Thursday 18 November 2010

Rosette Card

I have a bit of a thing about making these ultra-fashionable rosettes at the moment. Here's one I did using my favourite Craftwork Cards papers. The stripey label shape was cut from Storybook. They are easy to do, just cut a strip of paper about 1" wide, and start pleating into accordion pleats with your fingers, join the two ends. At this stage it will look like a little lampshade, punch two 1" circles and flattening the pleated cylinder, glue one to the front, and one to the back, this stabilizes the rosette. I punched along one edge before starting to pleat the paper

the butterflies were punched with a Martha Stewart punch

Don't forget to come back for the big Polkadoodles blog hop tomorrow, Nikky has been incredibly generous, and all the design team have some really fabby stuff to give away on their blogs...... here's a sneak peek at just a couple of the things from the package of goodies I will be giving away

See you tomorrow when you hop over here


  1. This is so pretty, I love the rosettes. Just beautiful!

  2. This is so wonderful, I love these rosettes.

  3. your paper rosettes and those delicious papers...can't wait to see you and mike...not long now...big hugs kath xxx

  4. What a really pretty idea! Love your card!

  5. This card turne out so beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing the instructions on how you made the rosettes. Love the colours.

  6. Very cute! Love the rossettes and the use of the color - very tender and light. Thanks for sharing!

  7. This is gorgeous Enfys, very pretty papers and love the rossettes.

  8. OMG !so dainty card...luv it...

  9. what a gorgeous rosettes
    your card is amazing sweetie
    hugs angelique

  10. Hi Enfys, a very pretty card, just love how you've punched your rosettes. Happy crafting Hugs x ChrisB

  11. beautiful En! I think I might spend some time today making some christmas one's to hang on my little tree. hugs, eileen

  12. What a beautiful fresh looking card. I really love your pretty rosettes. Not tried those myself...still playing with promarkers lol. Hugs lin

  13. Your card is beautiful. Love the rosettes. Reminds me of the desert I have been craving by the same name. LOL I will have to give grandma a call and maybe we can fry some up over the weekend. LOL Thanks for sharing.

  14. Such pretty colors. This master gardener loves the flowers and butterflys. I forget about all the pretty swirly shapes on Storybook. Thanks for reminding me.

  15. Beautiful card Enfys,I love your papers and the details.

    Hugs Riet.x

  16. Beautiful, beautiful card, En!

  17. Very pretty card, I love the rosettes!

  18. Looking forward to the blog hop. I love these little rosettes! Very pretty.

  19. What a beautiful card! Love how you did the Rosettes.

  20. I love your rosettes, great idea to punch them first too. They made such a beautiful card. ~Diane

  21. Beautiful EnFys! But this would have to be a deliver by hand creation. It would cost a mint to send! I've really been trying to make my cards without too many big embellies. I went to the post office last week and it cost me a bit over $16 to buy one book of stamps and post 6 cards! That'll be the last thick card I send. Well there are some Christmas Cards... Will I ever learn! lol
    Hugs, Jess

  22. That is a beautiful card, Enfys!! Thanks for the how-to with the rosettes. They are gorgeous.

  23. Enfys, I do so love reading your posts!! Thank you for the lovely card ideas, and videos. I am still catching up on the ProMarkers posts. A question, can I use both the ProMarkers and Copics on the same image? Will they blend/work together since both are alcohol based? Sorry if you already answered this question, but do appreciate your response.
    Thanks, Joan in St. Augustine

  24. I just love these rosettes! I am going to make a couple when I finish up here! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with all of us!
    Blessings, Donna

  25. Love the rosettes! Such a beautiful card!!! :)

  26. Another lovely dear, love how you did the rosettes.

  27. Love your card, especially the rosettes - I have to try making these - so stinking adorable :)! I love the paper you used too. TFS!

    :)Melody aka Ry&MysMom

  28. Totally beautiful card, love it:0) xx

  29. Very pretty card....I love the colors and the little roses on this card...TFS

  30. This is so sweet - love the rosettes and the butterflies.

  31. Hi, Enfys! Oh, what a stunning card!!! I just love the rosettes!!!

    Sorry I missed your wonderful giveaway! I really wanted to try to participate but I was just to preoccupied with my aunt. Hopefully, I'll be able to play the next time.

    Thank you for dropping in and leaving such a warm comment; I appreciate your taking the time to do that. I have such wonderful friends/family in you all!!!

  32. Very pretty card!! Have a millions things to do tomorrow night...but I'm going to try & be there.

  33. Enfys that is just a beautiful card, lovely rosettes.


  34. `Beautiful` card Enfys TFS:)
    Have a great weekend:) x

  35. Hi Enfys, tried to leave a message last night but my PC kept freezing, gorgeous cards hunny, you grandchildren will just love them, take care, also, have a great day next wk, I have sent you a card in the post, hope it gets there ok,

  36. Gorgeous card!

    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  37. Love these bubbly cards, great job.

    Love ya, Carol


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x