Friday 1 November 2013

Cake Anyone? (and ProMarker winner)

 Here's a cake card that I made for this month's Papercraft Inspirations Magazine, on sale now

The papers, doily and cake stamp are all by Papermania - a current range, you will find it in Hobbycraft....I was aiming for a shabby chic look with this one, I think it worked.. 

Did you know that you can buy digital copies of Papercraft Inspirations? Take a look HERE

PaperCraft Inspirations

Thank you all for the sweet messages yesterday, much appreciated..

I will be spending this weekend making some samples for Craftwork Cards TV show next week, so sitting at my desk, which is lucky because I am still suffering from the effects of my undignified bump onto the floor a few days ago - walking is fine, sitting is fine, lying down is fine, but walking up stairs just about kills me! Very strange. Hopefully it will wear off soon, I need to be in tip top shape for next week when I go to the big craft show at the NEC - I'll be sure to take my camera along for that .

On to the winner of the Autumn edition ProMarkers. I forgot to take a screenshot of, but the name that came up was:

JANE (who signed herself as Jane Brown on the Letraset blog) her blog is called the Craft Bucket

Congrats Jane, send me an email and I will get your markers in the post to you. See you all tomorrow with the Card Candi winners x


  1. What a pretty card. I love the colours and the image is very cute! gorgeous papers and embellies ...

  2. Oh My!! you had a fall??? hope you feel better real soon...all that walking is going to be tough with carry bags of all the goodies you will find...

  3. that cake looks scrummy - great card Enfys. Congrats to Jane. Pat x

  4. Beautiful sweet sweet card Enfys.
    Gr Elly

  5. The cake card is gorgeous! Yes, please be in top form when you visit the show, so that you can share it with us here in the USA. Thank you, and hope you feel better soon. BethAnn M.

  6. Wow thank you so much, off to email you now! Jane x

  7. Lovely card Enfys - that cake looks almost good enough to eat.

    Congratulations Jane, have fun playing with your goodies.

    Toni xx

  8. Gorgeous card Enfys l could just eat a slice of the yummy cake and congrat to jane your winner enjoy your pens jane x

  9. You did a great job on the shabby chic look! Really gorgeous, as always.
    Congrats to Jane. Happy coloring!!
    Queen Bee Paper Crafts

  10. A beautiful card Enfys. Love the design.
    Well done to the winner of the promarkers. Sorry to hear you had a fall, you just take it easy.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x