Friday 11 March 2011

Polkadoodle friday, and a book review and giveaway......

The challenge this week at Polkadoodles is black, white and one other colour - I chose red, a colour combo I am very fond of on cards.
The digi stamp image of the girl is from the All Around and Everywhere CD from Polkadoodles, I printed her out in black and white all ready to colour in with Promarkers.

The sentiment is a stamp from MFT, and the red and white paper, pleated to look like ribbon is from the Not for Girls CD
Colouring a black outfit is sooooo hard! I had to do it about four times before I was reasonably happy.
If you like a challenge, why not join us this week? Hop over and see what the rest of the design team came up with HERE

I was sent this book to review, a great big chunky book packed full of cardmaking ideas. It is beautifully photographed, and the projects are covered in a step-by-step format. All sorts of techniques are covered - using beads, napkins, heat embossing........and so on. On each page is an idea for a co-ordinating gift wrap. I would say that it is suitable for a beginner/intermediate level crafter rather than an advanced level cardmaker, and it covers the basics very efficiently. If you know anyone who would benefit from this book, I have this copy to give away. Just mention if you would like it in a comment under this post. I will draw a name out of the hat on Monday, and as always will mail worldwide

by Vivienne Bolton

this is a photograph of one of the projects, made with table napkins. I love peonies, so this one caught my eye.......

and here is a gift bag I made using the instructions. Strangely, although the instructions for the cards are very precise and detailed, the instructions for this bag were rather vague and not that easy to understand - I think she was making the point that the size of the bag depended on the size of the paper used. It would have been nice to be given precise instructions for a trial bag, so that you could then adapt the sizing more easily.
Having said that, it's a cute gift bag....... of course I had to adapt it. I made a flap for the front and scalloped that. The bag is closed with a velcro dot.

with a nice gusseted side. This one was made with a 12 x 12 sheet of paper

So there you go. If you would like to try 50 new projects, or know someone who would, leave me a comment to let me know.
We are off to see old friends of ours in Yorkshire this weekend, that is if the car is mended - I drove into a multi storey car park yesterday, pressed the button to wind the window down to take the ticket, wound it back up, and CRASH there was the most almighty bang as the window dropped like a stone into the door. There was a noise of broken glass. Oh dear. I went to pay - it cost me £2.30 and I was only in the car park for 2 minutes! It's now in the garage waiting for new bits, so watch this space


  1. Thanks for offering this book, it's something I think I'd enjoy having.

  2. Thank you for the chance of winning this lovely book. Oh dear hope the window doesn't cost to much to fix. This happened to us last year but instead of falling out it sort of lent out of the window, hubby had to hold onto it the whole way home and drive at the same time lol.Keep up the lovely cards , your work is amazing.

  3. Oh, what happened to your car? Sorry to hear this. Hope it doesn't cost too much for repairs.

  4. oh, I love to have my hands on this copy...because I am very much a visual learner. Thanks for the chance to own it.

  5. hiya sweetie
    your card is just stunning
    i love the color combo you've used
    sorry to hear about your window hunni, i hope they can fix it fast
    have a great weekend hunni
    i would love to own the magazine sweetie, i'm grazy for new project and i'm out of ideas
    thank you for the chance sweetie
    hugs angelique

  6. Fantastic sentiment!!!! fits me perfect!!! :o)... - but punches comes before shoes now... :o).. Lovely girl... I think you have made the colouring of her black clothes perfect!!! :o)

  7. Really fabulous card En and your colouring is superb! Sorry if it took you ages but it was was worth it as she looks so elegant.
    Thanks for making a really gorgeous project for my theme and hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  8. Sorry to hear about your car - so expensive! I'd love to win the book - I need all the card making help I can get!

  9. Hi Enfys, Love the colour combination you've used on your card.Gorgeous.Black and white is always so striking.Have a nice time if you get down to my neck of the woods-sunny Yorkshire today.....Hope the window gets fixed in time-the joys.Take care.Debbie x

  10. Enfys, sorry to hear about your car. I hope the garage get it sorted and you are able to get away. I would love for my name to go in "the hat" to win this lovely book. I am always on the look-out for new ideas for my cards I make for charity. Best wishes, Kym xx

  11. Hi Enfys, this looks like a great book to have and to cherish ! I would certainly love to become the new owner :) thanks for a chance to win it ! What a scary story about the car ! I'm learning to drive for the moment and would be in quite a panic I think ! (learning to drive at hte age of 36 isn't too simple, I'm already to old appearantly LOL)
    I like the card you have made and the sentiment is so true :)
    Enjoy your day !

  12. Love your "therapy" card Enfys! Is that paper or ribbon on the bottom? So sorry about your car. Isn't it frustrating when things like that happen?

    Thanks for the chance to win.


  13. Love the way your ribbon adds to the card. Can always use a book with inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. Love the card. You did a great job coloring with black. Any tips? The paper ribbon was a great addition. Hope the repair is not too costly. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book. The bag was just adorable.

  15. Hi Enfys, I love the samples you have made from the book and would love the chance to own it.

    Thank you

  16. I would love a copy of this book. I love to make cards but many times struggle for ideas! Love the red/white/black card...stunning!

  17. I love the bag. Thank you for the chance to win!

  18. Beautiful card. Hope your weekend goes well and you get your car sorted. Thanks for the chance to win the book sounds like something I would benefit from xx

  19. Gorgeous card and bag, Enfys. I love the coloring. You've done an amazing job with the black.
    So sorry to hear about your window. That happened to us once. Very scary to hear all that glass breaking!
    I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

  20. As always your work is just beautiful; thank you so much for sharing your ideas and YES I would love this book, I don't seem to have artistic talent and this would give me some ideas, hope your car is mended for your trip.

