Tuesday 20 March 2012

Through the Window today......

Here's a card I made with the Memory Box window die, Primula die and Twig branch die, Martha Stewart fence, leaves and small butterfly. All the elements were cut from white card and coloured with Promarkers. 

 I added some very neutral paper behind the window, the sort that looked as if it could be wallpaper inside the house. I embossed the card with a woodgrain folder and inked it, I wanted it to look like weatherbeaten wood cladding. I sponged green ink onto the bottom, to provide a background to the flowers behind the picket fence

The fence is a halloween fence punch by Martha Stewart that I picked up for a ridiculous sum - about $2 when they were selling off all the halloween stuff. I knew that I could use it year round if I snipped off the little bats - in fact, I think the little bats would look like holly leaves as well, inked in green and with a couple of dots of red here and there.

I am having a lovely visit here in London, we went to see Kiki and Monty yesterday, photos to follow, and I will be driving home later, I just hope it will be a better journey than the drive down, when a two hour journey took 4 1/2 hours because of motorway delays 


  1. Oh wow Enfys that card is stunning there is so much interesting bits on it, and those flowers are gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxx

  2. What a fabulous card En and so imaginative, love it.
    Max x

  3. Enfys this is sooooo pretty !!

    hugs Diane xx

  4. Wow! this is a work of art! I wouldn't mind that hanging in my home!

  5. Gorgeous card Enfys, I love the colour of the flowers. Pat x

  6. What a fabulous card, there are so many lovely dies and punches around now and this shows just what can be done with them.
    Kim xXx

  7. Enfys this is so lovely.

    Toni xx

  8. Hi Enfys, what a beautiful card. You are so lucky to have grabbed that punch for 2$. I will have more time to craft this weekend and will try making a card like this one. I need to go buy more Promarkers. Have a safe drive back.

  9. Hi Enfys, what a beautiful card. You are so lucky to have grabbed that punch for 2$. I will have more time to craft this weekend and will try making a card like this one. I need to go buy more Promarkers. Have a safe drive back.

  10. Love your card. Don't ya love when something is on clearance like that? I've gotten quite a few things this way, things that are "holiday" often only because of the color. Great use of the punches.

  11. I love your card, so beautiful!

  12. Such an amazing, beautiful card!!


  13. What a beautiful card Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  14. This is a beautiful card! Love the flowers.

  15. Love your card. I pinned it. I so want to get a few of those dies.

  16. Such a pretty card, lovely dies and the colours are so fresh hugs Karen

  17. Another beautiful card and you know this master gardener loves it. This is sort of your version of The Weather Channel's Weather Out Your Window. You always make me look at supplies and tools in a different light exposing new ways to use them for differnt than their first intended use.

  18. So gorgeous - what a bargain punch! Its good you can think outside the box, I am useless at that xx

  19. This is sooooo GORGEOUS!
    Miranda :)

  20. Very cute Enfys! And very creative. I love all those little flowers. They are the perfect size for cards. The colors are gorgeous.
    Looking forward to pix of the little ones. I'll bet they're growing like weeds.
    TFS, Hugs

  21. WOW. Thanks for being so inspiring. I need to learn to think outside the box more.

    Have a safe trip home.

    Hugs, CyndiU

  22. I love your beautiful card. The scene looks like it came right out of a movie. Just gorgeous.

  23. Hi En!!! Oh my gosh, it's been ages since I've been by to see you!! (hanging head) This card is gorgeous and I just ordered this window die last week! Now I can't wait to get my hands on it. LOL! Abolutely stunning work! Hope you're doing well and enjoying life!
    hugs, Sharon

  24. Awesome card, Enfys! I have a birthday coming up, and I'm borrowing this idea! Thanks so much for your inspiration!!


  25. What a lovely card, Enfys. Make me long for those flower. Not to much longer now though ;- ) Thanks for sharing these great ideas! Travel safe.

  26. Really pretty card, perfect use of those punches!

  27. I was just admiring the fence when I read how cheap you got it!! Wow that was a bargain and a half lol. I have been a bad blogger Enfys, feel like I have been living in a cave lol. Getting some construction done, house is a mess but I have to keep crafting as I have orders to see too. Hopefully the end result will be a new craft room for me:)

  28. OMG I forgot to say how much I loved your card Enfys:)

  29. Really love this En - would work fabulously in a box frame - a work of art! Cheers Claire x

  30. Love this card. Soooooo cute. Colors are great, so soft and original.

  31. OMG so many intricate pieces on this card - just lovely!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x