Monday, 16 April 2012

Yo ho ho.........

Here's one I made using an adorable little pirate stamp by Nellie Snellen. The ribbon tags were done with a Nellie punch, and the letters are little alpha stickers from her. All these are available from Scrappy-go-Lucky - I certainly haven't been able to find the teensy alphas here in the UK, mores the pity. I love these clip punches that she does, and will be using them a lot. The papers are old ones from a DCWV stack

Coloured with Promarkers...
Skin: blush and soft peach
blues: pastel blue, denim blue and cornflower
browns: sandstone, caramel, tan

Not a lot of time to sit and absorb the funny side of life at the moment - it's hard to do that when you are sitting in a doctors surgery for the seventh time in a week. However, I was cheered to read a horoscope while we were waiting. Mine said
'This past week has been very stressful, next week, the moon is in alignment with Mars and your stress will lessen. Soon you will be wondering what you were stressed about........'
Phew. What a relief, I felt instantly much much better, quite perky in fact (although I only believe horoscopes when they say something nice...). Then I saw the date on the magazine. February 2010. Oh dear. Gin and tonic anyone?


  1. Oh Enfys not sure why you are at the doctors but I am hoping everything is fine:( Haven't been over here much with all the work going on at home but its finally finished:) Love your gorgeous card and the little letter tags are brilliant. Big hugs

  2. So sorry to hear that life is a bit rough at the moment. Wishing you sunnier days ahead!

  3. hi en...hope everything is OK and sorry but I had to laugh about the horoscope being about 2 years out of date...sending big hugs kath xxx
    P.S. cute card by the way and love those little alpha tabs

  4. love the card Enfys, . Also love the colors of blue and brown together.
    Hope you Hubby is doing better!!

  5. Hope that horoscope was right and soon you will be over the stress. Wishing hubby all the best.

  6. I forgot to say how I love your card. Those little punches sure a re great.

  7. such a sweetie lovin' the banner

  8. Love the little tags - so useful! Hope things improve on the health front & that the horoscope you read also applies to 2012!! Pat

  9. Such an adorable card - the punch is brilliant! I hope your health improves and the horoscope comes true even though it is out of date - I'm sending positive vibes!!! xx

  10. Adorable card! Love the little tags. Very cute little pirate! Hope Mike is doing better. Still praying, Hugs, Jess

  11. You keep us all laughing in the isles so to speak!! Did you get the gin and tonic for stress? Ha!. Love the boy card. Soooooooo cute.

  12. Oh my goodness this is soooo cute. Love the way you did the sentiment. Glad to read Mike is feeling better. I am the same about horoscopes. Only the good ones even if they are very old. I hope the gin worked. For me it would have to be an Old Fashion.

  13. Awww, Enfys, I hope everything starts to turn around for the best! You have the right attitude to get you through it. And my goodness, this card couldn't be any more adorable! Love the color scheme!

  14. Maryellen WebberTuesday, April 17, 2012

    I love today's card, it's very cute! Sorry to hear you are back to the doctor again. Will keep you and your husband in my prayers.


  15. Beautiful card Enfys. Hope Mike is alright and you take care of yourself!

  16. Super Cute! I love the little guy!
    Miranda :)

  17. That digi image is so adorable! Great coloring too. I absolutely love that tag banner! Big cyber hugs for you and Mike - hang in there!

  18. What a gorgeous card Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  19. Your card is adorable. I'm hoping Mike is okday and you are only there for his checkup.

  20. Adorable card!! Your stories are hilarious!! Hope everythings okay with you and the hubby!!

  21. Love your gorgeous Pirate and so cute. Hugs x ChrisB

  22. I love your card and the way you used the letters is awesome. Your story about the horoscope made me laugh and boy did I need that today. Hope Mike is doing better.

  23. Cute little pirate. Love the banner. Hope your stressful days will soon be over and Mike is well on the road to recovery. Times like these are so trying and we wives have to stand strong (on the outside at least). I know sunshine is on its way.

  24. Cute little pirate card! Holding a good thought for you that life improves for you soon and your hubby is all better.

  25. I love this little fella. Your card is fab and the way you have kept everything looking 'soft' is lovely.

    Hope things turn around for you soon.

    Toni xx

  26. Gorgeous card Enfy's and thank you for complimenting my daughter, she was well chuffed and says you are now her best friend. LOL

  27. Gorgeous card Enfy's and thank you for complimenting my daughter, she was well chuffed and says you are now her best friend. LOL


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x