Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter - and some Sweet Peas....

I have been itching to make stuff with the new Sweet Pea collection by Craftwork Cards, the colours and textures are just gorgeous, my all time favourite I think. I love the whitewashed weathered wood look, and it makes it so easy to make lovely cards. For this first one, I just used two of the textured squares as a background to some stamped flowers (also by Craftwork Cards), and stamped the blooms a second time onto the taupe paper, and cut out.....

and this second one was made in much the same way, but using one of the diecut blooms as a focal point.....I get a lot of queries asking if these papers are available in the USA, Craftwork Cards will ship to North America, but there is a flat rate shipping charge of £22 which is $35, so if you are desperate to get hold of some, it may pay for you to club together with a couple of crafty friends to share the shipping costs. Card Candi and the messages are available in the States now though....

I mentioned news..... woo hoo! I am going to be doing stuff for Kanban Crafts, I have always loved their stamps and the gorgeous patterned cardstock, so I am very delighted to be joining a brand new design team, the postman has already staggered up the path with a huge box of goodies, so watch this space.........  

just to remind you, here are a few of my past cards made with Kanban products........

The monthly challenge closes tomorrow night, so if you have a bit of time on your hands in between scoffing all the Easter eggs, you just have time to get a card done.......

Off to London now for chocolatey hugs with Max and Milo.....


  1. Well done on becoming part of the Kanban team - they make some lovely products. Enjoy the choccie!

  2. Congratulations! Thats so cool! Your Craftwork Card cards are gorgeous - I have those stamps - must use them more! Have a fab day today xx

  3. Congrats on the Kanban design team! Love all the cards.
    Chocolate hugs, Jess

  4. Congratulations on oining the Kanban DT. Happy Easter xx

  5. Hi Enfys, sorry I haven't written much this week. We are hosting Easter Dinner tonight for 42 lovely family members and friends. Your cards are fantastic. Congrats on the Kanban team, can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Have a lovely Easter with your little grands.
    Big Hugs

  6. gosh you are a busy lady, congrats on joining the Kanban team, Love the ones your showing today, hope you have had a fabbie day in London

  7. What a gorgeous cards Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  8. Those are some wonderful cards! Congrats on the new DT, they are very lucky to have you.
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter with the little ones. Oh and the big ones too.

  9. All these cards are so wonderful, great creations.

  10. En, wonderful collection, love the tailored look of the first two but they are all spectacular. I finally got my hands on some Memory Box Dies and love love love em. Hugs

  11. Congrats on joining Kanban - does this mean we may see you on C&C? Hope you enjoyed your choccie treats. Pat x

  12. Congratulations on the new post with the Kanban team. All the cards are gorgeous.
    Kim xXx

  13. All the cards are so cute, specially no 7 is the best of all, h b 2 u.

    plastic cards
    plastic card printing
    scratch cards printing

  14. I love the soft colours of the Craftwork cards - so pretty.

    Congrats on joining the Kanban DT...the range has certainly included some fabulous stamps recently.

    Toni xx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x