Tuesday 2 July 2013

I'm Back!

Well I bet you are reading this post hoping to see the names of the prize winners, that will have to wait until tomorrow, I have been so busy unpacking and doing all the laundry and tedious stuff like that......

In the meantime, some photos for you, I spent hours just looking at the sea, I love the way you get all these different shades of blue and green with the white foam.....

and in true cruise tradition, there was a little towel animal in the cabin each night.....

the ship was very glitzy......

 but there were some rather nice pieces of art to look at......

Barcelona is always a favourite with us, this was taken at the start of La Rambla, one of the most famous streets in the world.....

where they sell every flower you can imagine......

and I love looking at the markets where the locals shop, the displays of fish, and fruit were quite beautiful.......

then just look what caught my eye, I was hopping around with excitement.....

oh boy, did I enjoy this! 

Here is Monte Carlo taken from the sea........

the tender moored next to this gorgeous boat, I was intrigued to know who
would possible afford something like this (there was a full staff of dozens keeping busy on there, so I googled it.....

It turned out to be owned by the third richest man in the world, a billionaire who owns Christian Dior, Guerlain perfumes, Moet & Chandon, Louis Vuitton....and dozens more similar companies. A guy who likes luxury obviously. I was quite tempted to stowaway on there, but then Google informed me that Tony and Cherie Blair often holidayed on the boat, so I went off that idea.....

Gibraltar is such a funny little place, a tiny bit of rock that Spain gave to the UK centuries ago (they want it back now, tough). The currency is the British pound, there are pubs selling English beer everywhere, the post boxes are red, and the policemen wear the lovely traditional police helmets that the police at home don't wear any more.....

and the prize for the most tacky souvenir of the holiday goes to this plastic statue of the Queen, spotted in Gibraltar, She is battery powered, so that hand is constantly going back and forth in the Royal wave. So tacky (I was tempted to buy one and had to be dragged away by Mike).......

There are no funny stories to tell you, despite two weeks of people watching, but a couple of observations:

If you suffer from seasickness, it's probably best to look for a nice hotel on dry land rather than a cruise. That way, you wouldn't go green every time the ship rocked a tiny bit (astonishing how many regular cruisers spent half their holiday in their cabin being sick! Why? Beats me....)

Women over fifty really should think twice about tiny mini skirts and six inch heels, something about the gait makes you think they have gout

Three huge meals a day (four if you count afternoon tea) is probably two huge meals too many....

Are we  the only people on the planet who don't know all the arm movements to Agadoo (doo doo) and YMCA? Worse still, are we the only (grouchy old) people who don't want to learn them. I can twirl a napkin with the rest of the world when it comes to the chorus of 'Delilah', but that's my limit!

Sigh - it's nice to be home. That makes it sound as if we didn't enjoy ourselves, we did, it was just what the doctor ordered, relaxing and sunshine. Perfect! (but it's still nice to be home...)

See you tomorrow when I will have sorted out some winners x


  1. Here I go being number one to post. I love the pictures. What a great cruise. Hope you had fun and are ready to craft, craft, craft. Good Luck to everyone. Keeping my fingers, arms, legs, crossed. My eyes in the morning are allready crossed. Welcome home.

  2. I had fun looking at your pictures, and especially the pic of the Dunkin Donught shop. I hope you share your funny stories!! Glad you had a relaxing time, and no, you don't have to take part in all the activities!

    Talk later,

    Carmen L

  3. Hey there - glad you are back safe and that you enjoyed it :-D I couldn't 'cruise' coz I get sick just looking at boats LoL
    That posh boat comes to our island here at Kalymnos later in the year. We have seen it here the last 4 years but never found out who was actually on it !!!! :-D

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Looks like you had a great time. I have done a couple of cruises and found it really relaxing. Funnily enough, I don't feel the need to do the funny dances either lol.

  5. great to have you back on terra firma...love all the pics but do you realise I'm going to spend the rest of the day with a vision of you and Mike waving your napkins and singing along to Delilah...hugs kath xxx

  6. Welcome home Enfys. Looks like you had a great time (even without doing the silly dances).

    Love the pic of your cabin bunny.

    Toni xx

  7. Great photos Enfys. glad you enjoyed your cruise - we did the same one and I loved the way you could get a brief taste of so many places. Hope the washing and ironing is all done - now you can start planning your nest holiday!! Pat x

  8. "WOW" Enfys that looks a stunning place to be and looks like you had an amazing time thank you for sharing this wonderful moment l felt l was there with you....lol xx

  9. Welcome back. Glad you both had a great time. Love the pics.

  10. Welcome Home Enfys! And, no, you are not the only ones that do not know the moves to those foo-foo dances ... nor are you the only (grumpy old) folks that don't even care to learn them. Although I do think I could handle the napkin swirling thing. *wink*

    So glad you had such a wonderful time!


  11. I am so happy that you had such a good, safe and fun trip. The pictures are wonderful. I loved looking at each and every one of them. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. Welcome home...God bless, Smoochie

  12. Glad you had a nice time and a good rest. Not a holiday for me as I hate boats with a passion.

  13. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. I've so been wanting to take a cruise to Barcelona. However, the one I looked into was over $10,000. I just need to get out and start traveling. Twelve years of taking caring of the grandsons has taken it's toll and now it's time to fly with the eagles. LOL So glad you got some R&R. Welcome home!!!!!

  14. Sounds like you had a fab time and yes it always amazes me how people who get sea sick go on cruises. I lost count of the number of people who say things like 'I didn't think the sea got rough around the coastline of Britain' and 'Aren't ships able to go a longer way to avoid the Bay of Biscay?'

    Sadly I do know all the dance moves but happily I am a proper party pooper and don't join in LOL!!!!

  15. Glad you had such a great, relaxing time and that you're home safe and sound. Love all the pics. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hope you weren't among those being seesick. I probably would have been, which is why I would never voluntarily go on a cruise LOL. Don't like high heels either. Loved reading your story and viewing your pics. Love your boat pet!

  17. OMG!!! My Mom would LOVE that Queen. LOL She is royal crazy...she thinks she was born into the wrong family, that she should have been Queen! Sounds like a lovely trip and I LOVE your market pictures.

  18. sorry...so behind on my mail...luv the stories..and the pic are great..excited to see more....well did that Dunkin Donut Shop make you day!! have to laugh when I saw the pic...

  19. I love the pictures. I have been to a couple of those places and it brought up some great memories and a reminder that I need to work on the scrapbook. My daughter is now a big dunkin donuts fan and has decided she can travel further than her own neighborhood (tee hee).


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x