Tuesday, 27 November 2012

My birthday cards....

A whole week since I posted, that must be a first. A lot has been going on, one of them being my birthday. I thought you would like to see the lovely handmade cards that came my way.....

Made by my friend and neighbour Bev......

and from my crafty group of good friends  - Cheryl





Cheryl S........

and showing the lovely inside.....

From my friend Joan in Port St Lucie.......

and last, but definitely not least, from my best mate Anne, who painted this abstract in ink.........

Thank you all so very much, I appreciate both the cards and you

So I did the Black Friday thing. I found myself in Macy's at about 12.15 AM, looking around, bewildered, in the home department at the jostling crowds. There was a table in front of me with some plain cardboard boxes - just two left. Two women behind me almost pushed me to the floor as they shoved to get these boxes. Well, if they hadn't been so rude they could have had them, but I grabbed one and held on to it. Filthy looks all round. I didn't have a clue what was in the box, a plain cardboard box with no clue on the outside, so I held on to it, working on the assumption that if they had all been sold in 15 minutes, it must be something good..... it was heavy though. So I lugged my box to the linens to look for the sheets I wanted. Oh no, none left in cream, apart from a set held by the man next to me....I watched him like a hawk and when he put them down for a nano second, well they sort of jumped into my arms to join the mystery box. By this time I was getting a bit tired of being pushed and shoved, so wandered over to the register. My mystery box  rang up as a $90 saute pan - I paid $11.99. So the moral of the story is whenever you see an opportunity, grab it with both hands, (or one hand if the other is holding a plain cardboard box....)

See you tomorrow


  1. Well done, Enfys, and happy belated birthday. I would really hate going shopping like that, if you can still call it shopping. I thoroughly enjoyed my BF shopping ... online. Very relaxing, although one does tend to spend a lot of money LOL. Could not resist the ProMarker offer and ordered the original set. Thanks for the discount code.

  2. Belated birthday wishes to you from a fellow 'November babe' - you received some fabulous cards.

    You certainly did well with your cardboard box - great bargain.

    Toni xx

  3. Lol well done on your bargain grabs Enfys, you are such a great story teller mrs!! I felt like I was there with you lol. You have a very talented bunch of friends, those cards are just lovely. Hope you had a lovely day.

  4. Gorgeous cards especially the hand painted one, how clever. I do love your stories and can just imagine the scene. I don't know what Americans must think of the prices here. I love shopping there especially the craft shops.

  5. Happy belated birthday Enfys. What a fabulous selection of cards you received - you have some very talented friends. Great bargain you got, good on you for hanging onto it. Pat x

  6. Happy belated Birthday Enfys!!! I hope you had a good time. Hugs, brigitte

  7. Well done Enfys, great cardboard box and a great bargain xx

  8. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
    I love your Black Friday shopping
    trip experience, you are so brave!

  9. The best thing about black friday... I get to sleep late and eat more leftovers. And last year the black day became a blue one when my grandson was born. I hope you had a wonderful day. You certainly got lots of lovely cards! Big birthday hugs, Jess

  10. I love Black Friday and all the happy people. I have never had a bad experience thank goodness. My husband's birthday was last week also. He has your wonderful sense of humor also. Must be a November thing. Happy belated birthday.

  11. A belated Happy Birthday Enfys and you really know how to shop :-) TFS

  12. Hope you had a lovely birthday angxxxx

  13. Hope you had a great birthday Enfys. And what a bargain! Well done you! xx

  14. The cards you received are all so beautiful. Glad to see that you had a splendid birthday.

    Congrats on the fantasic buy at Macy's. Your reward for venturing out on Black Friday. I stayed at home and tended to the grandsons. My dil works at Sears, so she and my son ventured out to the mall before she had to go to work at 8pm. She was working until 4 am. My son came home directly after leaving her off for work. He said the lines were wrapped around Sears for TVs.

    So glad I stayed home. I've done the majority of my shopping on-line other than my venture out to M's on Thursday evening where I was able to score 3 new carts for a resonable price.

    Enjoy the rest before the holidays.

    Hugs, CyndiU
    cureta2 at yahoo dot com

  15. Glad you were able to get a couple of buys. I did just a bit of shopping Thanksgiving night. My sil and her daughter visiting from Orlando meet up. While part of us were in lines for specific items the other(s) looked for the other items on our lists. Did some very early shopping on Friday as I had to babysit my grandboys since Mom and Dad both had to work. Hope your birthday a really good one. You really got some beautiful cards.

  16. I learned a long time ago, it you are undecided, pick it up. You can always put it back. I didn't do any Black Friday shopping, but my hubby and kids did. I had a Black Friday Crop and had a ball, we played "The Price Is Right" everyone won a prize of some kind and you should have heard the fabulous trips we would have sent someone on IF we were able to. LOL We had wonderful food, lots of laughs and a great time.

  17. Belated birthday wishes Enfys, I think I missed this post somehow..your friends have sent you the most lovely cards..loved reading this post..it's exactly what I would do as well! Ruby x

  18. All these cards are amazing cute. I want to Print VIP cards for my birthday party and i need the best designs. Where i can get?


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x