Tuesday 21 December 2010

Clean and Simple

Here's a very clean and simple card, made with Craftwork Cards papers. I just cut slivers of papers at an angle, and stuck them in random sort of stripes down the bottom half of the card. The butterfly, sentiment button and the label shape are all CWC.

So the snow continues to fall - I am sure that all over the world people are astounded at how a few inches of snow can bring our airports (Heathrow in particular) to a close, well, take it from me, the British people are astounded as well. It is chaos and I feel so sorry for those people in this bitter cold, just trying to get home for Christmas.
In the meantime, Kiki, aged 6 was talking to her 'other' grandma the other day. She looked up, wide eyed, and whispered 'I can hear the reindeer in the sky grandma, can you hear the bells?'
The delightful innocence and belief of a little child - makes all the rushing about worthwhile doesn't it?
Stay warm, I'll be back tomorrow


  1. Sorry I've not been for a visit in ages hun - hope you are ok. Gorgeous card, a stunningly simply idea but so fabulously effective. Love it. Christmas hugs, Sxx

  2. Hi there Enfys, gorgeous card and brilliant idea it really does look very stylish. Children are magic. Have a very Happy Christmas:0) xx

  3. oh thats beautiful en, i love your slithers, they look so pretty. i treated myself to a couple of the little packs and have only made one card so far so when i get time over christmas i will have to break them out.
    How cute is kiki bless her.
    hugs Lou xxxx

  4. elle est tres belle cette carte
    j'aime beaucoup

  5. So glad that you made it home safely before all of the chaos over there Enfys! I've been watching on the news and feel horrible for all of the people dealing with this.

    Love your card. The color combo is very nice!

  6. love this card! This is going in my must try a card like that file..

  7. Love your card! It's very pretty! TFS

  8. Yes, our kids are the main reason we do what we do!
    I love that card En! It's just simple, but the colors make it POP!
    Merry Christmas

  9. Oh it sounds as though your granddaughter is getting excited being small is so innocent its just a shame they get told theres no Santa far to early for me, it takes away all the magic.
    I adore your card those papers are gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  10. This is a lovely card. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Merry Christmas

  11. Oooh this is a stunningly effective card idea. Love how those slivers all mingle together so well.
    Isn't that just the best age to have kids when they are so innocent like Kiki, you have just got to love them.
    Kim xXx

  12. Ah, CAS ... my very favorite. I love your card, perfect mix of color and pattern. But even more I love seeing winter through the eyes of Kiki. thanks so much for sharing. hugs, eileen

  13. love clean and simple! I hope you did hear the bells!
    liz :o)

  14. Love this card. I will use some of my scraps to make several
    Thank you
    Linda in Stanwood

  15. The card is simple and beautiful! Going to use your idea!

    Little ones are such a joy! I love my grandchildren so much and can just imagine my mini me saying just that! Thank you for sharing such a lovely moment with us!

    Merry Christmas! Donna

  16. As always, a BEAUTIFUL card!! Happy Holidays!!

  17. hey there! i love love love this card sketch!!! definitely a great way to clean up scraps. hope you don't mind if i try my hand at one of these! :)

  18. Glad you traveled last week! Love the look of that card! Clean and simple is sometimes the most beautiful! Oh and I can hear the jingle bells too! (Of course I live kinda close to the North Pole!)

  19. oh wow hun this is just amazing gosh it works so well,stunning,papers too,
    Also wanted to wish you and your family a happy xmas and a wonderful and healthy new year,love hugs cheryl xx

  20. Christmas is definitely a special time when there are little kids around, I really miss that and long for grandkids lol. Love your card Enfys, lovely mix of colours and patterns.

  21. Out of the mouth of babes comes such knowledge. Children always keep Christmas in their hearts and many of us adults need to take lessons. Have a wonderful Christmas with all those babies and stay warm. Love your card. Such a nice way to use up scraps that are much too pretty to dispose of.

  22. I love how you did this card! Beautiful!! It is all worth it!! :)

  23. Beautiful card...the way you cut those strips goes together excellently!!!


  24. Very stylish and elegant looking card there my dear. Please take care and stay warm. Geez it must be nasty over there.

  25. This is stunning. I love the strips of DP.
    Oh children are magical. I just retired from 20+ years of teaching 1st grade. I miss their special stories.

  26. Aren't children marvelous! They make the Holiday's magic, to be able to see it all through their eyes. Enjoy!

  27. Very nice card.
    It isn't just there that people and places are at a halt because of snow. There are a lot of places in the States that are the same. If it isn't the norm, it can be paralyzing! Hope things clear for you before Christmas and you can see those grands!

  28. Love the card Enfys. Love that Kiki still hears the bells too, wish we all could. ~Diane

  29. What a wonderful card Enfys,I love your papers and the colours.

    Merry Christmas.
    Hugs Riet.x

  30. Love this idea! So simple, yet so very elegant. Will definitely be giving this method a try. I can make some lovely cards to keep on hand and use up some of the scraps that are threatening to overtake the space I've put aside for them! LOL

    TFS Enfys! Hope the weather clears and cooperates long enough for you to see your darling grands!

  31. What a pretty card! just goes to show how stunning something simple can be :-)

  32. Envys, I wish you and your family a blessed Merry Christmas

  33. Hi Enfys:)
    I love your beautiful cards,always a pleasure to catch up,
    Thats what makes christmas..TFS!
    I wish you and yours a Very
    `Merry Christmas`
    Have a fab time lots of love :) xxx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x