Monday 27 September 2010

Miss You............

A sweet little offering today, made with a Lili of the Valley stamp. The X stitches were done with my Paper Pizazz stitching template, the scallops were cut from a sheet of DCWV paper, tiny letters are by Making Memories, and the big letters are Thickers by American Crafts.

Promarkers used:
Skin blush and soft peach
grass - pear green and marsh green
clothes - marine blue
log and shadows - tan, warm grey 4, warm grey 3, ice grey 1
Talking of missing people, I saw some cute Halloween window clings in the dollar bin at Target, which I thought Kiki would love. So I popped them in a padded envelope with a card, and trundled down to the post office. It cost $7 to mail something that cost a dollar!
My sister is still having a hard time with the American accents. As I have never had the slightest problem, I just can't understand it. It got worse in the stores today, the assistant serving her couldn't understand her either. So there they were, both appealing to me 'what did she say?' I think I may apply for a job as interpreter for the United Nations - I am getting plenty of practice.
There is still time to pop your name under the Polkadoodles post (scroll down) to win the CD


  1. What an adorable card! I think its so dang cute and great coloring too :) TFS!

  2. Gorgeous card, dear Enfys. The layout is so beautiful and the image so cute.

  3. Enfys,

    This is such a sweet card. The LOTV stamps are some of my favorites. Thank you for stating what colors you use with the promarkers. I'm working on building up my inventory. :-) Hugs.
    I can always tell my husband that I was enabled by the lovely lady across the pond. LOL!

  4. Hey Enfys, How long do you think your sis would need to stay to start understanding us? Poor dear, it must be just awful for her! I know you are just happy to have her for awhile. So time just say "I'm sorry, I don't understand either" and watch as it unfolds. What a fun (but evil) time that would be! (Sorry to your sis for picking on her! I'm just kidding)

  5. Ok now a real comment on the card. I love the cross stitches. I have a stamp like that, I just never think to pull it out! What a cutie this little guy is! Thanks for sharing your talent!
    Hugs, Jess

  6. What a lovely card En, cute image and the perfect sentiment to go with it! His little face says it all.

    Love Lynda xxx

  7. Hi Enfys, thats a really lovely card, I adore that little chaps face he looks so hopeful.
    Sorry to hear your sister is having so much trouble interpretating what the assistants are saying, Im not sure what the answer is. With love and hugs Shirleyx

  8. I just love this darling card!!! :)

  9. Oh what lovely stories you would have as interpreter at the UN! lol. Your poor Sis, it must be difficult for her. This card is adorable and I too love that you tell us what colors you used in the Pro Markers. I am trying to buy a few also, it is good to see what ones I will get the best use out of. ~Diane

  10. What a lovely card, it is so cute.
    Kim xXx

  11. What an adorable card!!! That is such a sweet image.

  12. A gorgeous card, En.
    Hugs Lisax

  13. aww gorgeous card hun, luv all the stitching, lovely papers & design, sue,x

  14. loving this cute card en and hey they think they have probs with your would they understand me...big hugs kath xxx

  15. this is adorable. I love those little xs

  16. I think it's funny that you are translating English to English.

  17. If she thinks the accents in Florida are bad, bring her to Georgia! Sometimes the Southern is so thick I can't even understand it! LOL, hang in there.

  18. What a cute card. I love your coloring also. The cross stitches are a great addition. Thank you for sharing your stories with your sister also. I have trouble understanding Americans too but they are usually the ones from Mexico and Russia. Hee Hee.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x