  21. Hi Enfys

    Your card is beautiful. Please count me in for your drawing of the book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
    Have a nice weekend!

  22. Love the chic style of your card, have a good weekend dear.

  23. Hello there! I love these paper crafts! I am new to card making and I'm not very creative so I usually have to view how to instructions online. I would love this book! Thank you for the chance to win it. Hope all is well with your car. Have a lovely day.

  24. I would like to the book as I was just looking to purchase a card making book yesterday. Thanks for the review and the chance to win!

  25. Thanks so much for the giveaway--I am always looking for new ideas and then adapting them to suit my style--I always say "You are never too old to learn new things". Sorry to hear about your car--hope it is repaired so that you can visit your friends.

  26. Hey En, I think I'd love the book. I'm totally stuck on instructional books, magazines, blogs, and videos. I can't get enough of them.
    Oh my goodness, I'll bet the window did make a horribly loud crash. Being inside the parking structure makes all noises intensify. Best of luck with the repairs.
    Hugs, Jessica

  27. I need all the help I can get. Thank you for the chance to win this nice book. It looks like a perfect book for me. My caar window did that same thing. Sure was a shocker.
    Mary Ann

  28. Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck with the window. I really like your card too. Coloring that outfit black really does look tricky. You did a great job on it. Pam

    pcrusberg at aol dot com

  29. Hi Enfys, hope you got your car mended and are on your way to Yorkshire tomorrow.
    Love your projects the bag is gorgeous and your cards stunning. with hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  30. Love this card, great idea to use pleated paper for the ribbon, might have to try that one:) Crikey how unlucky can you get, thats so strange about the window:( Hope it isn't too expensive!!

  31. I am a beginner and this books sounds that it would be helpful to me. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about your car window! Drat! I'd love the book - I consider myself intermediate, but it may be too expensive to mail to the US.

    I love the card - and I believe when you said black was difficult to color in. I would imagine! I also love the 1 page bag - so cute!

    Have a lovely weekend and many blessings, Donna

  33. I consider myself a beginner so I would love this book. Thanks!!


  34. I would definitely enjoy receiving this book. I have so much to learn about making cards. Thanks for the chance.

  35. I would love to be the one who wins this book. Making cards is a great passion of mine. Thanks for the opportunity.

  36. Texas Cropper says...

    Thanks for sharing ... I would love some new inspiration...

  37. I love the black and white and read and think I am going to have to get the polkadoodle set as I love the girl! I am always on the hunt for new ideas and thought processes and would love to win your book!! thanks so much for thinking of us...

  38. Love your card, very cute. I think you did a great job with the coloring!
    That book looks interesting to me and if it turned out to be something I couldn't use, I do have a friend to pass it on to, so Count me in!
    Sorry to hear about that car problem, things like that really stink!

  39. Love the card, especially the sentiment. I would totally LOVE a book like that. Thanks for the chance to win! karenpagedave at yahoo dot com

  40. Sorry to hear about the car, hope it gets fixed soon and it's not to expensive! I'd love to have this book. I'd give it to a friend who has just started making cards. It sounds perfect for her. Thanks for the chance at it.

  41. Cute card! I would love to win this book. I need all the help I can get.

  42. Your projects are gorgeous!!!

    I would love to have a shot at winning this book. I love to make cards, but I'm also creatively challenged.... so I'm always on you tube and any sites I can find that will help through the step-by-step process!

    Thank you so much for sharing & the chance to win!!!

    okj83 at live dot com

  43. So beautiful Enfys,I love the image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  44. Hi Enfys! As always, the shading on your card is stunning. You should put up one of your first tries sometime so we can see how you arrived to your final image and coloring. It is just beautiful. So sorry to hear about your car.
    Thanks again for a chance to win a wonderful book!
    barbferris at rochester dot rr dot com

  45. I love looking at your work and reading your stories. I need help with heat imbossing and if this book explains it, I say, pick me, pick me!!! Hope the car is a quick and cheap fix.
    Barbara in AZ USA

  46. I would love the book for my Mum who has Osteoporosis and is just starting card making to keep her mind of everything and keep busy as she is about to retire too.

    Your card is so lovely! the Red is so bold and striking against the black and white.

  47. thanks so much for the chance to win a great sounding book. Hope your car fix is not too costly and love the faux pleated ribbon on your card xxx

  48. You're so creative! Great card for Polka Doodles!!

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  49. I love the card that you made so cute. I look forward to your e-mail every morning. Thanks for the chance to win this book. Hope you got the car fixed quickly.
    rebeccajholley [at] gmail [dot] com

  50. Sorry to hear about your car window. Thanks for sharing your ideas from the book. I think I would enjoy doing projects from it. Thanks for the chance to win it. I hope you enjoyed your weekend in Yorkshire!


  51. Enfys,
    Thanks for the giveaway. I think I would enjoy it. I love new ideas and of late I have been in a creative slump.......Love the card as usual.

  52. Looks like a great book. You should do a book on Promarkers! I finally ordered several and am soo anxious to get going with them. Will watch your videos first. Hugs. Linda from MN

  53. Oh, Enfys, I would definitely benefit from the book. I need all the help I can get! I am always so inspired by your gorgeous wirk, but am not even close to that level or creativity! Please enter me in the contest. BTW I love the Warren rabbit! The cards are adorable! Would love to learn to colour like you do!

  54. Looks like a great book, hope your car got fixed ok.

  55. Thanks for offering this book to win. I love to read card books!

  56. oooooh!! the book looks VERY interesting and would luv a chance at sorry to hear about the window...never a dull there

  57. Your cards are just beautiful! Thanks for offering us the book. I need all the inspiration and help, I can get!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x