Saturday 11 December 2010

Two more days to go....

Another day, another chance to pop your name under this post to win 10 promarkers of your choice, two prizes up for grabs. Scroll down to Monday's post for full details
Today's card is another Ching Chou Kuik stamp. These fantasy art stamps are such fun to colour.

Promarkers used:
Skin - ivory and blush
Clothes - lavender, orchid, amethyst
hair cool grey 3, 4 and 5
I dotted a couple of tiny gems around on the coloured image, they don't show up in the photo.

Things were a bit fraught here yesterday, I was having trouble cramming everything into the suitcases (we are allowed two each, and a carry on), so I persuaded Mike that the only thing to do was to buy a bigger one. So off I trot to get a bigger case, and oops, just happened to find myself driving into Michaels (craft store) car park. I guiltily slunk home with three carrier bags full, now the new bigger suitcase is too heavy, and we are going to have to pay extra to take the original smaller suitcase as well. Oh dear, the air was a little bit frosty, but as any good wife would do, I nipped out for a bottle of wine, it has a very mellowing effect I find. It may not be so mellow on Sunday as we lug 5 suitcases and two wheely carry-on cases around various airports, but I can't think about that now....tomorrow is another day.


  1. Love your card. Purple is my favorite color, so that just makes it that much better. I knew you were going to say your luggage was too heavy. LOL I don't know how you do it. I can't imagine having to pack up everything. Thanks for another chance to win. I do love your coloring very much.

  2. You did a gorgeous job with this card. What a beautiful image!
    Wouldn't it be cheaper to just sent those extra things over to the UK via Fed Ex?
    You are too funny! Don't go in any more craft stores, just stay at home and relax with hubby!

  3. Beautiful card. Love the girls face, very enchanting. Thanks for another chance to win the markers. I want them really bad!

  4. Beautiful card. Good luck on your trip. I can't imagine having to tote craft supplies between two locations. I look forward to hearing how it went. =)

  5. Lovely card, they are lots of fun to color, aren't they. Too funny about Micheal's and the luggage. Pour him some more wine! I can't even imagine trying to deal with having my crafty stash in 2 different countries. 2 dif states is bad enough, but at least I can drive. (and thereby haul MORE!) You think things can get frosty over a suitcase (or 2 who's counting?) Try a car full! lol. Travel safe and enjoy the holidays with those marvelous Grandkids.

  6. thank you for another chance to win. As for the suitcases, how very Scarlet O'hara of you. After everything else you've had to pay, the $4 for the little trolley to push your suitcases seems like a steal.

  7. gorgeous card! love the purple!

  8. Oh, those purples are so pretty. I would not be able to do two crafting rooms in different countries! ♥

  9. I,m in on his your card look,s perfect.

  10. Good luck on your trip. Beautiful colors on the card. Thank you win.

  11. i just love your card sweetie
    i love the color you've used
    oh my so many suitcases!!!
    enjoy your goodies sweetie
    thanks for another chance to win
    hugs angelique

  12. I love your purple sweet pea card. Sweet Pea is one of my favorite stamps. Again you colored it perfect. Thanks again for a chance to win the markers. X Anita

  13. Oh dear - Heavy suitcases can be a problem.
    Your card today is most impressive, love the colours

  14. So wonderful card Enfys,I love the image and the colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  15. Lovely card, and great story too!!! I guess having two craft locations means having to have two lots of crafting stash - sounds great to me!

  16. Beautiful card yet again,understated but so gorgeous.Thanks again for the chance to win.Debbie x

  17. The card is exquisite........and your story about the suitcase made me chuckle....sounds like something I would do! Good luck on dragging all those suitcases around.
    I am praying that I win!!!!

  18. Oh Enfys, you make me laugh! I usually check my emails before going to bed. It's always nice to end my day with one of your funny stories. Please keep them coming!!!

  19. I love the colors you've used. I have a couple of her stamps and I love their eyes. It is amazing how our vehicles know where to turn and park, isn't it? LOL. Have a safe trip. Hugs, dj1952 (Debra)

  20. what a stunning card, the colours are fantastic xx

  21. Such a beautifully simple yet elegant card, love the colour...hugs Kath..

  22. Beautiful card! I love your story about Michael's and more luggage! Thanks for another chance to win.

  23. This one is very very nice. Love the colours.
    Carin (digicatonet)

  24. Wow, this is beautiful! The colors are perfect especially because purple is my favorite. Again, this card shows off your talent of coloring. Thanks so much for the chance to win... I would love those markers. AJ

  25. What a beautiful card! I love the colours and the punched border on the left hand side. Is that a Martha Stewart punch?

