Sunday 5 June 2011

Embellished Florals in White

Just before I came back to the UK I caved and bought the Embellished Floral cartridge for my Cricut. I had resisted it because the handbook shows really hideous combinations of colours, and it wasn't until I had a good look and imagined the cuts done in tonal shades, that I realised that the cuts really were very pretty, so for this card I rebelled totally against the strong colours and used all white......................

Butterfly cut at 3" - I wanted it BIG and I added texture with a swiss dots embossed layer, and added lots and lots of pearls (oops, just noticed the pearls from the antennae have slipped). The butterfly was cut from white pearlised card which has a subtle sheen
The base card is by Craftwork Cards, and the sentiment label was cut using Elegant Edges, and a Stampin Up stamp

I have had such a busy weekend with the children - yes, I took lots of photos but haven't had a chance to edit them yet. Kiki danced beautifully bless her, the babies greeted me joyfully so they hadn't forgotten me, and Max immediately wanted a trip to the park (in the pouring rain....), so all was well
I do hate driving in London though. It's a very nippy sort of place - people nip in and out of lanes, zipping in front of you and behind you. I need to go on a nippy course, I dither and miss the moment, so dither even more, indicator blinking madly - giving rise to the dreaded London toot. They are great tooters down there, hesitate for a moment and they all start tooting their horns like mad. So I drove, and dithered, and in a cacophony of toots found my way around, and eventually, exhausted, back home
See you tomorrow


  1. Love this card! Wonderful for a wedding.

  2. Wowzers! Totally stunning

  3. Your card is gorgeous! I bought that cartridge, too...and agree about the combinations that are shown in the manual...ick! but I love what you white on elegant!
    I'm doing a Cricut challenge and going through the 90 or so cartridges I have to make sure I use each one. I haven't gotten far in my challenge...just in the "b's" right now but when I get to the "e's" shortly...I may "lift" you idea here! Thanks!

  4. Beautiful card!!! It looks so pretty all in white and I LOVE all the pearl embellishments, so pretty! :-)

  5. BEAUTIFUL card, Enfys!!!

    Been a while since I visited, had been AWOL for awhile with internet problems. Anyway I just had to stop by and say "hi". I knew you'd have some fabulous for me to see too; you always do!!! This card is amazing and more so in all white!!!


  6. Wow, Enfys, it looks very great. I love the monochrome creation.
    Your card is really fantastic.

  7. Oh WOW Enfys this is gorgeous.

  8. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for the inspiration!

  9. WOWZA; this is so beautiful; love all the pearls - sooooo elegant!!

  10. Enfy,
    I absolutely LOVE what you did with that card/cartridge. It is SO elegant.
    I felt the same way about that cartridge. The colors were awful but I will take another look now that I've seen your beautiful cersion. TFS

  11. Enfys,
    Long time since I left a message. Still taking care of parents. Mom is having some problems. I read the blog daily with my coffee. Hope all is well with you. I love this card great job. Love the white............

  12. beautiful! I love white on white!

  13. This is absolutely BREATH-TAKINGINGLY beautiful! Wow! I want a box of 50 of these for weddings and anniversaries! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely idea.

    I know what you mean about driving in a place where they zip and honk! That's why we don't move to the city where our kids live! LOL!!

  14. Breathtaking! This card is beautiful!

  15. Very beautiful card, Enfys! My hubby was born and raised in the UK and he was laughing when I told him your story. He said you have to be a real aggressive driver or take the subways LOL! He has yet to take me and the kids there but I'll bet you we won't be driving around!

  16. What a wonderful card Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  17. Wow!!!! This is Gorgeous!!! LOVE the white on white look!!

  18. I am really starting to enjoy those monochromatic cards, but the white is by far the loveliest. An Amazing card!!


  19. Just incredible love. Hugs, Joan

  20. Love the card! I actually am partial to fancy white cards, so this is another beauty to me.

    I'm so happy you are with your grand babies! I know when I am away I miss mine terribly!

    Many blessings, Donna

  21. Today's card is so elegant! I just
    love it. Glad you made it home
    safely, city driving is no fun no
    matter where you are.
    Atlanta, GA

  22. Gorgeous Enfys! Just gorgeous. I've not seen that cartridge. So I'm off to check it out. Elegant edges is on my wish list. So this one will probly be too. Thank you very much! lol I can imagine what driving is like in London. I've said for years that SC drivers are some of the worst I've ever known. If it rains it's like 'just add water and you get instant idiot!' I often wonder where these people got their drivers license's .. I'm waiting for the new pix of the kiddies. Hugs, Jessica

  23. Stunning card, this puts a really different perspective on the Embellished Florals Cart.
    Have been born in London I learnt to drive there and it is the one thing I am thankful for about the place lol. Now when my son asks for a lift back to the Household Cavalry Barracks I really don't mind and quite enjoy the rat race of the traffic because compared to East Anglia where everyone drives at 20mph it is a like a thrill ride!!!
    Kim xXx

  24. I totally agree with you. The white is a much better choice. You continue to inspire me.
    Jan, your Canadian pal

  25. Hi Enfys,

    I love your card! You have always created beautiful masterpieces, and this one is no exception. So glad to visit you again my friend. Just stunning!

    Hugz, xx


  26. OOOh, I never thought of doing the cuts in all white! How gorgeous, En! sorry I've been MIA. I know when I pop over here there'll be tons of inspiration and some good laughs in your posts and the time has been slipping away from me. Gonna poke around a bit. xxD

  27. I love it so much! So pretty! I was about to say I have blogger who would love that card except i see above that Donna has already found you! So funny. You both do amazing white work!

  28. GORGEOUS!!!!! I'll go take a second look at that cart...

    London sounds like us trying to get to downtown put it nicely-zip...we just say psycho drivers...your honked at if your in their way or headlights flash you b/c you are driving the speed limits

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I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x