Tuesday 26 July 2011

Polkadoodles CD to WIN

Here's a chance for you to win the just released

Magical Winter

one of two Christmas CD's that Nikky has designed for this season. So get ahead with your Christmas cards.......

just look at some of the whimsical digi stamps on the CD
Plus, there are loads of papers and sentiments..........
and SIX step by step ProMarker colouring tutorials

All you have to do is leave a comment under this post. I will draw a winner on Wednesday 3rd August

Here's a card for today. I found an old Pink Petticoat file on my computer - Lola Rose. I loved these images and used them a lot, but had totally forgotten about them....until now. The scallop rectangle is a Nellie Snellen die - look out for these, they are very reasonably priced and pretty designs as well. You cut them like Spellbinders nestabilities. The lacy slip at the back of the sentiment is a Martha punch. The grey panel was embossed with the swiss dots folder onto coredinations whitewash card, then rubbed with a nail file so that the black core showed
Kiki had a school sports day last week. She was taking part in an obstacle type race where they had to dribble a ball between cones, pick up objects etc. One task was to pick up scarves and hats and put them on, the children threw them around their necks and raced on. Our six year old potential Vogue model, however, carefully put the scarf on, checked that the edges were even, tied it in a stylish knot, adjusted the ends again, then started running again. She didn't win! (She was very good at dribbling the football though :)


  1. I love Polkadoodles CD's - thanks for the chance to win a copy of the new one.

    Lynn x

  2. Enfys,
    What a great CD... I love Christmas and Winter. I have one of the CD'S and I love it. I would love to have them all. Thanks for the chance to win. Great cards...
    Blog:http://lovethatexpressions.blogspot.com/ What are the chances that It will come up with #2.

  3. LOVE your card!!! What a funny story about your grandchild!
    brigitteetleschats at hotmail dot com

  4. Enfys, hope you are keeping OK. Oh I so love Polkadoodle CDs and would love to be in with a chance of winning this one as I think it would be perfect for the cards I make for charity. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  5. Would love to win the CD, the images look so cute and adorable. Thanks so much...

  6. Great card! This Polkadoodles cd looks like it would be so much fun to use. I posted your blog candy on my side bar.

    bhoward at kci dot net

  7. Enfys--The Polkadoodles CD looks amazing for the holidays. Thanks for the chance to win. And---I adore you card. So cute. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  8. Love your card!! Would love to win a copy of this, thanks for sharing with us! Charlotte

  9. Thanks for a chance to win, you are always so generous!

  10. thank you for the chance to win this Polkadoodles CD. Have not tried any of their image before.

  11. OMG . . . These digi stamps would go perfect with my new Promarkers! I love your card too! Thanks for a chance to win!

  12. Thanks for the chance to win a CD - this would be totally new to me as we don't have them available here

  13. Love the card and it would be great to win that CD!

  14. Oh i would love to win the CD., i need all the help i can get to get my cards done this year....many thanks for the chance...kimbob27 at hotmail dot com

  15. Ahh this is so sweet... I love her cute smile and the fab paper and layout. It is dorable ;)

  16. such a cute CD! I just love your granddaughter's story - she understands what is important - style over speed :)

  17. Thanks for the chance to win. I don't have any of these, but I do love CD's. I bet Kiki was the most stylish finisher. LOL

  18. What a great cd, thanks for a chance to win. Your card is lovely. X Anita

  19. Poor little Kiki but it sounds like she is more into her style than winning any old race lol. Pure female!! I love your card, very feminine:) Thanks for the chance to win that fabulous cd Enfys.

  20. fab cads Enfys, saw Nicky in Fleetwood a few weeks ago doing a demo in 'The Crafty Company'

    Thanks for a chance to win one of her fab cds xx

  21. Love your card lass! Thanks of the chance to win! Sal x

  22. Hi En
    I woiuld love to be the very proud owner of the fab CD - thanks for the chance to win it!
    I love Lola Rose too - and your card is fabulous!
    Have a wonderful day.
    Debs xx

  23. Love Polkadoodles designs !! Thanks Enfys for a chance of winning the CD !!

    hugs Diane xx

  24. I am saving up for this cd, I bought the christmas stamps but couldn't afford both, so it would be great to win it. Thanks for the chance.

  25. Enfys, I love your card and would love to win the CD as I don't have any of the Polkadoodle stamps or CD's.


  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Ooh Enfys, thanks for a chance to win this CD, it looks fab. I love the card, too. Your granddaughter sounds so precious.

