Friday 3 December 2010

If it's Friday, it must be Polkadoodles

This week, our challenge is to make the sentiment the main focus of your card. That was an easy one, because on all the Polkadoodles CD's there are these sentiments, all ready to print out, looking gorgeously layered, and matching the papers perfectly.
I printed out a sheet of the brown gingham onto white cardstock, and cut the base card out of that, using the Birthday Bash cartridge for the Cricut that I got from Scrappy-go-Lucky. There are some really great shaped cards on there, and I liked the unusual shape of this one. I cut the green square from some plain Bazzill card, and the sentiment from the Sundae of Seasons CD by Polkadoodles.

I added a real button (threaded of course, buttons can't be naked in this cold weather), a bit of stitching, and a couple of mugs printed out from the CD (I printed them out in black and white, and just coloured the handles with my apple promarker)
If you love challenges, hop over to the blog to see what the team have done, and join us for the challenge
I was asked how I kept the threaded buttons flat. The way I do it is to tie the knot of thread on the top of the button rather than on the underside. I also use quite fine thread usually, embroidery skeins work well. I stick them on the project with a glue dot. The button in the photo above is an exception, I fastened the thread on the underside as I wanted the button to sit high above the printed green one.

I was having a conversation with my daughter who was trying to remember how old she was when she stopped believing in Santa. (It was probably quite young since she had two older brothers to torment her.)
So I said, in suitably anguished tones 'Alex, what are you trying to tell me? There is no Santa? NOOoooo, I can't bear it'
To her credit, (well, she has had me for a mum for the whole of her life, and is used to me now), she replied, without missing a beat
'I'm sorry mum, I meant to break it to you more gently'
I love my kids!

Don't forget to drop by on monday for the first of my monthly Promarker giveaways


  1. Love the card, the shape is fab and really different, and I totally agree with the sentiment.
    Colette xx

  2. Great card En, as all of yours are. I am shattered ... no Santa Claus? hugs, eileen

  3. The things these kids learn so early in life! LOL---Cute card, I need to lift it for a friend of mine.

  4. So cute. I love the shape of the card. TFS
    bhoward at kci dot net

  5. I really like this shaped card, Enfys. And since I don't have the right cartridge to cut it out, I can see how you could get the same effect with some careful measuring and a paper punch. Thanks for the great idea!

  6. Loved the card and the conversation with your daughter!
    Greetings from Northwestern, Ontario, Canada!

  7. Oh Dear Enfys I have had the same conversation at times with my daughters to, I can remember being told when I was about 5 and it wasnt a nice experience it took me awhile to get over it.
    Love your card design and the way youve created it. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  8. Hi Enfys
    fabulous card, luv the cups, great sentiment, hun santa is real honest! lol, sue,x

  9. Great card! Love the colors you chose for it. Very nice.

  10. That brown gingham is so perfect for the sentiment! Love that splash of bright green too. Thanks!

  11. The older ones do love to break the "good news" to their siblings, don't they? Stinkers! My youngest granddaughter still believes at 5, so hopefully her older brother who is 10, going on 30, doesn't pop Grandma's bubble!
    Cute shape on your card!
    Blessings to all, and to all a good night! Donna

  12. I have that cartridge and never use it, guess i'll hava blow the dust off. That is really cute and the story about your daughter.

  13. Enfy's, I love this card! I am still waiting for my CD's to get here that I ordered a few weeks ago...but I am getting so excited to use them. This card is absolutey adorable! I have heard that there is no Santa before:D( But, I do have a hubby that does a good impression of him :D) God bless,Pamela

  14. What a lovely card! I love the shape too! Your kids are lucky to have a mum with a sense of humor.
    But wait, you don't mean it do you? Of course Santa is real. I sit on his lap every year! If that's not Santa, then who is it. Oh wait, I know, he's a guy that likes old ladies sitting on his lap...And the chubbier the better! (she said in her best imitation of her sweetie's voice!)
    Hugs, Jess

  15. I love this Enfys - so creative - great coffee cups and a fab card shape! Cheers Claire x

  16. Love the combination of seing and paper. What size needle do you use?

  17. Love the shape Enfys, love the big stitches as well, great card. Ah aren't are kids so kind to us lol.

  18. Love your card Enfys and isn't that card shape fab. Thanks for the link.

    I really need a coffee now :)

  19. So there really isn't a Santa? Great I thought my week was already a little crazy. Now I find this out. LOVE the card BTW

  20. Hi Enfys,
    Cool card. Love the real button and stitching on it. Hope there is a gingham revival coz I LOVE the stuff.
    Sandra x

  21. What a gorgeous card Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.x

  22. Love your anecdote lol, kids eh!! I love the colour and shape of your card. It's nice to get out the the plain old square rut isn't it. Hugs lin

  23. gorgeous card, such a great shape, have a great weekend, hugs Debx

  24. Beautiful card Enfys, love the colour combo!

  25. OH I miss your stuff...I need to take time to go blog hopping...I miss my card friends...I have been sick...and busy knitting... had surgery...should be really good my January!!!.... then I hope I don't miss so much!!... I love your work so much you inspire me...and your friendship is dear to me!

  26. Oh I wish I had a daughter to share with. I will just have to enjoy your stories.
    I have been loving your cards this past week. I have been looking but no time to post. I see I better make time if I want my name in for some pens.LOL
    I will try. All this getting ready for Christmas is too much for me. I am not getting to play.

  27. I love all the rich textures you add to your cards!

    Cin P.

  28. Fab card and such a great shape!!!

  29. OOOH, now that card base I'm gonna have to use. Haven't even opened my Birthday bash yet. LOVE the colors and the sentiment too. OMG, you mean there IS NO Santa Claus? xxD


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x