Friday 12 October 2012

More Gingerbread

Todays giveaway is another chance to win the lovely new CD Gingerbread Twist - perfect for crafters who want to point, click and print, or for crafters who love hybrid digi cardmaking or scrapbooking. All you have to do is leave a comment under this post, and your name will be drawn with the other winners this week on Sunday

I love this next card. The scallop aperture card base is by Kanban, and the sentiment is by Craftwork Cards, everything else is from Polkadoodles Christmas is Coming CD. I added glitter to the cut out trees........

the sentiment says 'Santa is coming', so this is definitely going to go to one of my grandchildren, one more tick off the list...... 

and quick as a flash, I made a second card, the image is a ready coloured topper printed out, I cut out the hat and sack from another image and popped it up for dimension, added some sparkle to Santa's outfit and the berries, and voila, done. Another tick......

If you haven't left a comment on all five posts this week, be sure to scroll down to do so, and to see more details about the lovely CD's I am giving away each day

A strange thing happened yesterday, I was at my Thursday craft group and went out with a friend to fetch lunch. When we got back we noticed that part of the car park had risen in a big bump. Did you ever see that ridiculous SciFi film where giant worms invaded the earth and sort of moved beneath roads before bursting out of the tarmac and eating everyone in sight? Well, this looked as if one of those worms was moving around under there. Spooky. Then a little later, we noticed a very distinct dip in the ground in front of this bump. Oooops, I think we may be witnessing a sinkhole about to open up. We moved our cars pretty quick I can tell you. It will be interesting to see if the car park is still intact next week - come to think of it, it will be interesting to see if we still have a building to craft in!

See you tomorrow


  1. Cute cards Enfys!!!!
    I love the first one. But I really like them both.
    You have shown some really cute images this week.

  2. I love the card! Would be thrilled to win the Gingerbread Twist CD!

  3. Two lovely cards Enfys. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. Two great cards, that is weird about the carpark, least it wasn't a hole your car d be down it. x x

  5. Haha! If we do have new evil, wormy overlords, it was a pleasure to know you :) Kat xx

  6. He is rather cute... both cards are lovely
    CLaire x

  7. Great cards Enfys, I must admit to not having started yet on Christmas cards!!

  8. Such a cute santa Enfys and another two fab cards !!

    hugs Diane xx

  9. So gorgeous cards. Love them both.

  10. Love the the way you have done the trees on the first card. Fab creations both of them.

    Ooooo, not sure I would want to come across humps and dips like that - hope your craft place is okay for next week.

    Toni xx

  11. Love both your cards Enfys! Great post and thanks for a fab chance to win. Ruby x

  12. I love your two cards!!
    Thanks for the change to win.

  13. Love this design. Would love this CD!

  14. What gorgeous cards Enfys. I def need to get this CD as I have 6 grandchildren to make cards for! Have a good weekend. Pat x

  15. This card is fabulous. Love the shape and the image xx

  16. Beautiful cards, especially love the snowy trees :)

  17. That CD would be a great help to us card makers. It would be much easier to make a card and then print. Pretty cool looking card too. I hope I can make one with the help of the CD. :)
    truck lease

  18. Beautiful cards, Enfys!Thanks for a chance to win!

  19. Another two fabulous cards Enfys - wow love how detailed they are. I hope you do have somewhere to go and craft and I would have definitely done the same thing about my car too:-) Have a great weekend.

  20. Love the card, the way that it appears snow is on the trees. Another amazing card

  21. Both cards are fab, love the aperture card. Spooky goings on in that car park - was the film Tremors with Kevin Bacon? I love it! xx

  22. I love both cards - the snow on the trees looks so real. There's also a movie called "Holes" with Reba McEntire in it. Freaky!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Donna Wilson @

  23. More fabulous cards - thanks for the chance to win. I know the film that you are talking about and I hope there is a less spooky reason for your bumpy car park!!

  24. Wonderful card Enfys.
    Now I am wondering if they served wine with your lunch. LOL
    It must be hot in FL.

  25. Great cards! Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful CDs this week.
    Pretty scary about that bump in the lot. Be sure to update us!

  26. Wow Enfys this card is awesome. I think you should report the hole and bump. It happened here in Ottawa not too long ago and someones car fell in. Luckily the guy was ok. But the hole was huge.
    Have a great weekend. Love your blog :o)

  27. great idea to add some sparkle to the printed image for a twist.
    Thank you for the chance to win the cd.
    Heaney xx

  28. Love the card with the trees!
    Donna K U

  29. Love the trees on your first card. The second one is lovely as well. Would love to win the CD. Thanks for the chance.

  30. The card with the trees has to be my favorite! Love all the dimension you added with the cut outs and glitter. Good thing you did not get swallowed up!

  31. Great cards this week! thanks for the opportunity to win CDs.

  32. What an adorable Santa, love the shape of the card, and the snow finishes it for sure.

  33. lovely cards thanks for the chance to win ang

  34. Wow..your car/bump story...that's just crazy! Beauitful card's Enfys..the first one is my favorite!

  35. Brill cards yet again. Makes me think I need to start with the christmas card list, the cd looks like it makes this so easy which is brill!!!!!
    Chris x

  36. Lovely cards En! Ok, I have a question...Who would you call if you see a possible sink hole? 911 I guess. Hope you have a great weekend, and have a place to craft next week. Hugs, Jess

  37. Great cards. Glad you've not disappeared down a sink hole!

  38. Hi Enfys, Oh this is so so beautiful! the layout is of course stunning and those trees are so realistic looking you have so much talent and it really shows on both of your cards really are beautiful creations and thank you for the chance to take part in your wonderful Cd giveaway xx

  39. Enfys,
    Been out of town but trying to get caught up. I so love these cards. What a great CD. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all.

  40. Love both of these cards. Hope I win this one, if not will have to purchase it I think. Thanks for the chance to win. Look forward to your blog updates every day.

  41. Love those designs - would love to have one of these CDs. Thanks for your generosity!

  42. I love making Christmas cards. I loved them both. Crazy car park story I can wait to read what happened there. JudyCinWI

  43. I love both cards especially the circular one witj a window - so clever! Thanks for the chance to win this CD & all the other CDs you've been showcasing all week.

  44. I really like these cards Enfys, and just in time for a little holiday inspiration too!

    Whoa ... how wild it would be if you actually witnessing a sink hole in the makine. What a frightening thing to see ... thank goodness you were not in your cars and feeling it happen underneath you. Oh My!!!


  45. Love your cards. Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs Nina

  46. Love the Santa images! Great cards...feeling like I am late already getting started for the holidays.
    Your life is really full of adventure isn't it?? So glad you and your friends are ok.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!
    Have a great weekend.
    Sue Brailey

  47. Your cards are gorgeous.Both show how fantastic the cdrom is.Hope the car park is still there next time you go.Thank you for the chance to win - very generous.Hugs Debbie x

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Love it!! TFS
    I haven't done any digi crafting yet so this would be a wonderful way to give it a go.
    dmcardmaker (at AOL)

  50. Cute always...and adding the fun! Your grandkids are so lucky to have you!
    What a freaky thing to happen upon...I hope nobody gets hurt when it sinks! Thanks for sharing your stories and your talent w the rest of us!

    Carol aka cyimbugbitten
    bugbitten (at) hotmail (dot) com

  51. I like both cards. Your grandkids will love them, especially what you will probably put inside them! Thank you for the chance to win.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x