Tuesday 25 May 2010

Shoes and handwriting..............................

This is another image by (I think) Stampendous, which my BBTB teamie Nikky sent me, don't you think these images are clever, I love the way the heel of the shoe is a fork. More of my favourite Making Memories black spotty paper, the pink and black spotty one is DCWV. Base card is a 6" scallop square by Craftwork Cards The punch is one of my new ones by Martha Stewart, I like this one, the tiny punched out daisy 'waste' from the punched out border are very useful to dress up a card

This next card is very simple for me, I do tend to throw a lot of stuff onto my cards, I always like the plain and simple ones just as much, but I don't often put them on the blog as they don't seem to photograph well. The base paper is by Heidi Grace, the letter N is Buck Naked chipboard, and the other letters I.............................WROTE MYSELF.

Now that is something of a miracle, I would love to have fabulous handwriting that I could scrawl across a card in a casual way, and have it looking good, but I don't. I am left handed, and my writing slopes to the left, not very pretty. After a few years of looking at fonts, I seem to be getting more confident though. Maybe one of these days I will be brave enough to write a whole sentiment, not just three little letters

It's a funny thing being left handed, although I can do most things with my right hand as well, apart from writing fluently and eating a boiled egg (I know, that sounds very random). Scissors can be a bit tricky too. Two of my three children are left handed, as was my mother. In her day, she was forced as a child to write with her right hand, and her M's and N's were written upside down, so that they looked like W's and U's for the rest of her life. If you leave a comment today, let us know if you are a lefty, they say creative people often are, it would be interesting to see if there are many of us about.

I have really faffed around today, I had such a list of cards I needed to make, and ended up making none of them, not one, nada, zilch, yet I was sitting there cutting and glueing for ages. How did that happen? It could have something to do with the fact that I was sitting there in bare feet, and a rather large, harmless but very unpleasant cockroach scuttled across the garage floor. It's really hard to make cards with your legs tucked up underneath you I discovered..............


  1. That would be hard to make a card with your knees tucked under you. lol Love both cards, but I really love the first. I am left handed too. hugs

  2. Hi Enfys, Love both cards my friend, so creative. Hope all is well with you and family.

    Hugz, xx


  3. Fabolours cards can I see. Specially the shoe is so crazy, I love it.

  4. Cute cards. I love the shoe card that shoe is great. Color make the card
    Linda in Stanwood

  5. Dear Enfys-I'm not a lefty but there are a lot of lefties in my family. Dad was a true lefty and incredibly talented. Gardening and floristry were his passion. Not a way to make a fortune. I absolutely live both your cards but the Nana one really does it for me. I know what you mean about the writing. Your own always looks like---your own.Other people think it's great but somehow you can never see it the same. Anyway yours looks just right on that card. Hugs BettyXXX

  6. My grandmother is left handed. Her teachers tried to get her to write with her right hand as well. She never could, it's like a righty trying to write left handed, it's not comfortable.

    I think your 3 little letters are perfect for that card! Love the cupcake card!

  7. Good morning Enfy's and wow what gorgeous cards you've been making, I am loving them. That shoe is fabulous, I have a funny feeling I might have that stamp somewhere!! also loving the Nana card, both gorgeous. I need to get creating too, I have spent too much time thinking! thinking about what im not sure! have a wonderful day hunny hugs Linda x

  8. Fabulous cards En love the cake shoe and i love the Nana I'm partial to a plainercard myself but know what you mean about photographing them for the blog. your handwritten letters look great! Now if i saw a cockroach I wouldn't still be sat on the chair I would have been running out as fast as I could lol!

  9. super cards En, love the image on the first.
    Your Grandchildren are growning up, and they are just gorgeous.

  10. Great cards, Enfys :D
    Love your writing!

    I'm creative...
    but I'm right handed (LOL)

    Hugs Anja

  11. Great cards today. I too am left handed.My Mom always complained about my messy handwriting. I never got the skill of Palmer Pittman classical writing that she was taught back in her day. Hugs from Michigan.

  12. Hi Enfys - that's a fabulous shoe image and I love that punch - it's like 2 for the price of one with that lovely daisy 'waste'. They could even be snowflakes too! Absolutely love the simplicity of the 2nd card the flower border is really pretty and I thought your letters were a funky rub-on - you should design a full alphabet!

    Love Lynda xxx

    PS I'm Right handed but everyone says I take after my grandad who was a 'Lefty' - he was a painter and decorator and was very creative. He used to help me with all my Art Projects.

  13. hmmm ... there may be something to the thought that "leftys" are creative people Enfys, because you certainly are! I, on the other hand, am a total "righty", which may explain my lack of creativity! In my younger years, my handwriting was beautiful ... but, alas, as I age, my writing appearance seems to be on a rapid decline! =(

    Love the cards ... beautifully done (as always) ... great colors too!


  14. Two lovely cards En, the red swirly paper is really lush!

    The Nana card is just beautiful, your writing looks like the doodles rub ons! Very professional!

    Hubby is a lefty hence his painting talent and clearly Im a right! lol!

    Keryn x

  15. Love both these cards, on the first I think that stamped image is a real fun one and the second I think your hand writing is fine and I am sure you could write a sentiment perfectly.
    Just for fun I too am a lefty and two of my four children are also lefty's and both of those are far more creative than the other two, strange how that works isn't it.
    Have a great day.
    Kim xXx

  16. Hi Enfys,
    I'm a lefty too, although I can use my right hand equally well but just not for writing. I knit right handed but sew left handed, I play golf right handed but racquet sports are all left handed. I use my knife and fork right handed but always a spoon is in the left hand! I guess i'm just mixed up!!!

