Thursday, 8 August 2013


I needed a simple birthday card and found this cut on the Martha Stewart holiday cake cartridge, it was meant to be a very quick card, but then I started to mess around with it and decided I liked the negative space more than the cut, so I backed that in black - oh yes, and it needed a couple of balloons too, and they needed a coat of glossy accents....

and after a lot of faffing about, here is my very quick card that took ages to make!

Our little grandson Max is six now, and his vocabulary is growing every day, his language is really quite expressive. His Daddy took him out for breakfast the other day as a treat, and Max ordered pancakes (he got to love them on an American holiday). One of them was very brown on the underside, not burnt, just brown. So the waiter came and asked if everything was alright. 'Lovely thank you' said my son. 'I don't like this pancake' announced the six year old gourmet 'it's a disgrace'
Disgrace! Where did he pick that up! He is off on a three week holiday to California soon, he may shatter a few American conceptions of ultra polite British kids if he goes around doing his food critic act over there :)

See you tomorrow x


  1. OH MY!!! HE IS TOO PRECIOUS!!! cute card (but I must admit it is second to your grandson...luv hearing about him)

  2. Hi Enfys wow such a striking card I love it - even if it did take you longer than expected to make it! !

  3. Love the card Enfys - the negative space really looks effective.

    Toni xx

  4. Love the colours on your card Enfys, its a really striking design. I would have liked to see the waiter's face when Max came out with his comment! Pat x

  5. Hi Enfys, lovely effective card! Ruby x

  6. I love the clean look to this card, love your grandson being truthful, why not! lol

  7. Hi Enfys, love your card and I think that Max is right, pancakes should be golden not brown! lol
    Have a wonderful day.

  8. Very cute card! I have always loved the posts about something Max said. He's such an intelligent child. I'm sure he's like a There are some kids I've known here who've said things that would curl your ears! And no I can't share any on the computer. lol TFS
    Hugs, Jess

  9. Love this colorful card. Love your stories, too.

  10. Way to go Max! lol. I really like this card. Sometimes the simplest ones are the hardest! Barbara in AZ

  11. Cute card!! Hilarious story! Would love to know what the waiter's reaction was to that comment!!

  12. Card is crispy white, colorful. Love it!! Max and his humor. I can just imagine what went through the waiters mind. Ha!!

  13. A lovely card Enfys. The negative cut out has worked really well.
    Don't you just love kids when that happens lol.

  14. Great card. Good for guys or gals. Your little Max sounds like a hoot. I love the honesty.

  15. Another adorable card. Very festive, just as a Birthday card should be. I really like the whimsical lettering on it.

    Oh My ... I am sure that Max's comment came as a bit of a shock to his Daddy (although I personally would have been hard pressed to refrain from laughter). He has become quite the little food critic, hasn't he (so funny).

    I have no doubt that being told that the food is a "disgrace" would come as a bit of a shock here in America too, especially by one so young. However, if the word got back to the manager or chef, they would very likely reward him with a new, or even free, meal. I'll have to give that a try sometime ... but of course, I would truly need to be served a meal that was an actual "disgrace". *wink*


  16. Hi En, Had a crafting weekend over in Orlando, came home with lots of cards to send!!! We miss you here in the US, still seems like you are here with the posts each day. Glad your summer is going well, love seeing the pictures of England. Miss you, Carol (Debbie's friend) xoxo


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x