Thursday 3 October 2013

Rainy Days - and another chance to win

 The forecast for the next couple of days is torrential rain.......

I am going through the seasons this week, Summer, Winter and now a rainy UK Autumn, for this one I turned to another Emma Canning digi image from the fabulous Digistamp Heaven CD by Polkadoodles.......

I used drops of glossy accents to look like raindrops on her brolly.....

Coloured with ProMarkers, I used
The scallop embossed square is by Craftwork Cards, and the clouds are those little Memory Box dies - again!


I have a lovely Polkadoodles giveaway for you today, a copy of the lovely Bonbon Belles CD, which is a double CD, packed with wonderful colour collections of papers, sentiments, embellishments and digi stamps. All you have to do is leave a comment under this post, and pop over to the Polkadoodles challenge blog to sign up to follow - they have a challenge every Friday, and you will get to see some really lovely projects by the design team, and if you like challenges, this is a fun one to follow

I will draw a winner on Monday and let you know who won on Tuesday. Good luck

See you tomorrow x


  1. Hi I Afghan So Glass I Got My Grass Cut Then If We Are In For Rain. Great Card Love The ImageAnd Thanks For Chance To Win.

  2. Thanks for the chance to win this one - not sure about being number 1 tho!
    I am already a Polkadoodles follower

  3. Awe......she is so cute!!!
    Even being out in the rain!!
    Love everything about it!!!

  4. Thanks for another chance to win some lovely goodies. Have a wonderful day. Sue x

  5. Cute card Enfys and lovely colouring. Thanks for the chance to win a Polkadoodles CD. Pat x

  6. Beautiful card
    Love the raindrops too
    Beautiful kit.
    Gr Elly

  7. Love love this card. I just love images with umbrellas. The glossy accents really adds dimension ti the card. Thanks for an opportunity to win this cd. Hugs~♥

  8. Love all the cards and the raindrops are great

  9. Ooh what a lovely card. I love how you have used the glossy accents, very creative
    Thanks for the chance to win the cd


  10. This is adorable. Love the purple.

  11. Thanks for the opportunity to win, its a lovely card x

  12. Beautiful card again today - I love the embossing on the frame - it adds so much to your lovely image. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hi En:

    Love your cards. This one is particularly lovely. Thanks for the chance to win.


  14. Wow ! what an amazing card
    Love the colour ,love everything about it
    Susan xx

  15. First thing that came to mind was: isn't she a cutie! Diff. layout for a card. So sweet.

  16. Great card, love the raindrops on her brolly! Thanks for the chance to win this lovely cd.

  17. A new CD to play with would be fun especially with the wet weather forecast! Great card again, love the rain drops.
    Chris x

  18. Love this card Enfy' cute. Love the glossy raindrops!

  19. I have been a Polkadoodles follower for a while so it is fab to have a chance at winning one of their goodies.

    I love your card - lots of lovely mauve shades and a lovely cute image.

    Toni xx

  20. Enfys,
    This card is so cute. I colors in this card. Make me think of April showers and May flowers. Have a great couple of days.

  21. So adorable! Nice touch with the glossy accents too.
    Thanks for the chance.

  22. how sweet and love the raindrops, thanks for the chance to win

  23. Gorgeous card Enfys, already a challenge follower! Ruby x

  24. Lovely card!! Glossy Accents is one of my favorite things....use it all the time and it's just perfect to make rain drops! Coloring is amazing.
    Thanks so much, as always, for the chance to win. The CD looks fabulous!

    Sue Brailey

  25. I do love the Polkadoodles CDs ... and your creations with them are simply adorable. Like this Rain Days card. Great colors, the shades of purple and white are so pretty together. And that little girl is a cutie too.

  26. Hi Enfys. Your little girl is so cute. Thanks for the chance to win these adorable CDs.

  27. thanks for the giveaway Enfys - i haven't tried their cd's yet and I really should. your card is beautiful - love the clouds!

  28. What a fabulous card! Those glossy accents really give a good effect and I just love the colours you've chosen. What great candy! Good luck everyone.
    Hugs xx

  29. Wonderful effects again Enfys and thanks for the chance to win what looks like a fabulous collection.
    Jeannie E.

  30. What a pretty image and card and I love the raindrops. Thanks for the chance to win x

  31. Wow Enfys this is a fabulous card.those droplets of rain look've made some beautiful projects while I've been away.Hope you're well dearie and thank you for the chance to win this flabby caroms.Hugs Debbie.x

  32. Just found this blog, wonderful cards and giveaways, many thanks for all your hard work and sharing your designs.

  33. cute! cute! rainy day card...crossing my fingers ...would luv that CD..thanks for a chance to win..

  34. Gorgeous card Enfys. Love the little raindrops on the image. Thanks for the chance to win a lovely CD. I am already a follower of PolkaDoodles.

  35. ooh this card is so cute! I love the little raindrops on her brolly - what a fabulous idea! Would so love to win the CD xx

  36. So cute, and what a nice prize to win! Good luck to all. BethAnn M.

  37. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.Your latest creations are great

  38. The card is gorgeous and the raindrops on the umbrella look very real!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x