    Lesley x

  17. Love the cards but my favourite is the second,lovely clean lines.

    I'm a righty but feel misunderstood now;-(........... LOL

  18. Great cards!
    I'm not a lefty but my hubby is. I think it's so funny to watch him try to use scissors, he always looks so akward.

    Enfys, I don't think I'd be able to do much of anything if I saw a cockroach anywhere near me. YUCK!!!

  19. I love these cards. I am a shoe freak and absolutely love that stamp. And I think your handwriting is perfect on the Nana card. What a sweet card.

    I am not a lefty, but my brother is. I understand that left handed people use the right side of their brain. The right side of the brain is where all the creativity comes from. So it stands to reason that you would be left handed. Very creative. That being said, I'm not sure what happened to my brother, not creative.

    Have a great day!

  20. LOLOLOL I often get such mental images when I read your blog!
    Those big ole roaches are horrible.
    I love your card. I'm a righty, but I too have wished for better handwriting.
    My BF is dyslexic, and complained one day that he couldn't read my notes, or lists. I looked at it and realized that I went from printed to cursive, and capitals to lower case, all in one word!!!! No wonder he couldn't read them. So I started to practice, a lot! Every entry into my journal, on a grocery list or even a letter was printed. So now my printing is pretty well in hand. And I'm not so nervous about writing in my cards or pages. But now it's time to start on the cursive, which often gets away from me as I write! Thanks for sharing, hugs, Jess

  21. Hi Enfys, My husband and I are
    both leftys. Our son is not. My
    husband is creative, he designs
    in 3D animaition for mechanical
    engineering. I'm a papercrafter,
    was into floral designing yrs ago.
    You'll have to let us know the
    results of your poll. :D

  22. I love both of your cards Enfys. But since I am a Nana, I lean towards that one.
    I am a lefty.
    Got my knuckles cracked quite a few times when I was in first grades and my mean old teacher try to make me a righty, but no luck.
    I am the first lefty in my family as far as we can figure.
    But my oldest Son turned out to be a lefty as well as a niece and nephew.
    They were brought to me to teach them to print.

  23. I love both of your cards Enfys. But since I am a Nana, I lean towards that one.
    I am a lefty.
    Got my knuckles cracked quite a few times when I was in first grades and my mean old teacher try to make me a righty, but no luck.
    I am the first lefty in my family as far as we can figure.
    But my oldest Son turned out to be a lefty as well as a niece and nephew.
    They were brought to me to teach them to print.

  24. Hi Enfys, I love both cards. I tend to do plainer cards myself as I'm never comfortable with putting loads of stuff on them, but I do love the very elaborate ones that other people make. I guess we've all got our own style and it'd be a boring world if we were all the same! xx

  25. What a beautiful cards Enfys,i love your image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  26. Hi Enfys, wow two fabulous cards, I love the saucy heel on that first card mind you I wouldnt want to walk on it, it looks a bit thin.
    I think youve done a brilliant job with the second one to.
    Im right handed but carnt use if for my computer I have to use my left hand, as I had my carpal tunnel done on my right and had to learn to use the left hand and since then I just carnt use my right hand at all. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  27. Hi Enfys, love your Nana card. I too am a lefty although in school I was made to write with the right hand and that is all I can do with the right hand.


  28. Love the card, what a cute image!
    I am right handed, all of my family is right handed, EXCEPT my son. He is right handed for gross motor skills like playing sports, but is left handed for fine motor skills like writing and drawing.
    Funny thing is, hubby and I and our families are all rightys, but of the 4 kids that he and his sis have, 3 of them are leftys. Wonder where that comes from.
    I have heard that about leftys being creative, but the 3 that are, are not all that creative, but my daughter who is a righty is the creative one in that generation.

  29. Hurrah for lefties! We are the only ones in our right minds.


  30. Yeah, you legs and knees do tend to get in the way when they are in your chair, too!!! Love these cards!!! That shoe is too too cute and that paper with Nana on it is just beautiful! I think your handwritten 'ana' are very nice. :)

  31. I'm a lefty! I'm also ambidextrous (sp?). I can use both hands fairly well and I write on the chalkboard better using my right hand. I think I write with my left hand because when I started school, my right arm was broken. That's also probably the reason why I can use both hands well :)

  32. Another joyful post Enfys...Both cards are absolutely beautiful...I really do have a hard time getting beyond the photos of your beautifl grandchildren though...sry?

  33. l Iove both cards! I am a leftie and have trouble find comfy scissors.

  34. TWO PERFECT cards! TFS!

  35. Love your cards! My husband and I are both left handed as are two of our grandchildren! None of us have very pretty handwriting!

  36. I'm left handed and have terrible handwriting. I did paint signs for about 18 years though and could letter like crazy with a Quill lettering brush. geeze.. go figure. I took classes in calligraphy but that just hurt my hand. (Like you wanted to know all this stuff.)
    I do love crafting though... I love to stamp, sew, paint and now I'm getting into digital scrapbooking.
    My first grade teacher (many decades ago) tried to make me write
    right handed but I protested PLUS she'd get on to me for doodling when I should have been paying attention.
    How funny to think about all that old stuff.

    take care and have a fun lefty day!

    Debbie Reaves

  37. Love your cards Enfys!
    My mother was left handed and was very creative, even majored in art. She had 10 children and 3 of us are lefties. I have 3 children and none are lefties - although i tried!! The nuns tried to make me use my right hand but my mom wouldn't allow it, so i too am a sloppy-writing leftie. People say i'm creative, but sometimes being creative is hard work!! All three of my daughters love crafting and are very creative!
    I enjoy your blog and your creativity that you share with us! Thank you!

  38. I ADORE the shoe image En, and your printing on the Nana card looks fab to me. Very artsy! Love these! xxD

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I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x