Thursday, 21 February 2013

More Stitches at the NEC

Sissix always have lovely displays at craft fairs, and this one at the NEC was just gorgeous, all full of sugar almond colours, and such great ideas......

I think this next card is one of my all time favourites, I just love the embossed clouds, with multi coloured strips of paper coming from them that were curled at the edges. Gorgeous!

and a little pail filled with paper flowers and candy........

The next photos are a company called Frankly Sweet, they make cutters that make tiny shoes and bags out of icing,  and the samples looked far to good too eat, they were adorable. I could imagine a birthday cake for Kiki decorated with the cute sneakers.....

all of the above were made with these cutters...I had to drag myself away, I don't have time for another hobby....

This next booth is a UK company as well....

all the above were made with these chipboard kits - I loved the little houses and the samples they made...

Another company flying the flag for the UK, they have come up with this thin mesh that is strips of gems, so you could cut a piece and use it like a ribbon for real bling. I had visions of cutting a flower aperture and filling the back with some of this stuff, bling heaven.. 

Now I really wanted to try some of the stuff on the next booth....

I know someone else who would love this stuff, my friend Anne. I didn't get all the technical details, but from what I could see, it's some sort of stuff in a bottle (I told you I didn't get the technical details!) that moulds to any fabric, so the samples below were made from netting, burlap, denim, scraps of fabric..., left to dry, then the whole thing is brushed with more stuff, a powder and you end up with works of art like this. I am seriously tempted.... 

This next one is made from a chunk of favourite

Phew, a picture heavy post today, I'll be back tomorrow with a lot more to show you. If you have time for a bit of blog hopping, I would really like it if you could pop over to the Letraset blog to see my post today, and leave a comment if you have time x


  1. loving all your enabling pics today En...gutted that I never had time to hop around and see any of to see what you've been up to over at Letraset....hugs kath xxx
    will give you a ring tomorrow if that's OK

  2. Oh my word! I just want one of everything. I think the cloud card is fabulous, the key hanger is gorgeous, and the mystery stuff with no name gives stunning effects. Glad I wasn't at the show - I would be bankrupt! Pat x

  3. Oh my Enfys you had some fun and that craft fair, lots of lovely gorgeous goodies. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  4. Can I go to the show with you next year?

  5. Wow...looks like you had a great time! I love those little houses. I'd love to have some for my Christmas villiage! I'm off to the Lettraset blog. TFS Hugs, Jess

  6. ooh some amazing photo's and amazing makes! thank you for sharing them with us xx

  7. New things are oh so exciting aren't they

  8. awesome looks like your craft show is more exciting then the one I went to Scrapbook was a great flop...

  9. I just made it over to visit and wow! You must have had an absolutely incredible time! So much inspiration! WOW!

  10. Envoy's - do you know the name of the UK Company supplying the Mesh Bling?

    TFS your visit to NEC. - the photos & info is much appreciated!



I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x