  26. I always have that problem with cases especially when I go to the US - Michaels and Jo-ann's have a lot to answer for!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  27. Great card!!! I love the purples.
    brigitteetleschats at hotmail dot com

  28. What a lovely card and great image. The last trip we took I sent our things along first in cartons so going through customs would be a breeze let alone the security checks. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything gets going up,up and away safely for you!

  29. Beautiful young maiden in purple... Love those Promarkers!

  30. Lovely card as usual.
    Have a safe trip and from now on stay our of craft stores or you will have to send your craft supplies by container ship!

  31. Stunning, as usual...Thank you

  32. Love the purples in your card. Had thought I knew which basic set of markers I needed to get my set started, and then you through in purple to mix it up. Good luck with your trip back and enjoy all those wonderful crafts when you get back to the UK. Have a wonderful trip!

  33. Such a beautiful card. Love the colors. Good luck with all that luggage! Should be a real fun (NOT) trip. Just think, in a few days you'll be posting about the trip back to the UK and it will be a "done deal".
    How could you NOT stop in Michael's? I feel obligated to go into any craft store I see-LOL. Have a safe trip home. Looking forward to seeing who wins the Promarkers.

  34. Another gorgeous image and colouring. Enjoyed your story about the suitcases and craft purchases. :)

  35. My first blog hop has been so much fun and I have seen so many circle members. Wish I had started blogging a long time ago.

  36. Hello! Another day and another lovely stamp. Purples are my favorites to color and this image is very pretty. Thanks again for your work and for sharing.God Bless

  37. Awesome card! you didn't stop in Michael's?! How do you stop yourself?!

  38. hi this is a beautiful card i love the image and the shading on her hair is amazing tfs xx

  39. You are so funny!
    :) I can so relate to the luggage story tho.

    Very pretty card.


  40. Enfys, you crack me up! Is it just me, or do you buy a new suitcase for nearly every trip across the Atlantic?
    Beautiful card, btw!

  41. Another beautifully coloured card and I love the edge punch you used.
    Have a safe trip to UK and I sure hope you have got lots of big thick jumpers!!
    Kim xXx

  42. Such a beautiful card. I love fantasy art and purple is such a vibrant color. Great job on your coloring!

  43. Funny story about the suitcase :)...I bet he is used to it by now...Thanks again for the coloring tip...I am learning so much from you....

  44. Your card is gorgeous! I love the fantasy look of it. Suitcases are always the funniest (in retrospect, of course. Have a save journey. Thank you for the chance to win.

  45. Your card is lovely. Thanks for the chance to win those wonderful markers.

  46. Needing a bigger suitcase is understandable...filling it up with NEW stuff, too funny! Have a safe trip.

  47. I really love how you colour the images. Hugs...Mona

  48. Your card is so enchanting and mysterious looking. Love your coloring. Yep, give him another glass of wine and you'll have him buying you another suitcase to put more goodies in! Have a safe trip.
    Mary Ann

  49. Lovely card, such detail.
    Safe trip and good luck with all the luggage!!

  50. Great coloring job on that beauty, Enfys. And it only takes one bottle of wine to soothe your husband, eh? That would be a good idea for me when I "accidentally" drive to Michael's, but my husband doesn't drink! Could work though, if I just drank it myself, I think! Thanks for the laugh.

  51. Such a stunning colored image!
    Beautiful card!

  52. Another beautiful card Enfys. I used to be the same way about going into kitchen stores but now have the added burden of any craft store as well. LOL. Have a safe journey home.

  53. So beautiful. I love those images, they're lovely to colour - challenging without being too complicated.

  54. Hi Enfys, I am with Tabitha as well, my fav. colour is purple - Donny Osmond purple!!!!! I love your tutorials on the Promarkers, I got mine out this week and am loving playing! Have a great Christmas to everybody out there.

  55. Lovely card, that image is gorgeous

  56. Love the colouring on this and if you look really hard you can see the gems. Good luck on your trip home and a safe journey. Thanks foir the chance to win.

  57. Another beautiful job!! I just love how you color these images!! I hope i win the 10 to start my collection

  58. Very pretty! I love the colors since I am a lilac...purple kind of girl! I am going to be praying for a safe trip for you and your hubby...We will be happy to see you again when you are back in the UK...God bless, Pamela

  59. Beautiful card. I always love reading how you solve situations!!!
    Have a safe trip.

    Barbara A in AZ USA

  60. You are a hoot! I love your site.
    Thanks for the smiles......
    Barbara A in AZ USA

  61. Love the cards - good luck with the packing - hope your cases are expandable!!! Please add my name to the draw JennyP (UK)

  62. Beautiful card, have a safe journey!

  63. This is so beautiful! Purple is one one of my favorite colors! Thank you for sharing another wonderful creation with us!
    Blessings, Donna