  28. Hi Enfys, What a stylish grandaughter you have!!!Your story made me chuckle.Thank you for the chance to win this great Polkadoodles cdrom.I just love Polkadoodles.Another pretty card too.Love Debbie Johns x

  29. Always looking for great Christmas images. Thanks for the introduction and chance to win.

  30. i love polkadoodles cd the christmas one look intresting must make a start on xmas cards

  31. I would love to have a chance of winning this christmas CD. Thank you very much!!
    Marianne from http://Mariannesblogje.blogspot.com

  32. Enfys,
    What a great treat for a lucky someone. Thanks for a chance to win the Polkadoodles CD. The images look great.

  33. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely CD, Enfys. Have a wonderful day.

  34. This looks lovely Enfys. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I love the anecdotes at the end of your blog posts.


  35. Hi En, love, love, love the new look on your blog! Of course I love you card as well. Thanks so much for the chance at the polkadoodles CD! hugs, eileen

  36. I have loads of pink petticoat files, must go and have a look at them. Great card and thanks for the chance for winning the polkadoodles CD. :) x

  37. I would love to win the Polkadoodles CD! They are new to me, but I am going to have a look at them. They look awesome!

  38. Another fabulous card Enfys! I can just picture how stylish Kiki looked at the end of her race ... And I am totally on her side, if you don't finish as the finner, by God, at least you can look like a winner!!! =)

    Thanx for the opportunity to win this amazing CD too!


  39. Hi Enfys, love your card, great effects you have made!! Love the image!! I'm very into making Christmas cards, always do that in my summer holiday (I'm weird I know!!). The images on this CD look sooo sweet!! Thanks for the chance of winning it! Hugs, Frea

  40. Oh wow, I have Sundae of Seasons and I Love it... I would love to win this one, and since you'r drawing the winner on my birthday it might be possible for me to win...

  41. This is an awesome CD! Nikky is always outdoing herself. Thanks for the chance to win it :)

  42. The love the card! Can you use promarkers on a digital stamp? I have heard that the computer ink smears. Thanks for the chance to win this very cute CD.


  43. Love the story of your granddaughter! Nikky's CDs are all great! Thanks for the chance to win one.

  44. I just love the Polkadoodles CD. All you have to do is just mail it to ME!!! What a great collection of digi's. TFS, Mary M
    mmontecalvo at verizon dot net

  45. gorgeous card and like how you used the MS punched strip as I have that punch! Thanks for the chance to win the CD I will be getting very excited about Christmas onc the summer hols are over!

  46. I would love to win this CD with the adorable images and Promarker tutorials! Your granddaughter sounds like a real cutie!

  47. Thanks for a chance to win the CD with instructions for using the Promarkers. This would be the perfect way to start another collection of craft "stuff".

  48. What a great CD for Christmas projects. Thanks for the chance to win. Oh what a cute story of the race, I would have been laughing so hard, a true fashionista(sp)!!!

    Donna C.
    goCricutgo (CC)

  49. Oh Enfys - Christmas is my favorite holiday and I would love to win this CD - Thanks for the chance to win!! I love your blog!

    Donna Wilson

  50. oh, Enfys, the story about Kiki's sports day scarf antics made me smile - gotta love little girls. I only have boys but have looked after little girls and they are truly a species apart! Good for her, I say - she probably wwill be a model with those pretty looks too. Oh, and yes, would love the new CDrom, saw it on C&C tv and thought it was fab...love Nicky's work. xxx

  51. Don't you just love how children decide what is most important. I bet Kiki deserves a gold medal for "presentation!" So many cute images on that CD and so nice of you to give it away.

  52. Debbie K (N.B. Canada)Wednesday, July 27, 2011

    Your card is great,love the cute image. Your prize is great too and I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  53. I love the Polkadoodles CD. I am so ready to give it a try. Thanks for a chance to win.

  54. Very nice card! What a cute story about Kiki. I was lol picturing this.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    nanettemt at yahoo dot com

  55. Oh my goodness that is so funny. Did you teach her how to tie the scarf? Is there a video of it. That would be a great one.
    Love the card. I didn't know there was a beaded rectangle die cute. Cool
    I would love to win the CD.
    Thanks for another laugh and a chance to win a CD.

  56. Win or not - Lola is just adorable! I really love this card!

    Many blessings,

  57. As always, your card is lovely. Love the Kiki story, just too cute. Thanks for the chance to win!
    debbycrafts at yahoo dot com

  58. Hi Enfys! What an awesome looking CD!! I am already in the "Christmas state of mind"! I started making Christmas gifts and working on items for upcoming holiday craft sales! My hubby made me clean out my craft room this week, because he says I have too much, so I am having a sale this wekend and next. :( But if I win this, it will slide so nicely into my shelf!! :) Thanks for the chance to win!!

