pretty,
    how creative you are to use them
    in your card making! Thanks so much for the chance to win some
    and for the copy of the magazine
    Hugs from Georgia,

  31. Hey En, Love these cards. When I first saw these sweet little candle wraps I felt the same way. Not on candles, I have cats that get way too curious about burning candles. So now fire and paper together for me. lol I'd love to win some of them too. And the mag is my fave of all the UK mags! Perfect fit for me. Hugs, Jess

  32. These are just GORGEOUS!! I love the candle wraps :) SO lacy and delicate, and perfect for the beautiful cards you created. Can't wait to see the PI issue... it always takes so much longer to get it here in the States, but worth the wait. Thanks again for the inspiration and your generosity in your blog candy! All the best to you.

  33. You are amazing, your creations are always fabulous. I never would have thought of using the wraps for cards, I'm glad you did. Thanks for the chance to win a set and the other goodies.

  34. I love the candle wraps, Enfys. Thank you for the opportunity to win them & a copy of the Paper Inspirations magazine. I can never seem to find it in the USA.

  35. What a great idea to use them on cards. Both cards are gorgeous. And as always I appreciate that you share your designs with all of us.

  36. Good thinking! Those look beautiful on your cards!

  37. Your cards are beautiful, however, being from the US, I do not understand the pound verses the dollar. But, I love the site and read it first. TFS.

    Dianne Bell - Sewpro02@aol.com

  38. O wow, these are fantastic. Don't think you can find these here in Holland. Love them and so great for cards.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs, Yvon

  39. Those wraps are truly stunning! Definately too beautiful to use on candles :-) I would love to play with them so thanks for the chance to win.
    Lena’s Creations

  40. Candle wraps into lush cards, only a crafter can use something in a different way is was designed for. Great idea and would love to use them if I manage to win!
    Chris x

  41. These are gorgeous and I would be thrilled to win them. I'd be worried about putting them on candles though. Those are beautiful cards you made with them.

  42. Love these on a card, very effective - Debbie

  43. What a great idea - they look absolutely gorgeous on a card. I'll keep my eye open for some. Pat x

  44. Thanks for a chance to win those gorgeous candle wraps/card borders. You are always thinking outside the box & we are grateful for that.
    Donna K U

  45. I've never seen the candle wraps - how beautiful! And I would love to have a copy of Papercraft Inspirations. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
    Laura Holt
    [Google will show me as "unknown"]

  46. Oh my goodness, how adorable are these???? I've never seen anything like them!!!! What a smart girl you are to use them for cards!!!! Gorgeous, I say!!!

  47. Those candle wraps are quite the find. They are so many uses from them than just as candle wraps. Your cards are just beautiful. I love that you think outside the box. You are so clever. Kate

  48. They are beautiful borders on your cards...would love to have them!! Throw my name in the spin for a chance! Thanks!

  49. Wow. Beautiful cards. Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

  50. Love your idea using the candle wraps. You have done some beautiful cards as usual. Thanks for a chance to win these.

  51. Would love to win thee! Workin on anniversary cards the last few day because my inventory is low.
    Would love to use these or find out where to buy!
    Nancy from Ohio/Florida

  52. Meeeee!

    What a fabulous idea Enfys - a much better use for these.

  53. Love how you used a bow on the easel card Enfys ;- ) What a cool idea. I'd love to see your cards in Papercraft as well. No one near me sells it :- ( maybe I'll see them online if I don't win. Have a great week!

  54. How interesting that you made these cards (which, btw, I adore). When you posted these candle wraps on Monday, I was thinking that I would never use them as candle wraps, yet my mind was racing with other crafting goodies that they could be used for. I think you have read my mind! Lovely cards! =)

  55. What a great way to repurpose those wraps, Enfys. Especially love the white against the plain red. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  56. "WOW" Enfys.......Thank you for a chance to win these amazing and wonderful candle wraps they are truly stunning who wouldn't want a pack of them l would just love to be your winner and to recieve a copy of the Papercraft Magazine too with all it's freebies your truly so generous and it's a pleasure being part of your blogging community what you have created using these wraps are stunning as always thank you look forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations x

  57. Awesome, those cards are darling.
    Thanks much for the opportunity to win them.

  58. I can see how you could use these to make many different colored wedding cards, using the main color for the card base. Can you color them with alcohol markers? I see cutout possibilities for them too, just using parts of them on cards. What a great find!

  59. Beautiful card...as usual! Great wraps...would love to win!

  60. Fabulous idea! Can't wait to meet you in person in your workshop on the 25th January - I am so excited x

  61. You are such an inspiration. Now, all I have to do is get to doing. I'd love to win, thanks for the chance.
    Hugs, CyndiU

  62. Your cards are so pretty Enfys!!!!
    The candle wrappers looks like they could be fun to play with. No I wouldn't use them on candles either!!!!

  63. Aren't these pretty. Love anything new and diff.

  64. Lovely cards! I especially like the idea of alternative uses for the votive candle wraps. Thank you for the chance to win some.

  65. Those wraps are gorgeous as are your cards!

    nanettemt at yahoo dot com

  66. Had to come back & check this out after seeing tomorrows beauty! Would love a chance to win these!
    Hugs, Renee

  67. What lovely ideas for using the wraps. I'd love to have a try at doing the same!

  68. Hi, Enfys,
    What beautiful borders. Thank you for the opportunity to win some, too.

  69. You are so talented! I wish I could find items like this in the craft stores in my area. You are so generous to offer some of these to your readers. Thank you.

  70. These are a great idea and so pretty.Thanks for the chance to win some.

  71. Fabulous idea - will be having a look to see if I can purchase some myself x

  72. Gosh, you have been busy. But then you always are it seems!! Gorgeous cards. These votive wraps are gorgeous.

  73. Would love to win these and decorate some LED candles. Thanks for the chance to win.

  74. I love the candle wraps. Like you they would be for creating cards. Thanks for your ideas, I really love your blog.

  75. Beautiful cards. Thanks for the chance to win!

  76. These candle wraps are gorgeous. Love the cards you have created with them. Just perfect for lacy borders.

  77. Hope I did not wait to late to enter because I am always number one. Love this and the cards are beautiful. Good Luck to everyone....

  78. It’s looking very decent. My sister got married in one of finest wedding venues NYC. You know she designed her wedding card of her own and it was looking super cool!! Everyone loved that and admired her creation.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x