  64. Love that little book of christmas tags.


  65. Very pretty! Thank you for another chance to win!

  66. Absolutely Georgous!
    I would love to play at your house for a weekend:)

    Marlene W from NY

  67. A stunning card, En. Who can resist craft shopping, it's just too tempting.
    I went to our local craft shop today and there was a display of Polka Doodles cards and who's name did I spot, only yours!!!!!!
    Have a safe journey
    Hugs Lisax

  68. Wonderful project again! Sorry about the temptation of M's and then the extra weight! I'm sure the wine did the trick and hubby will forgive:0) Thanks again for the chance to win! Hugs, Denise

  69. LOL I'd have been afraid to go home! I can't imagine how you only have 5 cases! I'd have shipped some home. But maybe it's cheaper to fly with them than to ship them? Well I wish you all the best of luck with your travel plans. Take care, Hugs

  70. If I should win the markers I want the colors you used on this card!!! Your coloring on that fab image is so stunning,

  71. Beautiful card. You are really encouraging me to learn the fine art of coloring with the Promarkers. I hope that I may be the lucky one to start my collection.

  72. Gorgeous colouring and lovely image. Hugs x ChrisB

  73. I love the card you have done a fantastic job on colouring her in. Have a good flight home.


  74. Okay, I'll say it one more time. I would love to win the Promarkers. Love you card.

  75. Very pretty card and love the suitcase story. You are not only very talented, but funny as well. Thanks for the laugh!

  76. Hello Enfys, I love these sweet pea stamps and especially the way you coloured this one. I just bought myself three of them and got them in last week, but haven't had time to colour them yet. ABout your buying frenzy (LOL), It just means you will have to carry a lot of weight without moaning, but I'm sure is will be well worth it. Bug XXX Frea

  77. Such a beautiful and elegantly made card. The image is rather soulful isn't it, very lovely. Great colouring again. I personally think if you went out to buy a suit case you are within your rights to fill it with whatever you like lol. Thanks for another chance to win. Hugs lin

  78. Lovely card, gorgeous colours. Hope your journey is okay.

  79. What a gorgeous job of coloring the stamp. I am jealous. I have another suggestion to cut down on the weight of your suitcases.

    Order things online and have them delivered to one of your homes or the other. Address them to a neighbor so they won't set on the porch for a month or rent a mailbox at a The UPS Store or other such mailbox rentala place with a street address that will accept your packages and hold them until you arrive. When you arrive at each home you will have lots of new things to inspire you.
    Shari . . .

  80. Another gorgeous image by you! One day I am going to order a couple of these. The purple is really rich looking & my favorite color besides. Gee even on vacation I have finally learned to par down to the absolute necessities, cannot even imagine traveling back & forth with everything. I am also becoming very lazy in my old age. LOL

  81. beautiful card as usual i don't know how you can make each one prettier than the one before but you manage it. would love to win the markers and be able to try them. thanks for the chance

  82. You are so talented with the Promarkers.

  83. Beautiful card. I love the colors.

  84. Wow, I just love your work. And thanks for another chance to win!

  85. Love the card! And the suitcase story is just toooo funny!! Maybe you need to slip a little of that wine to Mike before ya'll get to the airport!! Have a safe trip home!! :)

  86. A lovely card , a girl in purple so sweet, You do wonderful art work.
    Thank you for the chance to win in the giveaway.. Best to you.

  87. Beautiful card! I love the colors.
    I have the same problem with Michael's but I am so happy I don't have to try to get it into a suitcase. I know there isn't a wine strong enough to mellow my hubby. Maybe so top shelf scotch would work. I will be thinking about you this weekend. Have a wonderful flight.

  88. Beautiful card as always, your coloring is fantastic. Have a safe trip home.

    Donna C.

  89. Enfys - I would love to win the Promarkers!! Thank you for your generosity!! I love every card you make!! Safe travels and can't wait to read another one of your funny stories.

    Donna Wilson

  90. The colors on this card are wonderful! You are so lucky to get to travel between the USA and the UK! Have a safe trip home.
    Maria S.
    scrapbooknut2002 at yahoo dot com

  91. Enfys, I LOVE how you colored this image... the "fantasy" Asian stamp is beautiful, to start with, but you made it WOW!
    Micheals parking lot always calls to me so I'm not surprised in the least that your luggage bags are abundant!

  92. Beautiful card! I love how you colored the image. Thanks for sharing!

  93. I love your image but even more I love your story. I don't know how you do it trip after trip. Stopping at Michaels sounds like something I would do and when I read it to my DH he said it wouldn't be frigid at our house, it would be an Arctic Freeze. Still hoping to be one of the winners so I can start doing some of your techniques with coloring.

