Wednesday 5 May 2010

Butterfly flutterby from Funky Hand

Anice, the designer and owner of Funky Hand has just released this download of some very clear and easy to use images. They have bold outlines, so are really easy to cut out and use in all sorts of ways.
I chose this butterfly because I knew that if I printed the top layer onto acetate, then coloured the back of the wings with copic markers, that it would give this stained glass effect. The borders are Martha pinking shears scallop, the button was punched from the coral pattern paper with a Martha button punch and threaded with string, the sentiment is a clear Studio G, the papers were all printed out from the Dreams Come True CD also by Funky Hand I attached the wings with pinflair glue, they really stand up, and sort of tremble when you move the card.
A quick update on the sinkhole - the cement trucks are still trundling up. How many loads must they have pumped in after all this time? With a bit of luck, they will have put so much cement in that some of it will have overspilled up our road, and made the whole of the neighbourhood a nice solid place to be.
I had a lunch out with girlfriends yesterday, it was lovely, just chatting and catching up. Two of them needed to buy a birthday present so we called in at one of those gift type shops, the ones that always smell gorgeous when you walk in through the door, and are full of very expensive little bits of stuff made out of crystal, and cutsey things that you are tempted to buy until you remember that you have a drawer full of cutsey things that you bought and now don't know what to do with. I have a lot of drawers that serve no purpose at all. Apart from my cutsey things drawer, I have a drawer stuffed full of keys that don't fit any lock that I am aware of, one full of really horrible photos, (the sort where the persons head has been chopped off, or they look as if they have a tree growing out of the top of their head), then there is the make up drawer, full of the most hideous colour lipsticks and eyeshadows you have ever seen.
See you tomorrow


  1. Wow, Enfay, your butterfly is fantastic.

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL card Enfys.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  3. This is beautiful Enfys...
    I love the pretty butterfly tfs
    Have a fab week:)x

  4. Beautiful card! Love the butterfly.

  5. gorgeous card, Enfys. Those wings are beautiful. I've never heard of pinfair glue but it really seems to work perfectly for this. hugs, eileen

  6. This is a really pretty card, butterfly is cool. Love the colors, very springy.

  7. I love how the butterfly turned out!

    Thanks for sharing Enfys, have a great day.

  8. Hi Enfys
    what an adorable card that butterfly is perfect,love it all.
    hugs chris xx

  9. Beautiful card Enfys. Would you share what type of markers you used? I have tried this and I get horrible streaks and puddly marks when I do. Take care, ~Diane

  10. Love that butterfly. What a beautiful card
    Thank you
    Linda in Stanwood

  11. Hey there! I love this butterfly! So I may have to buy this CD! What is that glue you used? And do you think I might have something similar in my stash? I have a 5x5 square box full of all sorts of glue, and then there's the smaller box of sticky stuff like glue dots etc. That box is full too, then there's the fabric stuff on the shelf. I thought I had a bit of every adhesive know to mankind. But I guess not! lol I hope you had a wonderful day out with the girls. I miss those days! Hugs

  12. That butterfly is just gorgeous! Beautiful card!! I think we all have those kinds of full full drawers! :)

  13. Love that beautiful butterfly... glad you had a fun day with your girlfriends..

  14. Hi Enfys
    oh gorgeous card, luv the flutterby, very pretty, sue,x

  15. Very pretty butterfly. I really like the color selection and they way it looks like stained glass.
    The sink hole situation is getting a little scary. Hope if it sinks, it sinks the other direction.

  16. Your butterfly is breathtaking!

  17. This is the most beautiful butterfly. I really must try to do one something like this. Hope your sinkhole is fixed. Here in Tennessee we have sink holes and washed out roads everywhere after this past weekend rain and flooding so I know what a pain this can be. It is so hard to figure out a different way to go where you want there are so many messed up roads.

  18. Love, Love, the butterfly. I wish you could see all my butterfly bushes. I have 13 that go up the drive and that is not counting in the back year. Great job.

  19. Love, Love your gorgeous card, and beautiful butterfly!
    Thanks for Sharing.

    I hope the cement fills all the underground sink holes.

  20. What is pinfair glue? Thanks for Sharing.

  21. WOW, you make the most AMAZING cards my friend!! I LOVE BUTTERFLIES, so this is one of my FAVORITES!! GREAT Job!

  22. Oh Enfys what a fabulous creation, love the acetate wings they really are gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  23. Amazing I love this card! and the butterfly is so adorable. Have a great week and Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such nice comment. It felt so good.. Thank you hope you'll continue to stop by.

    Take Care


  24. WOW this is absolutely stunning!

    Leanne xx

  25. Great butterfly. Lovely card.
    Hope that sink hole is filled in pretty soon, you are right, once they are done, your neighborhood should be nice and sturdy!

  26. Stunning card Enfay those copic pens are just starting to get popular here in NZ


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x