Wednesday 2 March 2011

Another Sugar Nellie....

I was asked if I could made a special birthday card for someone. They asked me to make a really elaborate, fancy card and told me her favourite colour was blue. Here's what I came up with.....
The stamp is by Sugar Nellie, coloured with Promarkers. Papers are by Colorbok - I added pearls to the swirls on the paper. Tiny butterflies are Martha Stewart and liquid pearls. A scrap of vintage lace, and some blue lace by Rusty Pickle. Base card and sentiment circle is Craftwork Cards and measures 6 x 6. I used one felt, and two paper flowers, all made with the rolled rose Dinamics die from MFT

I have a brand new fancy phone. My old contract was up, and I renegotiated with my service provider, part of the deal was a smart phone - not an iPhone, but a HTC Desire. I have been fiddling around with it for days. I have wanted a smart phone for ages, I suffered from swipe envy when I saw them being used. So now I have the local weather which pops up - if it's raining outside some cute little windscreen wipers start up - and a lot of apps, most of which I will never use, I know how to access the internet, my address book is ready to go. Just one problem. How do I make a call? I haven't a clue. As for's all a huge mystery. I feel quite nostalgic for my old phone which was super-easy to use, but there again, I must be thankful for small mercies, I couldn't play angry birds on my old one. I predict quite confidently that one of these days they are going to make a phone which will cook your dinner and wash the floor in between answering your calls for you.


  1. What a beautiful card!!! Love the blues and Sweet Nellie!!! I don't have a smart phone nor an iphone. I just have a you can call and text phone. No internet, etc. I like it that way!! Now I would love to have an iPod!! :)

  2. Absolutely gorgeous - beautiful colours, love the layout

  3. Hi En, this one is stunning she will love it. I love the blue but it is never a colour I tend to go with but I must try and move out of my comfort zone as this is gorgeous.
    Max x

  4. Hi Enfys, Amazing card. Simply beautiful.The colours, the image and the embellishments are fab.Can you tell that I love it.Take care.Debbie x

  5. Wow, Enfys, your card is wo adorable, I love the colours, the design and the image very much.

  6. Hi Enfys that card is stunning I love the flowers to. My hubby bought me a Wildfire and I just couldnt get on with it, it kept running away from me, so we decided to swop it for a Blackberry and I find it a lot easier to use thank goodness. No on screen keyboard. With hugs Shirleyxxx

  7. And no matter what it cost's I'm buying it! Especially if it does floors! lol
    I love your card Envys, it's just gorgeous,and full of pretties, and yet not so full that you can't see all the bit's and bobs. I love that sweet little face too! TFS
    Hugs, Jess

  8. Beautiful card. Amber says go to and you will be able to make a phone call too.

  9. Hey En, I must live a sheltered life, I've never seen liquid pearls before! Please tell me who makes it, and can I get it over here? It sure is nicer than adding several pearls on these little tiny butterflies. I do love this card, It's so.... blue! And just gorgeous!I looked at it up close, and your coloring is just fabulous! Great job En!

  10. WOW...what a beautiful card! I'm sure the recipient will LOVE it!

  11. Yup this is a fancy card alright. Great job coloring. You play angry birds? Say it isn't so, lol. Have a great day!!!!

  12. Very pretty card! I googled the outfit. Very cool. I love the hat. Do you still have the on your wore? Happy St. David's Day to you.

  13. This is such a beautiful card, I love the soft colours and pearls, add the lace and it's perfect.
    claire xxx

  14. You have outdone yourself this time. WOW!!!

  15. Hi En. So sorry i haven't been by in an age. I've been trying to do more crafting and less blogging, there just aren't enough hours in the day for it all.
    She looks a real cutie and those little butterflies are gorgeous.
    Hugs Lisax

  16. Stunning card Enfys. Love the blues and that sweet SN image. Thanks for popping by my blog. If phones end up doing that I will be in the Queue.

  17. Enfys ~ this card is absolutely beautiful! I love the soft colors, the flowers, pearls - oh, so pretty!

    Blessings, Donna

  18. Love this card Enfys.... Miss you... Hugs xx

  19. Beautiful card, such lovely shades. I'm glad to see you too are getting to grips with modern technology. I only want a phone to text and make calls, I'll be lost when I have to get a new one.

  20. This card is beautiful, they are going to love it.
    As for that phone, I'm chicken and don't have anything fancy like that. I just have a flip phone that calls and texts. Oh and it does take pictures, but I hardly ever do that. I'm not good with those little techy things.
    Good luck learning it all. And the phone does make your dinner if you want, all you have to do is look up a local restaurant that delivers and make the call. LOL!

  21. Beautiful card! I love the added pearls, Enfys. And I am LOL over your phone - I went through the same thing but now it's "easy" to use.

  22. This one is so adorable. I am just gaga ove the shades of blue. And what an amazing image! Good luck with your new phone. I have had a smartphone for yeears and just upgraded to the Iphone .. love it!

  23. I love your card Enfys, the flowers are gorgeous, and so is your coloring. I only have one question, why do you have to press send to answer a call? Did someone mistake the ok and send buttons and decide it would cost 1/1000000000 of a cent to correct? Have fun with your new phone, sounds fab! ~Diane

  24. PRECIOUS! Sure to be adored by the recipient! Have fun with your phone. I'm blissfully unaware of that technology. LOL xxD

  25. This is a stunning card Enfys, I am not normally a fan of blue but this is really striking. Love those Sugar Nellie images and this one really works for this card.
    Kim xXx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x