    GRKIDDO at VERIZON dot net

  59. Things do hide so easily on the computer, don't they! It is a cute image and I love the sentiment. Great card as always, Enfys. Kiki was just competing at a different level ;- ) Thanks for the give-away, too.

  60. Marlene said: Love the sweetie card. Don't have the CD but it would be great to win. Thanks so much.

  61. CD is so whimisical and would love to win it. thanks for the chance to win it.

  62. love your card - its very sweet! The CD looks great - I would love to win one x

  63. I love all your posts and your stories! Your grandchildren are beautiful!

  64. Hi Enfys, thank for a chance to win. I love Polka Doodle CD and I haven't been able to get that one yet. Happy crafting. Hugs x ChrisB

  65. Cute card and thanks for the opportunity to win!

  66. Adorable card!
    Thanks for the chance to win the CD, looks like some great designs.
    Love the story about the scarf, sometimes it's just so much better to look good than to win. LOL!

  67. Enfys, what an adorable story about your granddaughter. Thanks for the chance to win the Polkadoodles CD--I would love to try one of those! Your card is beautiful as ever! Thank-you! -Barb-

  68. Hi Enfys, I love the new polkadoodles CD's + I am sure the kids would enjoy making christmas cards + maybe decorations over the holidays. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Bev

  69. I would be so thrilled to win the CD. I always had such visions for my granddaughter, but none of them turned out. She's an awesome artist though so I'll accept that.

  70. Thanks for the chance to win this CD. I really need some inspiration to start my C*******s cards and this looks so cute.

    Love Lola by the way. Kim x

  71. Great give away Enfys, and love what you have done with Lola Rose image, I had forgotten how cute those images were...hugs Kath...

    and being stylish is in, you know :)


  73. really cute card.love the soft colors.thanks for the chance to win.

  74. oh wow huni you are so kind thankyou i really would love to make cards with this for christmas so ill keep everything crossed,i love the card on your post today its so pretty i love anything pink lol and your colouring is beautiful thx again for the giveaway
    Lorraine xx

  75. Thanks for the chance to win.

  76. Thanks for the chance to win the Polkadoodles CD. Christmas is my favorite holiday to make cards for.

  77. Very cute Image's on this CD!!!! Would love to win these!! Thanks for the chance!!

    ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

  78. These are just great and I just love ProMarkers.

  79. WOW! This would be a wonderful CD to win. Your creations are wonderful.

  80. what a great prize. It sure would be a great start on Christmas Cards. I am not much for coloring but my granddaughter and her friends love to color and use markers.
    Thanks for the chance to win,
    syoung6987 at aol dot com

  81. love the cd.i have paper boutique and love using it. sounds like your granddaughter and mine are a lot alike. mine is 5 1/2 and very fashion minded(this matches that doesn't). thanks for the chance to win.

  82. Enfys,

    Sure would love to be the winner. The CD looks awesome. I enjoyed the story about your granddaughter.

    Pat K

  83. A friend has been trying to get me into copic markers, I think this would do the trick. Thanks for all of your creative work. I look forward to your emails.

  84. Omg this looks like just what I need. Thank you for the chance to win.
    Linda in Stanwood

  85. Cute card !! I've never seen a Polkadoodles CD before but it looks really CUTE !!! Thanks for this chance !

  86. Love the cd!

  87. Would love to be the winner, don't have any of the CDs and looking forward to doing more stamping.
    Thanks for a chance to win.
    Hugs, CyndiU
    cureta2 at yahoo dot com

  88. Love the images on the cover of the CD! I need to invest in some of them. Your card is as adorable as always and I always love your stories. Thanks for sharing them and giving me my chuckles with my coffee!

  89. I have always wanted to try digi stamps. What an awesome chance at maybe winning, thank you so much. I just adore all your work

    Marlene W from Niagara Falls NY

  90. Beautiful card Enfys love the colours and the gorgeous design.
    Hugs Linda

  91. Oooh this looks fabulous, I saw Nicky demoing on CC so would love a chance to win.
    Max x

  92. I have yet to try Digi stamping. What fun it would be to add this media to my ever growing craft goodies. This would be a fun mew way for my to make my Christmas cards this year. Thanks for the chance to win. (e-mail follower)

  93. Love your blog it is so inspirational. Thank you for the chance of winning the CD.

    Cath x

  94. aww...these r SUPERCUTE..
    I'd love to own them,
    thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  95. Love your card! I would really love to win one of those polkadoodles CD's...don't own one, but all the images you show, and cards you make using them are always so good!! Thanks for the chance to win!!



I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x