Thursday 22 December 2011

Kraft with Colour

I actually found time to sit at my desk and create a bit today - here's my first card made with the Craftwork Cards project of the month kit, Kraft with Colour.
Everything on the card is from the kit, including the base scallop edge card. The green scroll is a Fiskars die. The center square of paper is gorgeously foiled and gleaming in real life.....

We have mice!!! I went into the garage, and saw one scuttling across the floor - just a small little field mouse. 'That's okay' we thought 'it can't get into the house'

We have a bin on the inside of the cupboard underneath the sink in the kitchen, mounted to the inside of the door, it takes a plastic carrier bag, so a bit of recycling and a handy place to drop teabags all in one..... until I found it shredded, and tea leaves all over the floor of the cupboard.

I was astounded. I didn't know mice liked tea!

I was also astounded because how the heck did it get into the house? I think the answer is that we have Mickey in the garage, and Minnie in the kitchen cupboard.......

So, even though it is the season of goodwill to all men and mice, we got some poison stuff, it has been eaten, and there is a little twitching tail  underneath a box in the garage, I haven't dared open the cupboard door. I feel terrible, poor little things, all they were doing was have a nice cup of tea and now they are gone....

"Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
not even a mouse"

well, not in this house anyway!


  1. Oh my, we had mice in our flat in Tottenham, 30 years ago! What a nightmare - it's not that they eat everything that they can, it's that they pee and poo everywhere, too! UGH! I hope yours are gone now!!

    Thank you so much for your Christmas greeting on my blog, I really appreciate it! I hope you, too, have a very merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year!

    love Mags B x

  2. At least you found them before you also had the rest of the Disney cast! Had mice once, they make a horrible mess!

  3. Merry Christmas Enfys, to you and yours. All the best for the New Year.

  4. Merry Christmas Enfys! Thanks for dropping by my blog ~ hope you have fun and relaxing time with family and friends and hope all the mice are gone too!

  5. SO MAKE MY DAY!!!

    I'm sorry..but field mice are a part of everyday life when the cold weather comes in, and if it makes you feel any better, when I set the traps for them, I just say...."I'm sorry"..not in this house!! You'll just have to go somewhere else!!!!!!

  6. I always enjoy not only your lovely creations but your blog posts too. They certainly "make my spirit bright"! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and I wish you and your family a very Merry and mouse free Christmas :-)

  7. Hi Enfys, you made a fantastic card. I wish you a merry christmas.

  8. he he he he en!! cheeky mouse!! and I love love love your card hun, its so pretty.
    huge hugs Lou xxxx

  9. Your card is perfect! What a great kit!

    Your tea-drinking mice were squatters so they had to go! I don't blame you at all. Now it will be true that "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse" this holiday!

    Merry Christmas!

  10. We had mice once in our bin cupboard that also housed the cats biscuits! so we put the biscuits in a sturdy plastic container and in their fury at not being able to get at them the mice trashed anything they could in the cupboard, bags and cloths etc! Have a great xmas. xxx Carol

  11. Lovely card! And I'm so sorry but I don't like mice either, so it would have been the same faith for them in my house!

  12. We had mice in our garage one time and it got into a box of my daughter's stored toys. It ate the nose off one of the ORIGINAL Barbies! I had no problem putting out the poison! Love your card. Craft paper is so elegant looking and I never think to use it. Now I will.

  13. Good thing you saw and got her quick, before Mickey joined her in the house. We had them nest in the basement before we found them out. They usually move about and I can't figure out where to put the trap (don't use poison in the house because of the dog.) The trap sits there untouched and then I see signs of the mouse in another area of the house. Got a storm door for the garage and that helps ;- )

    Thanks for dropping by my blog ;- ) Have a very Blessed Christmas with your family and a Wonderfully crafty New Year!

  14. Merry Christmas Enfy! I just love your blog and all the funny stories you tell!! I hope your little visitors are all gone and didn't leave behind any friends. Thank you for your visit to my blog!

    plese.cathy at yahoo dot com

  15. Loving the card you've made from the new kit. Love all the kraft bits and pieces.Shame about the mices. We had two in November but we got them caught in a few days.Yuk... they frightened my daughter to death.Thanks for your lovely comment.Have a lovely Christmas and thank you for providing lots of inspiration and laughs along the way this year.Lots of love Debbie x

  16. Love your card and happy you are "without a mouse" for this wonderful Christmas!
    Just came by to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  17. Fabulous card, Enfys. I'm afraid, living on a farm, mice and even rats are frequent visitors, but I do draw the line at having them in the house! Fortunately we have four cats who do their job very well! Hope you have a great Christmas, and that Santa brings you something nice!

  18. merry christmas enfys, lovely card you always make me smile with your tales, thank goodness you caught your mice one year we had 30 in our shed we have fields all round us every day hubby would come in a give a body count, i didnt like to open the back door in case that got in.

  19. You might like to pop back to my blog and read about yet another scam which seems to be doing the rounds (we have just been called from them), just when we are up to our eyes in last minute preparations. Have a lovely Christmas.

  20. Forgot to say, sorry for making you raid the fridge. Take care and have a wonderful Christmas.

  21. Here in western Tennessee, USA when it get cold almost everyone gets field mice comeing in. They can get through the tinist of openings and if it is too tight they will just crew it bigger. If you find some small openings stick some coarse steel wool in it. They don't like their nose getting stuck. If my cats don't do the job a mice trap or 2 will.

  22. You just gave them a different kind of tea. The kind that gives you a nice looonnnggg sleep.
    Very pretty card. Glad you had time to create today.

  23. Hi, Enfy's. I agree with Rufus!!! You don't want the whole cast and crew!!!

    My dear friend, your card is gorgeous -- as always!

    I've been mia for so long from the community and trying so hard to catch up but it's almost impossible to do!!!

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a wonderful holiday comment; it was so nice to come back and see family-friends had visited!

    I also wish you and your family a very merry, warm, and blessed holiday filled with much love!!!


  24. lovely card En, have a wonderful Christmas

  25. Better to have Minnie in the garage me thinks lol. Love your gorgeous card, the craft papers are lovely. Hope you have a very Happy Christmas Enfys. Hugs

  26. Merry Christmas to all of you.I read this blog.It really interasting blog.Thanx to share with us.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x