Monday 3 December 2012

Filling your Shoes.....

Isn't this a sweet little image from Inky Antics? Coloured with ProMarkers, I used
Saffron and vanilla for her hat, blush and soft peach for the skin, pastel pink, orchid and sunkissed pink for her dress.... 

I won't bore you with the saga of the sorting and packing, lets just say it involves lists of a short post today, I will be back tomorrow with the winner of the winter limited edition ProMarkers, and another chance to win Polkadoodles CD's
Hope this week is a good one for you all x


  1. awwww she's so cute En.
    Hope you are doing ok with packing everything up.
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  2. she is so cute......looks like my 2nd Granddaughter from the back.
    Love the coloring.

    ,I have the weirdest feeling that you are going to leave something important behind.
    double check and then check again before you hand the keys over, please.

  3. This is adorable I Love the image and the layout is beautiful. Good luck with the packing. Caroline xxx

  4. Just read yesterday's post. That must have been a very hard decision. Hope the packing goes well. Cute card today x

  5. Oh just love this hun, I think every little girl has done this at some point - simply gorgeous. Hugs Sxx

  6. Fabulous colouring Enfys and a gorgeous image. I love the sentiment too - so apt for a lot of people in my life. Take a deep breath and then look at those lists again!! Pat x

  7. Fabulous image and such a wonderful sentiment xx

  8. Precious! Love your "light" coloring of the image!

  9. Such a lovely card - great image and love the design of the card. TFS

  10. Adorable card En! Great coloring, as always. I feel your pain. I've had to move several times in my life. Although not to another country. Do you just ship every thing, then a mover takes the big stuff? Being a list maker myself, I worry if I'll lose my lists! lol Make sure to rest enough. Big hugs.

  11. I always study your pictures for the longest time trying to see if I can figure out how you colored them. I love the pastel coloring you did on this precious little girl. Oh my, I get the shakes just thinking of how much work you are going through trying to empty out a house and move overseas. Wish I was closer to be able to help you. Best of luck Enfys.

  12. So cute. I was at an affair yesterday and a little 3yo girl was all dressed up with her mom's knit scarf tied just so around her neck and shoulders. Her mom said she just had to wear it . I lod her at least is wasn't her shoes. The mom responded by saying that she always had to look for her shoes when she went to get dressed because the daughter would have them somewhere around the house.

  13. Awww Enfys, isn't she a cutie - lovely card.

    Toni xx

  14. Such a cute image, Enfys. Love the soft colouring.

  15. Enfys, Gorgeous card Beautifully coloured sweet image, fabulous layout and papers xx

  16. This is such a sweet card. Beautiful job with it!

  17. What a cute card and I can see my granddaughter in her Mom's shoes just like your card. I love your colors.
    Best of luck with your packing.

  18. simply adorable

  19. ooh this is so cute! Its the most adorable card ever - love it! Good luck with the packing xx

  20. Shes just gorgeous Enfys the sort of thing little girls are apt to do, not only trying mums shoes on but also showing her pants to. hugs Shirleyxxx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x