  94. Gorgeous card and fab colour combo love the Sweetpea stamp too.
    Trish (-:

  95. Your sense of humor along with your artistic flare keeps me coming back!

  96. Good luck with the luggage!

    pawprintspetsits at yahoo dotcom

  97. Ooooo she looks so sexy. Coloring is fantastic and love that purple.

  98. I think I would need to win magic pens in order for my work to turn out as beautiful as yours! lol

  99. Love the color combo that you used!

    You have such talent.

    jcamp2020 at aol dot com

  100. Great Colour, the purple.
    I hope you get through the various airports okay.

  101. your card today is exquisite and I too am a purple fan! safe travels!

  102. Your card is fabulous, Enfys!
    Those overweight and extra baggage fees are quite steep! Maybe you should have just bought another ticket for your luggage. Not only would you have been able to put one on the seat and plus the 2 carry-ons, but you would have been able to check 2 since you're on an international flight. Just think of all the stuff you could transport!

  103. Beautiful card! Have a safe trip home.

  104. Very beautiful card!!! Love the smoky yet beautiful colors!! Good luck lugging all that baggage at the airport!! You might need a glass of wine after that trek!!!

  105. Enfys, I have been carefully looking at all your details in the promarker cards. I must say I am in awe of your talents. I never thought one could get such blending with markers. I look forward to seeing them each day. THANKS!!!

  106. Beautiful card! Love the purple color combo..thanks for a chance to win the promarkers..

  107. The card is very pretty and very nice use of the Promarkers, as always. Thanks again for sharing.

  108. I love your coloring! Excellent job!!!

  109. So pretty - your card - hope you have a safe trip.

    Nana Jo

  110. Your cards are always so elegant. I understand the luggage problem completely. If we ever fly anywhere my husband will want to just leave me at home because of the way I pack.

  111. Your cards are soooooooooooooo beautiful.

    Hope all goes well on your holiday. Take care and most importantly, have lots of fun.

  112. Another gorgeous card, Enfys! Beautiful job on the colouring and the layout of the card.
    And too funny -- nipping into Michaels as you're packing up to leave the country! Love it!

  113. Oh dear, how can you help but fall into the craft shop as you pass!!! There is a manetic pull, I'm sure of it!!!
    Love the card! The image is magical & the colours are divine!
    Thanks for the chance of the promarkers too!!!
    Dawn xx

  114. Gorgeous card! I love the colors you chose.


  115. Beautiful as always!

  116. wow en, she looks gorgeous,the pruples are so pretty, i love the punched edge too hun. hugs Lou xxx

  117. Oh you are a right wee devil Enfys lol. Poor hubby. Love your beautiful card though and seeing your talent hubby should always forgive you:)

  118. Lovely card. Thank you for the story made me giggle. Have a safe journey home and enjoy the holidays with your family.
    Cherylann (prinkles)

  119. I love all your cards, I can't wait for your post to arrive. As for the Angel paper I bought a package of it 5-6 yrs ago and I have never seen it since, its beautiful and I love the way you have make the card, will have to try it, do have a safe trip home
    Billie Rice, Ocala,Fl

  120. What a great card, love that image, and the coloring is fantastic! Love the border punches as well! Thanks for the chance to win!

  121. Enfys, I just love the purples in this card and the stamped image is exquisite. I wish we had some of these beautiful stamps that you use on your cards, here in the states. I mostly find words and tiny images in the craft stores like Michaels. Good luck on your trip home, and thanks again for the chance to win the Promarkers! -nu2scrap-

  122. Beautiful card Enfys - you have certainly done well with your coloring of this beautiful stamp. I also like your layout and colors!!! Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sharon :o)

  123. Love the violets. Good luck at the airports!

  124. Love this card!!! I love the purples....

  125. Love your card! I want so bad to win so that I can start doing digis because yours is just beautiful! You will have to do a tutorial on how to do a digi stamp.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  126. I love these stamps, you have made such a beautiful job of it.
    Colette xx

  127. You are so talented, thanks for sharing with us.

  128. What can I say but WOW. and dropping by Michaels sounds like something I would do than wonder how I was going to get them home. hee hee love your adventures.

  129. She's beautiful. You did a lovely job coloring her. And really, how can you not buy something when you're near a Michael's??

  130. I found these stamps because of you. You color them amazing. So life like. TFS!

  131. You are truly gifted... she looks almost real! Thanks for sharing another wonderful card!

  132. This stamp is beautiful & I love the purples you colored it with.

  133. I adore these types of stamps. They remind me of gorgeous and highly-detailed Japanese anime art. I just wish I owned more of them!

    BTW, what brand of ink do you use when stamping your images for marker coloring, Enfys? Your creations are always so crisp and clean. I'd love to know your secret!

    TIA and TFS! :o)

  134. Beautiful card! Just amazing!

  135. I really like your work. I hope that someday I can do this good. Thanks for another chance to win.

  136. that's a lovely stamp you used and the colors are lovely too.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x